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Capítulo 2: Chapter no.2 System

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[ You have slept in your bed. HP & CP are fully stored. ]

Begrudgingly, Naruto rose from his bed, his movements sluggish and mind foggy from the events of the previous night. The morning light streamed through his window, casting a warm glow across his room, but did little to clear the haze in his head. He rubbed his eyes, trying to piece together the fragments of his memory, but found he couldn't remember a single thing from the night before.

With a wave of his hand, he dismissed the gold-colored box that had been conjured in his sleep-addled state, a futile attempt to rouse him from his slumber.

His feet met the frigid embrace of the hardwood floor, a reminder of his landlord's callousness in shutting off the heat once again. Ignoring the hovering green boxes above his potted plants, Naruto stretched his arms above his head, stifling a yawn as he surveyed his bleak surroundings.

His meager assortment of belongings, including a few potted plants, offered a muted greeting as he made his way to his dresser, where he retrieved a fresh set of undergarments and his track suit. Though it may have been considered unwashed by some, to Naruto it was only deemed so if it was soiled with blood, vomit from fending off drunken assailants, or the remnants of spoilt food from the marketplace.

In the cramped quarters of his apartment, Naruto sauntered towards the single bathroom, a makeshift space with only a shower and toilet. As he closed the door behind him, he deftly jammed a kunai into the door frame to secure his privacy, for the doorknob had long been broken and his landlord had no inclination to repair it.

He briefly glanced in the mirror, seeing the blue lettering above his head but not really registering it as he scrutinize his nose and whisker marks. He turned from the mirror and flipped up the toilet seat, careful not to break it any further as the landlord once again wouldn't fix it. He couldn't help the sigh of relief as he relieved himself of the excess liquid that filled his bladder as he slept. He put the lid down but wouldn't flush a number one, only number two gets flushed and usually he'd go out for that.

Business done, he stripped down quickly and stepped into the shower and braced himself as he turned on the water. Without any time to waste, he was met a moment later by ice cold water jolting him wide awake. He quickly grabbed the bar of soap and began to hastily scrub his body from top to bottom, making sure he got all the sensitive bits along the way. Then just as quickly he rinsed and turned off the shower.

All told, it took about two minutes of his time.

Naruto stepped out of the shower, his hand reaching for the toothbrush, its bristles already coated with a dollop of toothpaste. With a vigor that belied his circumstance, he assaulted his mouth, though the act brought him no pleasure. He couldn't justify the use of the water, you see.

Exiting the bathroom, he made his way to the window, his fire escape, and the water pale he had strategically placed the night prior to collect the precious rain. The vessel was half-full, a commendable haul for a single night. In the kitchen, he poured the collected water into two pitchers, pausing to pour himself a glass before placing the pitchers within his fridge.

Ah, the refrigerator. The landlord, the damned landlord, had neglected to fix or replace the appliance, and the man could scarcely afford to do it himself. It would not keep the water cold, per se, but it would at least prevent it from warming.

Naruto returned to the bathroom, scrubbing his teeth once more before holding the toothbrush over the sink and pouring a trickle of water over it. He could not afford to waste the water, not in a land that, for all its lushness, saw too little rain.

Walking back to the bathroom, he drank the water as he walked. Settling the toothbrush back onto the counter, he dressed himself and fussed with his hair. In doing so, he finally noticed the blue, glowing words hovering above his head.

[ Name: Naruto Uzumaki ]

[ Level: 1 ]

"What the fuck?" he questioned aloud. He moved his hands up and waved them through the words not disturbing them in the slightest.

"What the fuck?" he questioned again, blinking several times.

"Okay, Naruto, you my friend, have been spending way too much of your down time playing video games."

Naruto then slapped himself hard, nearly knocking himself to the floor.

"Shut the fuck up. Don't ever say shit like that again," he said harshly, glaring at himself in the mirror.

The truth was video games were his only salvation in his otherwise totally shitty and messed up life. When he was five the Hokage had given him his first video game console. It was the latest and greatest and all the kids at school could do nothing but talk about them. Those that had one bragged about it, those that didn't were envious of those that did. When he said he'd had one he thought it might lead to friends and some of the kids were interested. That didn't last as their parents said 'no'. An emphatic 'no' in fact that was accompanied with threats of bodily harm. Regardless, games became Naruto's friends, taught him morality, right from wrong, good from evil. So other than ninja academy and training, video games were Naruto's life.

"You're right, what was I thinking? I'm sure this is just some kind of delusion. I must have eaten a bad batch of instant ramen. That's why I'm seeing things," Naruto explained to himself.

"Blasphemy!" he cried aloud to himself.

Naruto glared once more at himself in the mirror. Then he glanced up at the blue words again.

