Webnovel Author: Adamo_Amet - Fanfic&Novel Collection



male LV 4

In anime's realm and manga's artful page,Where music's notes do dance and sweetly sing,In reading's deep embrace, I find my stage,And in creative tales, my heart takes wing.

2021-07-14 入りました Global

バッジ 11

Moments 4050

Replied to The_Pedantic_Troll

Hmm, i never considered that. anyways in this fanfic, principal and hokage are different positions. my Boi iruka is now the principal

The principal sat behind a massive oak desk, meticulously working through a stack of documents, the room silent except for the scratch of his pen.

Naruto : The System Files

Naruto : The System Files

Anime & Comics · Adamo_Amet

Replied to The_Pedantic_Troll

I have never once ever read anywhere where the hokage is the principal. Why would the Hokage be the principal ? he is the leader of the village.

The principal sat behind a massive oak desk, meticulously working through a stack of documents, the room silent except for the scratch of his pen.

Naruto : The System Files

Naruto : The System Files

Anime & Comics · Adamo_Amet


Story of the Four Thieves: According to folklore, during the Black Death in Europe, four thieves concocted a herbal vinegar that protected them from contracting the plague while they robbed the homes of the infected dead. .... Origin: The story is believed to have originated from Europe during the time of the Black Death in the 14th century. .... Creation Date: The exact date of the story’s creation is unclear, but it is associated with the period of the Black Death, which ravaged Europe from 1347 to 1351. .... Purpose: The tale was likely created as an explanation for survival amidst rampant disease, emphasizing the perceived power of herbal remedies and the cleverness of the thieves. .... History Trivia: The thieves were supposedly caught and brought to trial; in exchange for their freedom, they revealed their secret anti-plague recipe. The formula, often called "Four Thieves Vinegar," traditionally includes various herbs such as sage, cloves, rosemary, and other aromatics steeped in vinegar. Variations of the story sometimes mention the thieves as spice merchants or apothecaries who had knowledge of medicinal herbs, explaining their survival. Reality Check: The story of the Four Thieves is considered a legend or folk tale. There is no historical evidence to prove the existence of these thieves or the efficacy of their supposed plague-prevention concoction, though "Four Thieves Vinegar" continues to be popular in folk medicine. ..... Anyways here is what the Thorned ring looks like


Uzumaki clan temple/shrine


It was an imposing structure with a multi-layered roof that curled upwards at the edges. The wooden beams were fractured, and sections of the roof had collapsed.

Naruto : The System Files

Naruto : The System Files

Anime & Comics · Adamo_Amet


Definition: Shinigami, which literally translates to "death gods" or "gods of death," are spirits or supernatural entities in Japanese folklore believed to invite humans toward death or suggest the idea of death in their minds. .... Origins: The idea of Shinigami is relatively modern in Japanese mythology, having no clear roots in ancient Shinto or Buddhist practices. The concept is thought to have developed under Western influence, particularly the idea of the Grim Reaper, during the 18th and 19th centuries. .... Role and Function: Unlike Western depictions of a singular Grim Reaper, Shinigami often appear as a group and are said to work in pairs. They are not always seen as malevolent; in some stories, they simply ensure that death occurs at the appointed time, maintaining balance. .... Cultural Representation: Shinigami are commonly featured in modern Japanese arts and entertainment, particularly in manga and anime. In these contexts, they can have a variety of personalities and complex moral dimensions. .... Associations with Suicide: In some legends, Shinigami are said to possess individuals and influence them towards suicide. This aspect can be seen in various literary works in Japan where characters grapple with the struggle against fate and mortality. ... Comparison with Western Concepts: While similar to the Grim Reaper, Shinigami may have more in common with angels of death found in various mythologies, where their primary role is to guide souls to the afterlife rather than to decide when a person dies.


Curiosity piqued, Hinata and I joined her. Inside the shrine, instead of the typical statue of a god, there was a statue of the Shinigami.

