Judy_Njane_7774 - Profile



female LV 14

love reading as a hobby. the more reason I am here.

2021-04-04 入りました Kenya

バッジ 15

Moments 126


Uongo!!!! That’s swahili meaning lies….


Attempting to ease the tension, Raylen offered, "I apologise for my father's actions. He probably thought he was rectifying a past mistake." He then added reassuringly, "Had I known his intentions, I would have intervened to prevent him from approaching you."

Garden Of Poison

Garden Of Poison

Fantasy · ash_knight17


We now need a drunk Emily now that her heart is only beating for Ray Ray 🥰🥰😍😍.

"Ray Ray," Raylen gently corrected her with a soft, admonishing look while a pleasant and kind smile adorned his lips. 

Garden Of Poison

Garden Of Poison

Fantasy · ash_knight17


The game he was talking about. Crazy Aiden is going to scare a few people. Can’t wait 😝

Anastasia smiled as she observed the Blackthorn family reunion, but upon turning around, she noticed her sister was not there. But it wasn't just her, as Aiden was also nowhere to be seen, making her wonder if they had already made their way inside the palace. 

Garden Of Poison

Garden Of Poison

Fantasy · ash_knight17

Replied to Salvete_Mortem


Oooh please maxipad!!! I dare you to touch her. He is still fuming 😤. You will not know what hit you.


The people around waited as the king paused and then questioned, "Who here took the courtesan from the palace, contrary to my explicit orders that they are not to leave the Paradise Tower without permission?" His eyes fell on Anastasia, and he questioned, "Or did she leave of her own accord?" 

Garden Of Poison

Garden Of Poison

Fantasy · ash_knight17


Oooh my heart is beating so fast. Dante 🥺😭

"Then where did the letter go when it was claimed to have been delivered?!" Dante continued, glaring at them, his anger extending from Queen Maya to the Mother Queen. "Lady Sophia said the letter was sent by her, and the messenger confirmed its delivery. So where the fuck did it go?!"

Garden Of Poison

Garden Of Poison

Fantasy · ash_knight17


Or queen maya did it plus maryann because i still have a feeling maryann was maxwell’s soulmate and had to get rid of her for their plans to work. She also hated the girl.


"What's important is your safety. There's nothing wrong in keeping an eye on everyone," the Mother Queen stated before adding, "For the killer not to have been caught yet, it makes me feel as though it is someone we'd all least suspect. Goodnight, Emily."

Garden Of Poison

Garden Of Poison

Fantasy · ash_knight17


People in this palace don’t value their life…..He will not let anyone touch her.


"She's not here. Madame Minerva said one of the men of the royal court took interest in her and requested her to attend him tonight."

Garden Of Poison

Garden Of Poison

Fantasy · ash_knight17



Anastasia's eyes flared as she looked up to meet his gaze, quietly questioning whose fault it was. 

Garden Of Poison

Garden Of Poison

Fantasy · ash_knight17


Oooh dante, do you enjoy the taste of her blood


The next second, Anastasia felt Dante not so gently bite her earlobe, making her wince, 

Garden Of Poison

Garden Of Poison

Fantasy · ash_knight17

Replied to MonsterUnderTheBed

Let’s not be so harsh on her. She pretends to know dante alot but she doesn’t. Only a mother does. His mother was so quick to realize there is something blooming between dante and anna. 😍

Mother Queen Ginger didn't like anyone making a fool of her because she was no fool. As she didn't know if or when Dante's soulmate would arrive, she wanted to keep all options open and hoped to secure an heir from her first grandson. She glared daggers at the concubine, ordering, "Speak!" 

Garden Of Poison

Garden Of Poison

Fantasy · ash_knight17


Or did mary have to kill the king protecting her sister. Maybe the king got to know what they were up to after reading her mind. 🤷🏾‍♀️

When Anastasia looked around, a gasp escaped her lips when her eyes fell on King William lying in a pool of blood. But he wasn't alone, as not far from him lay Marianne's lifeless body. 

Garden Of Poison

Garden Of Poison

Fantasy · ash_knight17


And just like that our cinderella is gone without leaving a slipper…..


"There's no mention of the name Tasia in here," Mr. Gilbert frowned after going through the three parchments. Wondering if he had perhaps missed it, he went through them once again, but on not finding the name, a frown came to settle on his face. He asked himself, "Did the Mother Queen give another name?"

Garden Of Poison

Garden Of Poison

Fantasy · ash_knight17



When the door opened, Mr. Gilbert's eyes fell on the mute girl on the bed, covered in a blanket. Anastasia opened her eyes, as if their footsteps had woken her up, while Theresa released an internal sigh of relief.

Garden Of Poison

Garden Of Poison

Fantasy · ash_knight17


The king can read minds. 😫 what if he can read anns too and his actions were a warning….oooh God, let my mind not go there please 🙏…….

"If I am not wrong, the maid wasn't the one who sketched the things that were displayed yesterday. She lied, and my father probably knows it. Letting one person off the hook gives an opportunity for others to commit similar offences, which is why it's better to deal with such things swiftly."

Garden Of Poison

Garden Of Poison

Fantasy · ash_knight17


Very true grandma……


"It is decided, Aziel. Miss Flores will be the first one to give me my great-grandchild," the Mother Queen said with a satisfied tone.

Garden Of Poison

Garden Of Poison

Fantasy · ash_knight17


And the witches were just chilling, then boom 💥.

Vincent said to the Head Council, "About Noah's resurrection, you can tell that James was involved with witches and he created a potion by killing many lives and what not. Dead men tells no tales," he smiled, showing his fangs. 

Allure Of The Night

Allure Of The Night

Fantasy · ash_knight17



Her eyes fell on him, seeing that his hair was ruffled, he was in loose trousers, with a plain white shirt with its sleeves rolled to his elbow, and the top three buttons were left unbuttoned.

Garden Of Poison

Garden Of Poison

Fantasy · ash_knight17
