Tito_Falxus - Profile



LV 4

Read everything one arc at the time, web authors are evil. I use more emojis when i like things and less when it's meh. Cz is the cutest thing in existense.

2021-03-02 入りました Global

バッジ 7

Moments 5848



ch 160 Chapter 158: Bellatrix's Retribution

HP: The Arcane Thief

HP: The Arcane Thief

Book&Literature · Snollygoster


Yeah, true, if I was in that situation, not to a kid, but any 15 yo + that looks like a thief, I wouldn't mind stretching my legs a little 😇

Axel shrugged. "All these people, they've all got a lot of aggression inside them. They just hold it back because of the rules. But when they catch a criminal, especially a thief… it's like they're given a license. They stop thinking of you as a person and just unleash their aggression," he explained. "Their conscience is clear, since the thief clearly "deserves it"," he said, looking at himself getting beaten to a pulp. There was hidden bitterness in his voice that Daphne was able to discern.

HP: The Arcane Thief

HP: The Arcane Thief

Book&Literature · Snollygoster


I have been cursing you since Bella said that 🙄 I said this ik Scribble, but I didn't know this was the main platform, you need to balance the misunderstandings a little . They are always negative, give the MC some candy.

A.N.: There is nothing to fear. That's what I wanted to say before I start getting cursed. Daphne will be alright. Next chapter is a vanilla chapter. Relax. Take deep breaths. In...out... in... out

HP: The Arcane Thief

HP: The Arcane Thief

Book&Literature · Snollygoster


Hope this motivation makes her deal with the bird by herself, at least the rating game or whatever. If she doesn't, she is just a mare.

Rias, at first, was ecstatic to hear James' praise. As he walked past her toward Akeno, her mood fell rapidly. Before she could begin to rage, this time understandably, Venelana wrapped her arms around her from behind.

High School DxD: Scattered Cherry Blossoms

High School DxD: Scattered Cherry Blossoms

Anime & Comics · SixthSense1029



"[Well, Partner.]" Ddraig said in a serious tone before continuing. "[Every time you let the accumulated boosts explode, that crazy woman would hit you even harder in spots that have more pain receptors. She would just make you feel that many times more pain to offset the boost in defense.]"

High School DxD: Scattered Cherry Blossoms

High School DxD: Scattered Cherry Blossoms

Anime & Comics · SixthSense1029


Where is Koneko ?

Around twenty-five minutes later, the group arrived outside the girls' dormitory. Standing waiting for them were Rias, Akeno, and Reya. Shortly after meeting up, they left for the karaoke bar.

High School DxD: Scattered Cherry Blossoms

High School DxD: Scattered Cherry Blossoms

Anime & Comics · SixthSense1029


They could be to many, I remember there were few males in the school, especially in Rias year 🤔

"Sona thanked James, then the group made their way to the auditorium. Along the way, the boys' jealous glares continuously stabbed into James. This being the first time He had attracted this many negative emotions, he started to get uncomfortable. Outwardly though, his bright smile never left his face, which drew the gazes of many of the surrounding girls. As the boys noticed this, their glares intensified.

High School DxD: Scattered Cherry Blossoms

High School DxD: Scattered Cherry Blossoms

Anime & Comics · SixthSense1029


Mizore 🥰 My first waifu.

In a valley near the border between Alaska and Canada, a young girl, who appears to be nine or ten years old with light purple shoulder length hair, bangs swept to the left side of her forehead, and light blue irises and dark purple pupils wearing a white yukata made of light material, was running away from a group of humans, all dressed in white anti-cold gear, with inverted crosses stitched on each shoulder and their chest.

High School DxD: Scattered Cherry Blossoms

High School DxD: Scattered Cherry Blossoms

Anime & Comics · SixthSense1029


and cold showers

So Magnus did the one thing any emotionally unavailable gentleman would do, and drowned himself in more work than strictly healthy.

HP: Eagle Soars

HP: Eagle Soars

Book&Literature · SHEOGORATH


isn't she like 14 or less? where is our innocent Luna 💀

"Where's Delacour? Too sore to come with you?" Luna smirked, she smirked...the gall of her, he was almost proud.

HP: Eagle Soars

HP: Eagle Soars

Book&Literature · SHEOGORATH


🥰 I love fluff

ch 53 He Doesn’t Look So Fake Anymore.

HP: Eagle Soars

HP: Eagle Soars

Book&Literature · SHEOGORATH
