ManEatingTurtle - Profile



male LV 3

Knowledge seeking, deducting, sociopathic freak. Nice to meet ya ;).

2021-08-24 入りました Portugal

バッジ 8

Moments 62

Replied to literatureisdead

It's a fantasy, no need for reality, it's fine if it seems cool

His pupils were not normal anymore either. They were shaped like a black cross that ran down the middle and towards the edges of his irises, almost like he was an anime character. These pupils were the effect of his All-Seeing Eyes.

Void Evolution System

Void Evolution System

Fantasy · Crocs_is_Dead

Replied to Macabreseraph

SAME! 🤣🤣

Zara continued to fight within the next 4 floors and reached the 49th floor as a true 1st class. With her evolution, she had gained 2 extra tails. It seemed to be related to her bloodline, but what exactly her bloodline is remained a mystery.

Void Evolution System

Void Evolution System

Fantasy · Crocs_is_Dead


Death flag right here, hers, I mean

Damien looked towards Elena again, 'Even if I need to sustain some internal bleeding, I have to make sure she makes it out too.'

Void Evolution System

Void Evolution System

Fantasy · Crocs_is_Dead

Replied to Chickeneat

No you are not.


"Ah, and from now on, I'll call you... Hannibal, that's if you want the name though," he said, before continuing on with the discussion. The leaflings became restless, though they felt happy that one of their own had finally been named, the others were even more determined to prove themselves. Lucius picked up on this but decided to ignore it, right now it seemed to be the only form of compensation for outstanding leaflings.

Reincarnated As A Plant Life

Reincarnated As A Plant Life

Fantasy · Kurai_Takahashi


This guy was the first thing that came to mind...


"My name is Lucius, apparently Lucius Elfwood. You can call me Luci for all I care, just enough of this Lighted Savior nonsense," he interrupted. If he had fingers and temples, he would be rubbing them right now.

Reincarnated As A Plant Life

Reincarnated As A Plant Life

Fantasy · Kurai_Takahashi


OMG, can't believe I'm the first to think this


They were [Military], [Technology], [Business], [Culture], and [Religion].

Ranking Of Kings: My Land Is SSS Rank

Ranking Of Kings: My Land Is SSS Rank

Fantasy · Prince Bojji


Du yu know da wae?


But he would be different because he knew. He knew the way.

New Eden: Live to Play, Play to Live

New Eden: Live to Play, Play to Live

Games · Galanar


Le Duc


"I have a parcel for Alexander Leduc. Is this the right address?" The man asked back.

New Eden: Live to Play, Play to Live

New Eden: Live to Play, Play to Live

Games · Galanar


How does he know what a rugby goalpost is? Is he not form another world?

"Enough to disassemble the rugby goalpost, carry them to the entrances in the outer layer, and block them off. I would also need a bunch of people who're willing to actually fight. Using monster corpses to block the main entrances will be quite helpful as well. Everyone needs to learn how to fight in order to survive in the Arcane Apocalypse sooner or later, either way!" Liam answered before he thought of something else as well.

Reverse Apocalypse: The Devil's Revenge

Reverse Apocalypse: The Devil's Revenge

Action · HideousGrain


Wasn't he abandoned and left with the humans since he was just born? How come his siblings not only remember him, but even know of his existence (since he was "useless", wouldn't his mother pretend he was never born)? Also, nice suspense! Hope you add a backstory down the line

He had been abandoned by everyone, banished from everywhere, and forced to kill to survive from a young age. His mother and siblings had always played around with him, or so they labeled it whenever they treated him like a piece of trash. They tortured him, and gave him seemingly impossible missions one after another, just to brief him about the situation on Haltan as his first opportunity to gain freedom.

Reverse Apocalypse: The Devil's Revenge

Reverse Apocalypse: The Devil's Revenge

Action · HideousGrain
