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Capítulo 454: Chapter no.446 Board of Directors part 2

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One of the older female members of the board, known for her influential status and sharp business acumen, stood up abruptly. Her face was a mixture of fury and disdain as she addressed Austin, her voice rising with every word.

"Young man, this is absolutely preposterous and, frankly, criminal! You've essentially executed a hostile takeover through underhanded, backdoor dealings. This is a clear violation of corporate governance and ethics. I'm calling the authorities - this is market manipulation, insider trading at its worst!"

Her voice was filled with indignation as she continued her tirade. "You've bypassed every regulatory framework, leveraged financial loopholes, and blindsided this entire board! Your actions reek of illegality, and I assure you, the full force of corporate law will be brought to bear on this matter."

The woman reached for her phone, her intent to involve law enforcement clear. But Austin, unfazed, interrupted her with a calm yet firm tone. "Before you do that, Mrs. Johnson, owner of Salmon Snake Co and Foods, may I remind you of a certain incident?"

Mrs. Johnson paused, her hand frozen mid-air, as Austin continued.

"Three years ago, your company was under investigation for the illegal trafficking of Slowpoke tails, a delicacy sold to affluent families and underground dinner clubs across Johto. If my memory serves me correctly, that investigation was mysteriously halted, and the lead investigators met an untimely demise."

Austin slid a file across the table, which spilled open to reveal photographs, reports, and documents related to the investigation.

"The evidence suggests a well-orchestrated cover-up, likely involving substantial financial inducements and possibly even more nefarious means," Austin stated, his eyes locking with Mrs. Johnson's. "I believe the police would find this resurrected case file quite interesting, especially in light of the recent crackdown on corporate corruption and illegal wildlife trade."

The threat in Austin's words was clear and unmistakable. Mrs. Johnson, her face now a mask of controlled anger, slowly sat back down, glaring at Austin. The rest of the board members watched in stunned silence, realizing the extent of Austin's preparedness and the leverage he held.

Austin, maintaining his composed demeanor, turned his attention to another board member, a man known for his extensive casino empire. "Mr. Daniels, owner of the Goldenrod Casino Royale, Celadon City Slots, and the Olivine Oceanfront Resort, among others," Austin began, his voice steady.

Mr. Daniels, clearly unnerved by the shift in focus towards him, shifted uncomfortably in his seat.

"Two months ago, your casinos were subjected to a regulatory audit on suspicions of being conduits for a large-scale money laundering operation across Johto," Austin continued. "However, that investigation was abruptly halted when legislative changes were pushed through, effectively legalizing certain questionable cash flows in the casino sector."

Austin paused, allowing the implication of his words to sink in. "Now, let me ask you this: How do you think the public would react if they knew that this legal maneuver was actually facilitating the funneling of laundered money into shell corporations? These ghost companies have been acquiring local land in the names of non-existent individuals for the sole purpose of constructing unnecessary developments, creating ghost towns for tax write-offs, artificially inflating property values, and manipulating municipal zoning laws."

The boardroom was filled with a tense silence as Austin's accusations hung in the air. Mr. Daniels, his face now pale, was at a loss for words.

"Such actions not only violate anti-money laundering statutes and real estate regulations but also have profound implications on local economies and communities," Austin added, his tone firm yet controlled.

Mr. Daniels looked around the room, seeking an ally, but found none. The other board members were equally taken aback by Austin's revelations and the depth of his knowledge.

Austin turned his gaze to another member of the board, a woman known for her extensive network in the beauty and fashion industry. "Mrs. Clarke, owner of Elite Model Management, Elegance Beauty Salons, Glamour Shops, and Radiance Cosmetics," he began, his tone even yet penetrating.

Mrs. Clarke's face paled as she realized she was Austin's next target. Her hands trembled slightly, betraying her fear.

"Aren't you also involved in illegal sex and oragn harvesting trafficking rings? But of course, you'd claim ignorance about such matters," Austin stated, his voice laced with accusation.

Mrs. Clarke's sweat was visible now, her composure crumbling under Austin's scrutiny. "You're known as a respectable director of Silph Co and a successful entrepreneur in the beauty and fashion sectors. However, it seems you're also deeply implicated in one of the worst criminal networks on the planet, one that facilitated Samuel's connection with Team Rocket, exploiting countless lives for profit."

In a panic, Mrs. Clarke rushed towards the door, desperate to escape the room and the accusations. The other board members watched in stunned silence, unaware of her true nature until Austin's revelations.

As she reached the door, Mrs. Clarke pulled out a gun, the board members reacting with panic. Austin, however, remained calm, slowly walking towards her.

"Stop it, I'll shoot you," Mrs. Clarke threatened, her voice shaking.

Austin continued to approach until the gun was pressed against his forehead. "Go ahead, shoot," he challenged her.

A tense moment passed, and then a distinct 'click' echoed through the room. The chamber was empty.

"Boo," Austin said softly, the word resonating in the sudden silence.

Mrs. Clarke, overwhelmed by the realization that her threats were futile and her secrets exposed, fainted, collapsing to the floor.

The boardroom was left in a state of shock and disbelief.

Austin's commanding presence dominated the room as he stood, surveying the board members. They avoided his gaze, looking down at their hands like chastened children, a stark contrast to their usual confident, authoritative demeanors.

"I guess it's clear by now that I know everything about each of you," Austin began, his voice steady and assertive. "I'm aware of your crimes, your histories. I have the capability to manipulate your bank accounts and even your identities."

A palpable tension filled the room. One of the members, his voice betraying a hint of fear, finally spoke up. "You won't," he said, meeting Austin's gaze briefly before looking away.

Austin's eyebrow arched slightly. "And why do you say that?" he asked.

