BookWorm313 - Profile



male LV 13

Love reading web and light novels witht he occasional manga. Enjoy playing computer games as well. Basically every teenage boy hahaha

2017-10-05 入りました Singapore

バッジ 10

Moments 44


As of Chapter 49 Writing Quality: 5/5 No visible mistakes were seen. (My english might not be the best so take it with a pinch of salt all you grammer nazis) Story Development: 5/5 A relatively light hearted story in my own opinion. This story has a theme seen by most light novel readers. However, the light heartedness of the story carries teally nicely despite there being a little gore in some areas. A relatively easy read. Character Design: 3/5 A typical aloof MC. There is nothing out of the ordinary about the MC so far. However, the MC stays true to his role and does not do anything out of character thus far. (OP and aloof MC). Not much is seen in the side characters as there is little to no depth in them. They feel very surface level (if you get what i mean). Updating Stability: 5/5 I jist binge all 48 chapters so i am assuming that this novel has daily releases. World Background: 3/5 A typical chinese fantasy theme as a world background. Nothing outstanding seen so far. Overall: 4.2/5 I would consider this a novel to pick up and run with. There seems to be alot of potential in this novel. However, this novel is fairly light hearted and not for those who enjoy grimdark. This novel can be considered more of a easy read type novel. The main issue with this novel (why it has a low score) is due to the lack of chapters which will be solved in the future. Will do a future review once there are more chapters


As of chapter 19 Writing Quality : 5/5 The overall writing quality of this novel is good thus far (little to no mistakes). Story Development : 4/5 There is not enough story development at this moment which is due to the lack of chapters. Character Design : 4/5 The novel is a basic MC type (monster evolution) ,but an interesting type of monster. There is already an introduction to 2 of the side characters. Not much is said so far on them. Stability of Update : 3/5 The lack of chapters and slow update speed made me give the novel a low score for update stability. World Background : 4/5 The world background is also lacking due to tge lack of chapters. Based of how the story is going i feel that the world background exploration will be slow and will open up massively once there is some form of civilisation found. Overall : 4/5 The novel so far is good and keeps the audiences attention. However, the lack of chapters will be the biggest factor to why this story will not be popular as of yet. Most novels end their introductory phase at around chapter 30-50 depending on how long their novel is expected to be. To be only at the introduction makes it hard for readers to want to keep up despite how interesting and good the story is so far. For people who do not mind the slow wait I would reccomend this novel to you. However, if you are a binge reader i reccommend you to come to this novel later when it hits higher numbers so you can binge read.