[ Achievement Unlocked: Selected as Player ]

[ Reward Options Available: Choose one of the following. Note: Selection will be randomized. Luck may influence the outcome. ]

[ Option 1: Feat ]

  - [ Definition: A special talent or an area of expertise that gives a character special capabilities. The chosen feat is randomized and grants unique abilities or enhancements to the player. ]

[ Option 2: Item ]

  - [ Definition: A physical object that can be utilized or equipped. Items range from weapons to mystical artifacts. The item received is based on luck and is drawn randomly. ]

[ Option 3: Scroll ]

  - [ Definition: A scroll containing knowledge or techniques. Unlocks new skills or information when read. The contents of the scroll are random and may contain rare or unique abilities. ]

[ Option 4: Stat Point ]

  - [ Definition: Points that can be allocated to enhance a player's attributes or skills. The number of stat points awarded is determined randomly from 0 to 10. ]

[ Option 5: Companion ]

  - [ Definition: An ally or pet that assists the player in their journey. Companions vary in abilities and species. The companion received is based on chance. ]

[ Option 6: Currency ]

  - [ Definition: In-game currency that can be used for various transactions and acquisitions. The amount received is randomized. ]

[ Selection Process: Randomized. Luck attribute may affect the outcome of the draw. Choose wisely. ]

Naruto, trying to make sense of it all, couldn't help but wonder if he was dreaming. Shrugging off his confusion, he decided to enjoy the moment.

"Might as well have some fun with this, dattebayo!" he thought, considering his options.

He began to reason through each choice:

Option 1: Feat

"This could give me some cool new ability, but it's a gamble. I don't know what I'll get. Could be awesome, could be something not so useful," Naruto mused, weighing the randomness of the reward.

Option 2: Item

"Items are always handy, especially if it's something rare. But again, it's all up to luck. I could end up with something epic or just a kunai," he thought, pondering the possibilities.

Option 3: Scroll

"A scroll could teach me a new jutsu. That's always a plus. But what if it's something I already know or can't use? Tough choice, dattebayo."

Option 4: Stat Point

"Stat points mean I can boost my own abilities. That's a surefire way to get stronger. But how many points would I get? That's the real question."

Option 5: Companion

"A companion could be cool. A new ally or a pet? Sounds fun, but also unpredictable. What if it's a toad... or something even weirder?"

Option 6: Currency

"Money's always useful, but it's not as exciting as the other options. Still, I could buy some serious ramen with it, dattebayo!"

After considering each option, Naruto concluded, "The stat points seem like the safest bet. I know exactly what I'm getting, and I can use them to get stronger. But those feats and items are tempting too. Ah, this is harder than I thought, dattebayo!"

Naruto, finishing up his brushing routine, spat out his toothpaste and casually set his toothbrush aside. Just then, a notification popped up unexpectedly. His inadvertent motion while putting the toothbrush back ended up inadvertently making a selection for him.

"No, why do I have such bad luck even in a dream, dattebayo?!" Naruto exclaimed in frustration.

[ Feat: Observer - Passive ]

[ Level: N/A ]

[ Description: The 'Observer' feat enhances the user's ability to gather and analyze information from their environment. This ability is rooted in the user's continuous and attentive observation of their surroundings, people, and events. As player Naruto observes, the system collates detailed knowledge on various topics. The depth and accuracy of information acquired depend on Naruto's INT and WIS stats, as well as the extent of his observations. Over time, as more observations are made, the system provides increasingly comprehensive and detailed information. Additionally, Naruto's player level influences the extent of knowledge gained; higher levels enable acquisition of more advanced and intricate information. ]

[ Passive Enhancements: ]

  - [ Enhanced Perception: Sharpened sensory perception aids in noticing subtle details and changes in the environment. ]

  - [ Analytical Processing: Increases the efficiency of processing and analyzing observed information. ]

  - [ Knowledge Accumulation: Systematically collects and organizes knowledge based on observations made by the player. ]

[ Conditions: ]

  - [ Knowledge Collection: The system gathers information based on Naruto's observations. ]

  - [ Stat Influence: INT and WIS influence the level of detail and accuracy of the knowledge. ]

  - [ Observational Detailing: The more observations Naruto makes, the more detailed the information provided. ]

  - [ Level Dependency: The player's level affects the quality and depth of knowledge acquired. Higher levels yield more profound insights. ]

[ Special Notes: ]

  - [ This feat does not require activation and operates continuously. ]

  - [ The effectiveness of this feat grows over time with Naruto's experience and level progression. ]

Naruto let out a groan as he looked at the feat he had unintentionally selected. "Just my luck, a useless feat. What am I supposed to do with more knowledge? Goddamnit, I could've accidentally picked an item or some stat points," he grumbled, clearly disappointed with the outcome.

