Nosliw - Profile



LV 13

Go Wild 😉

2022-01-21 入りました Global

バッジ 11

Moments 2712


You get the attention of men who lusted for your body but if you need their attention towards as a person, this isn't the way. I understand your frustration but you need to look into having some mutual interests and have some proper conversation so that you both enjoy each others company.

"This is all I have. Shouldn't this be enough to get a man to want to wed me? I got the attention of all his knights back here. You saw it!" Giselle yelled, frustrated that her appearance was working on the man she needed it to. "Do you think because he's spent so much time with knights that his interest in women is gone?" She whispered.

The Knight's Mysterious Maid

The Knight's Mysterious Maid

History · Violet_167



"Is that so? Then, Giselle. Rafael is busy taking care of a private matter, which would take an hour or so. If you wish to stay, take the maid and enjoy a drink or a bit of cake. I will find the head maid and tell her the maid is by your side," Christian said, resisting the urge to smile at the young maid glaring at him.

The Knight's Mysterious Maid

The Knight's Mysterious Maid

History · Violet_167


If this was Edgar, he would have thrown her off the estate... such a great difference in best friends

"Where did Rafael run off to?" Giselle asked for anyone to answer. She spent far longer than she would have liked searching for him and now that she had finally found him, he was off again without speaking to her. She needed to make the most of her being the only lady here. 

The Knight's Mysterious Maid

The Knight's Mysterious Maid

History · Violet_167



"Men!" Rafael called, turning to the knights who slacked off under Christian's leadership. "New training. Grab a chicken and put it back into the coops. Do not step on the eggs or you will be running around the estate until I  say so. Collect the eggs and put them in baskets. Do it before I count to two hundred and I will let you have an hour off-"

The Knight's Mysterious Maid

The Knight's Mysterious Maid

History · Violet_167


I feel sad for her to be doing this but can't stop myself from laughing 😂🤣🤣🤣

"Anyone who tries to fight me will find themselves being slowly roasted over a fire. I will start that fire right here and eat you, so think twice," Annalise said, pointing her finger to a few who she already knew would be an issue because of the way they kept turning their heads side to side to get a good look at her as they got closer to her.

The Knight's Mysterious Maid

The Knight's Mysterious Maid

History · Violet_167


I'm glad Annalise amuses you Rafael though she wouldn't agree with it 😉

"I see. There is no need for you to aid in finding them. The knights will do one last look over the estate, but if you come across any, feel free to tell Edwin. He will inform the knights. I am going to keep a close eye on you, Annalise. I still believe that your days here are numbered, but I look forward to being surprised," said Rafael. 

The Knight's Mysterious Maid

The Knight's Mysterious Maid

History · Violet_167


I can actually see Edgar placing the spider to scare his teacher 😂

"I am reminded of a childhood friend who once placed a spider for a teacher he knew was afraid of them to find. It was the perfect distraction for us to run away from school. He might find your games to be funny, but I have to stop them. I cannot have you continue to do this though others are troubling you. Let it end with Delila. I have many guests who pass through here and I agree their personalities are something, but you cannot do this. They would have your head," Rafael warned.

The Knight's Mysterious Maid

The Knight's Mysterious Maid

History · Violet_167


Do you really have to be this petty with the dress 😶

Delilah thought of leaving so she could hide how sad she was, but now her thoughts went back to the dress and how she wanted it for herself. If she could not get her hands on it to keep it as her own, it should be destroyed. The dress suited someone of her status, not a maid who would fool someone into thinking she was a refined lady when she wore it. 

The Knight's Mysterious Maid

The Knight's Mysterious Maid

History · Violet_167


I wonder why there are uninvited guests entering Rafael's mano r🙄 I clearly remember that nobody can enter Edgar's manor without his permission that includes his own mother. Though Rafael doesn't have a fancy title he'll definitely have gaurds at the gate. So why is he dealing with people Rafael doesn't like seeing in his home 🤔

Delilah's eyes trailed down to how exposed Giselle's chest was. One wrong move and her breasts would spill from the dress. It was what Giselle used to gain her many admirers. Just like Delilah, Giselle was also seeking a husband, and now Delilah knew that she had her eyes set on Rafael.

The Knight's Mysterious Maid

The Knight's Mysterious Maid

History · Violet_167


What is she planning now 🤔

"Perhaps it would be better for her to go with a lady. I can take her," Delilah offered. 

The Knight's Mysterious Maid

The Knight's Mysterious Maid

History · Violet_167


I kinda feel sorry for you 🤭

Annalise put the blanket to one side and picked up the top of the dress. It was white and similar in style to something Beatrice and the other women attending the party last night would wear. 'This is to replace the one Connor tore,' Annalise now remembered. 

The Knight's Mysterious Maid

The Knight's Mysterious Maid

History · Violet_167


Wrong timing Edwin... you could have given it to her after her shift discreetly 🤦🏻‍♀️

"Don't apologise. I like to see when someone is lost in their work. It is I who should apologise for interrupting you. The young master asked that I deliver this to you," Edwin said, holding out the dress and blanket he sent someone to buy early in the morning. He did not want to deliver Rafael's gift too late.

The Knight's Mysterious Maid

The Knight's Mysterious Maid

History · Violet_167


If Rafael and River have same personality like Beatrice said the River's response would be same as his son's.

John was relieved to see River. It was always easier to speak with him than with Rafael, who had a hidden temper. "Connor got into a bit of a situation, and I was trying to reason with your son to not let it spread around. We can take care of this matter privately. He is willing to sever the years-long relationship we have over this matter."

The Knight's Mysterious Maid

The Knight's Mysterious Maid

History · Violet_167


Whoa... he's going all out to get Connor.

"I will inform the town guards of what he has done and let them deal with it. Should you meddle and have him released, he will be sent to the palace to be with the other knights. Should he come around the maid, I shall see to it you never have the joy of holding a legitimate grandchild," said Rafael.

The Knight's Mysterious Maid

The Knight's Mysterious Maid

History · Violet_167


I'm enjoying Logan's character too much so I wouldn't want him dead.

"Thank goodness," Annalise muttered. Life would be better for everyone if Rafael took Logan somewhere and killed him right now. She wanted this growing interest in her to stop. She was being friendly as she tried to understand their ways and be close to them to get information, but nothing more than a fake friendship would happen.

The Knight's Mysterious Maid

The Knight's Mysterious Maid

History · Violet_167


Grant just wants the power of the throne dear... he wouldn't worry about helping your people 😮‍💨

The answer was at the tip of her tongue, but she could not place why it was familiar. Whoever this person was, they would be useful if they were willing to work with her people to get rid of the king. Anyone who was against the king could become her friend. For the king to need Rafael and the duke, it meant this person named Grant was not an easy opponent. 

The Knight's Mysterious Maid

The Knight's Mysterious Maid

History · Violet_167


You can't expect much from the King as we are talking about Tobias 😂 You can't expect any worthy information from Tobia's letters unless he sends a Royal Decree 🤭

Annalise opened the first letter, expecting to find something useful to her, but the more she read, the more confused she was about the letters sent to Rafael from the palace. The king spoke of matchmaking someone and requested Rafael visit the palace to see it. "This has to be a joke," she muttered, putting the paper back into an envelope and moving on to another.

The Knight's Mysterious Maid

The Knight's Mysterious Maid

History · Violet_167