Naruto : The System Files

Naruto : The System Files

Anime & Comics · Adamo_Amet


Definition of Hokora: A Hokora is a small Shinto shrine, often found along roadsides or in nature, dedicated to kami (divine spirits). These shrines are commonly placed in public areas to bring the essence of a larger, main shrine closer to daily paths of local residents. .... Origins: Hokora originate from Japanese Shinto practices. They are prevalent throughout Japan, reflecting the Shinto belief in kami that exist in natural elements and everyday surroundings. .... Time of Creation: While the exact timeline of the first Hokora is unclear due to the ancient origins of Shinto practices, these small shrines have been a part of Japanese culture for centuries. The practice likely became more defined and widespread with the formal establishment of Shintoism as a recognized religion. .... Purpose of Creation: Hokora are primarily made to offer a space for worship and veneration of specific kami, especially for travelers or those unable to visit large, distant shrines. They serve as a focal point for prayer, protection, and blessings. Often, they are dedicated to local kami or specific deities associated with aspects of daily life and nature. ... Historical Trivia: Personal Shrines: In many cases, individuals or families install Hokora near their homes to honor and seek favor from kami, especially those believed to protect against misfortune or bring prosperity. ... Evolving Usage: Originally, Hokora were more simplistic and utilitarian. Over time, they have become more ornate and sometimes reflect the architectural styles of larger Shinto shrines. .... Tourist Attractions: Certain famous Hokora have become tourist attractions, known for their unique characteristics or associated legends, such as the belief in granting specific wishes like success in exams or fertility.


And now, we stood before a Hokora—a small roadside Shinto shrine.

Naruto : The System Files

Naruto : The System Files

Anime & Comics · Adamo_Amet


Definition: An almanac is a yearly publication that includes information like weather forecasts, farmers' planting dates, tide tables, and other data relevant to the calendar year. ... Origins: The word "almanac" comes from the Arabic "al-manākh," meaning "the calendar." .... Early Examples: One of the earliest almanacs was written by the astronomer Abū Ishāq Ibrāhīm al-Zarqālī in 11th-century Islamic Spain. His work included tables that predicted the movements of the sun, moon, and planets. .... First Printed Almanacs: The first printed almanacs appeared in Europe in the 15th century, shortly after the invention of the printing press. These almanacs were widely popular for their utility in everyday planning and agriculture. .... Benjamin Franklin: One of the most famous almanac publishers in American history was Benjamin Franklin, who published the "Poor Richard's Almanack" under the pseudonym Richard Saunders from 1732 to 1758. This almanac contained weather predictions, humor, and aphorisms and was highly popular in colonial America. .... Agricultural Focus: In the United States, almanacs traditionally included extensive information on weather and agriculture, providing vital guidance for farmers on planting and harvesting. .... Historical Importance: Historically, almanacs were indispensable in daily life, especially before the advent of modern meteorology and easily accessible weather forecasting. They helped plan agricultural activities and were used by sailors to navigate. .... Old Farmer's Almanac: One of the most famous and longest continuously published almanacs is the "Old Farmer's Almanac," first published in 1792 in the United States. It claims to use a secret formula for weather predictions that considers sunspots, planetary positions, and the lunar cycle. Cultural Significance: In many cultures, almanacs also included astrological forecasts, feast days, and information about the best days to undertake various activities, underscoring their role in melding science with folklore.


Definition: A compendium is a concise but comprehensive compilation of a body of knowledge. It can be a summary or abstract of a larger work, a collection of condensed information on a specific subject, or an exhaustive compilation of resources. .... Origin of the Term: The word "compendium" originates from the Latin "compendere," which means "to weigh together" or "to sum up." This reflects the compendium’s purpose to distill and condense information into a more manageable form. .... Historical Development: The use of compendia has been prevalent throughout history, particularly in academic, religious, and scientific communities. In medieval Europe, compendia were widely used in universities for teaching, as they allowed scholars to access synthesized knowledge from various sources. Notable historical examples include theological compendia which summarized key theological texts and legal compendia which condensed laws and statutes. Famous Examples: "Naturalis Historia" by Pliny the Elder (1st century AD) – Considered one of the earliest examples of an encyclopedia, compiling vast amounts of information on natural history, geography, and the arts. "Summa Theologica" by Thomas Aquinas (1265-1274) – A summary of all the main theological teachings of the time, which has been a fundamental point of reference in Christian theology. Evolution Over Time: With the advent of printing in the 15th century, the production of compendia increased significantly as information became easier to disseminate. In the modern era, digital compendia have become common, especially with the rise of the internet, allowing for dynamic and constantly updated collections of knowledge.


[ Item: The Uzumaki Clan's Compendium ]

Naruto : The System Files

Naruto : The System Files

Anime & Comics · Adamo_Amet

Replied to R4IN

Capitalidsm baby


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Naruto : The System Files

Naruto : The System Files

Anime & Comics · Adamo_Amet