Sighing heavily, he hit the sink in frustration and immediately felt a sharp jolt of pain. He was about to yelp but then suddenly stopped himself. "Wait a minute, I felt that. This isn't a dream!" he realized, a look of confusion crossing his face.

Naruto put his hands together forming a handseal quickly and flared his chakra shouting, "Kai!"

There was no effect at all.

"So if I did that wrong I might still be in a genjutsu but if I didn't then I'm not in a genjutsu and this is all real," he said to himself.

Naruto's expression turned determined as he considered the possibility of someone playing a trick on him. "When I find out who's behind this, I promise you, I'll prank you to hell and back, dattebayo!" he vowed.

Naruto left the bathroom once more to put on his shoes, put on his hip pouch and strap his weapons pouch to his leg. Casting a final glance around his apartment to ensure he hadn't forgotten anything, he opened the door and set out for the Konoha Shinobi Academy.

As he descended the stairs of his apartment building, he was greeted by an unexpected sight. His landlord, a middle-aged man with a stern expression, was waiting for him at the exit of the building.

"Rent's due," his landlord barked, a golden question mark hovering above his head. Naruto quirked an eyebrow, intrigued by the sudden interruption.

"What the hell, why not?"

A gold window popped up in front of him.

[ Initiating World Quest for Player: Naruto. Quest Parameters Loading. ]

There was a '?' in the top left corner and an arrow in the bottom right corner. Naruto pressed the arrow.

[ Alert: World Quest ]

[ Quest Title: Pay the Pig ]

[ Objective: Remit rent payment of 1000 ryo to the landlord by 18:00 hours. Alternative task: Eliminate chakra rat infestation in the basement and present tails as proof of extermination by 18:00 hours. ]

[ Rewards: 10 Experience Points. Enhanced reputation with landlord. Note: Reputation gain is amplified for chakra rat nest elimination. ]

[ Penalty for Failure: Immediate eviction. Reputation decrement within Konoha village parameters. ]

[ Action Required: Acceptance or Declination of Quest ]

Naruto blinked several times.

"Make up your mind already, I don't have all day," said the landlord.

Naruto quickly touched the 'Acceptance' button.

"Remember, 6:00 pm or you're out of here," said the man once more time before walking past Naruto shouldering him rudely as he passed.

"What the fuck?" asked Naruto again. He glanced above the head of his landlord.

[ Name: Michiya Ota ]

[ Title: Landlord ]

[ Level: 2 ]

[ Note: For additional information, please level up or conduct more observations. ]


Naruto's walk to the academy was a bit slower than usual as he looked around now seeing level markers above everyone in the village. He'd noticed quickly that most children were only level 1.

The ninja that he saw varied from level 5 to around 10 and then there were a lot of ? level shinobi. It appeared the ones around level

1 to 5 were genin, 5 onward must have been chunin.

The ? must have been jounin. If this held true to games that meant their level was so high he couldn't even comprehend it.

[ Name: Akimichi Dogo ]

[ Role: Master Baker ]

[ Level: 4 ]

[ Class: Cook ]

"Cool," said Naruto, half in surprise and half because it really was cool as hell.

Naruto spent the next twenty minutes trying to obverse as many people as he can when another blue wind popped up.

"Again, cool," he said to himself. Looking the master baker again.

[ Name: Akimichi Dogo ]

[ Role: Master Baker ]

[ Level: 4 ]

[ Health Points (HP): 500/500 ]

[ Chakra Points (CP): 150 ]

[ Class: Cook ]

[ Description: Renowned Master Baker within the Akimichi Clan. Famed across Konoha for exceptional baking skills. ]

Another gold window popped up interrupting his excitement.

[ Alert: World Quest ]

[ Quest Title: Don't Be Late ]

[ Objective: Arrive at the Academy on time. Time limit: 10 minutes. ]

[ Rewards: 10 Experience Points. Enhanced reputation with Class. ]

[ Penalty for Failure: Decrease in reputation with Class. ]

[ Action Required: Acceptance or Declination of Quest ]

"What?" shouted Naruto, quickly tapping the yes and beginning to sprint for the academy. He barely glanced at the large timer that began to count down in his peripheral vision.

Naruto barely slid into the classroom with twenty seconds left.

[ Quest Completion: Don't Be Late ]

[ Status: Successfully Completed ]

[ Rewards Granted: 10 Experience Points, +5 Reputation with Classroom. ]

Naruto would have paid more attention if he wasn't huffing and puffing from having sprinted halfway across Konoha to make it to class on time. Granted he recovered very quickly but damn that was difficult.

'Completed the Quest, but why is reputation with the class so important?' he wondered. 'What difference does it make, gaining reputation with them?'

Naruto sat down finally with a huff looking around and seeing that all of his classmates had the same blue lettering above their heads with their names and levels. It didn't make him happy either. As he looked around he noticed that most of the students were between levels 2 to 3 with the exception of eight of his classmates.

[ Name: Haruno Sakura ]

[ Role: Academy Student ]

[ Level: 4 ]


[ Name: Yamanaka Ino ]

[ Role: Academy Student ]

[ Level: 4 ]


[ Name: Hyuuga Hinata ]

[ Role: Academy Student ]

[ Level: 6 ]


[ Name: Nara Shikamaru ]

[ Role: Academy Student ]

[ Level: 5 ]


[ Name: Akimichi Chouji ]

[ Role: Academy Student ]

[ Level: 5 ]


[ Name: Inuzuka Kiba ]

[ Role: Academy Student ]

[ Level: 5 ]


[ Name: Aburame Shino ]

[ Role: Academy Student ]

[ Level: 6 ]


[ Name: Uchiha Sasuke ]

[ Role: Academy Student ]

[ Level: 8 ]


Naruto wanted to cry out and scream in frustration.

They were all so much better than him, why?

How could it have been possible that they were all so much stronger than he was?

What Naruto didn't know was that his stats and level had regressed to level 1.

Naruto began to observe each of them in turn only serving to frustrate him further.

[ Name: Haruno Sakura ]

[ Role: Academy Student ]

[ Level: 4 ]

[ HP: 100/100 ]

[ CP: 50 ]

[ Description: Haruno Sakura, recognized as the smartest student in class. Exhibits high intelligence but lacks in physical prowess. Known for her affection towards Uchiha Sasuke and rivalry with Yamanaka Ino over 'Sasuke-kun's affections. ]

Naruto growled after that one.

[ Name: Yamanaka Ino ]

[ Role: Academy Student ]

[ Level: 4 ]

[ HP: 100/100 CP: 70 ]

[ Description: Member of the Yamanaka clan, known for mind techniques. Tends to prioritize appearance over skill development. Exhibits a strong affection for Uchiha Sasuke, leading to a rivalry with Haruno Sakura for his attention. ]

Naruto rolled his eyes as he never understood why girls in his class liked that bastard.

[ Name: Hyuuga Hinata ]

[ Role: Academy Student ]

[ Level: 6 ]

[ HP: 150 / 150 CP: 100 ]

[ Description: Member of the elite Hyuuga clan, recognized for their doujutsu and unique taijutsu style. Hinata is known for her sweet nature but is quite shy, resulting in limited recognition among classmates. Her motivation to improve is fueled by the admiration for a person she holds in high regard. ]

Naruto couldn't help but smile at that. Hinata sounded awesome and she was by far the strongest girl in the class.

"Alright," mumbled Naruto. "Let's see what I can find with more and more time given to the observations."

[ 30 Minutes later ]

[ Name: Nara Shikamaru ]

[ Status: Lazy ]

[ Role: Academy Student ]

[ Title: The Lazy Genius ]

[ Level: 5 ]

[ Class: Shinobi of the Nara Clan ]

[ Race: Human ]

[ HP: 100 / 100 ]

[ AC: 12 ]

[ CP: 150 / 150 ]

[ Lineage Traits: ]

- [ Keen Mind ]

- [ Adaptability ]

- [ Quick Learner ]

[ Class Features: ]

- [ Shadow Manipulation ]

- [ Stealth Expert ]

- [ Tactical Genius ]

[ Feats: Redacted ]

[ Stats: ]

- [ STR: 7 ]

- [ DEX: 11 ]

- [ CON: 10 ]

- [ INT: 15 ]

- [ WIS: 35 ]

- [ CHA: 12 ]

- [ VIT: 10 ]

- [ LUK: 3 ]

[ Allies: Ino Yamanaka, Choji Akimichi ]

[ Equipment: ]

- [ Weapons: REDACTED ]

- [ Armor: REDACTED ]

- [ Gear: REDACTED ]

- [ Magic Items: REDACTED ]

[ Description: Nara Shikamaru is a member of the famed Nara clan known for their intellect and laziness. The unique ability to manipulate shadows makes them rather versatile shinobi. Shikamaru is by far the smartest Nara born in many generations and in turn is also the laziest. ]

[ Note: Removal of redactions may occur through leveling up or engaging in combat. ]

"Damn, Shikamaru is something else," Naruto said in appreciation, earning a glance from the 'sleeping' Nara from a few seats over. Naruto smiled nervously at the look but was able to laugh it off.

Shikamaru admittedly was curious but decided to shrug it off mumbling "Troublesome" as he turned his head back and closed his eyes once more.

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