The member swallowed hard before continuing. "You have all this information, all this power over us. Yet you haven't turned us in to the authorities. It's clear you want something from us."

A small, enigmatic smile played on Austin's lips, sending a shiver down the spines of the board members.

"Then let's get down to business."


The night air was cool and crisp, carrying the gentle sounds of the city as Austin and Bill sat at an outdoor café. The sky was clear, dotted with stars, and the occasional breeze added a sense of calm to the atmosphere. They both sat silently, sipping their coffee, each lost in their thoughts after the day's tumultuous events.

Nearby, a chessboard was set up, its pieces neatly arranged for a new game. Bill glanced at it and then back at Austin. "Want to play?" he asked, breaking the silence.

Austin gave a nonchalant shrug in response. "Sure, why not?" he replied, moving towards the chessboard.

They took their positions at the table, with Austin playing white and Bill playing black. As they began to move the pieces, Bill looked up thoughtfully. "Can I ask you some things while we play?" he inquired, his expression serious.

"Yeah," Austin replied.

The chessboard lay between them under the night sky, the café's ambient lights casting a soft glow on the pieces. Austin opened the game with pawn to E4, setting the stage for a strategic match.

"Why did you do that?" Bill asked, not just referring to the chess move but something deeper, as he countered with pawn to C5.

"What?" Austin asked, playing Knight to F3, his focus divided between the game and the conversation.

"You had the power to ruin every single one of those board members today. Yet, you let them live," Bill said, contemplating his next move before advancing his Knight to C6.

Austin moved his pawn to E4, his eyes still on the board. "I didn't let them leave, I chained them up," he replied, his tone matter-of-fact.

"How?" Bill asked, taking Austin's pawn with his own.

"Simple, really. They know me, they fear me, and now I'll run their companies how I want," Austin explained, capturing the pawn with his Knight.

"Puppet heads," Bill observed, pushing his pawn to D6.

"Exactly," Austin agreed, moving his Knight to C3.

"Why though?" Bill inquired, his Bishop sliding to G7.

Austin moved his Bishop to E3. "Do you know about market voids? It's a concept where a company fills a demand, but once they're gone, others rush in to fill that space."

Bill nodded, beginning to grasp Austin's strategy. "I see. Those board members, they're criminals, but if we simply took them down, others would take their place. There's always a chain of supply and demand."

Austin nodded. "Right. By keeping control over these companies, I prevent that void. We can then steer the market towards better practices."

Bill moved his Knight to F6, deep in thought. "So, in a way, you're manipulating the market for the greater good."

Austin leaned back, considering his next move. "Exactly. "

Austin moved his bishop to B4, his face pensive as he considered Bill's question. "How can you be certain you won't end up like them?" Bill inquired, referring to the corrupt board members, as he castled his king.

With a soft sigh, Austin repositioned his bishop to B3. "I don't know," he admitted, his honesty reflecting the weight of the responsibility he now shouldered.

Bill, pausing to study Austin's expression, advanced his knight to A5. "You don't know?"

Austin responded with pawn to E5, meeting Bill's gaze. "I'm aware of my limitations. I can't guarantee I'll save everyone or create a perfect market. And I can't say the power and money won't corrupt me. I'm human, after all." His voice was tinged with a mix of determination and humility.

Bill, now moving his knight to E8, offered some advice. "You sometimes have to speak with confidence, Austin."

Austin captured Bill's bishop with his own, placed on F7. "There's a difference between arrogance and confidence."

Bill replied by taking the bishop with his rook. "That's true, but only if you can't back up your claims. Can you, Austin? Can you truly make a change for the better?"

Austin's knight moved to E6. "I believe I can. I can regulate those corrupt companies, even destroy certain harmful supply and demand chains. Take Slowpoke tails, for instance. I can invest in biotech to create lab-grown alternatives. Once that's in place, the illegal trade will diminish."

"But there's a chance that demand for the authentic product could increase," Bill pointed out, capturing Austin's knight with his pawn.

Austin smiled, capturing Bill's queen with his own. "Then I'll deal with that remaining demand. Cut off the cancer that persists."

Bill paused, realizing the chess game mirrored their conversation. Austin was in a winning position, both on the board and in his plans for Silph Co. "That still doesn't answer my question, though. Who will keep you in check?"

Austin's reply came confidently. "You, Yellow, and Green. Yellow can match my strength, Green my tactics, and you my intelligence."

Bill gulped, unable to find fault in Austin's words. The statements carried a certain air of arrogance, yet it was clear that Austin could back them up. That wasn't just arrogance; it was confidence. Austin's strength and the danger he represented were undeniable, making him a formidable force in any situation.

"I'd really hate to be your enemy," he said with a mix of respect and apprehension.

Austin chuckled. "I wouldn't want to be my enemy either."

As the game concluded, Bill stood up, a playful glint in his eye. "Let's go inside. I want another piece of cake."

Austin raised an eyebrow. "You just had five pieces."

"But it's cheesecake," Bill said with a grin.

Austin shook his head, amused. "Fair enough. Let's get that cheesecake."


[ Author Note: I'm eager to hear your thoughts on Austin as the protagonist of this story. I believe he's a compelling character, and I feel that my growth as a writer has allowed me to develop him into a well-rounded and interesting figure. However, that's just my perspective, and I'm probably a bit biased in favor of my own creation! I'd love to hear what you all think. How do you find Austin as a character? Does he resonate with you, and do his actions and decisions make sense within the context of the story? Your feedback is invaluable to me, as it helps me understand how my characters are perceived and what I can do to improve my storytelling. So, please, don't hesitate to share your honest opinions and insights! ]


[Omake Paragraph]

Swellow's two long, narrow tails and remarkably sharp eyesight have given them perfect accuracy, an ability which humans have long been eager to exploit. Early air forces were often composed of Swellow, who dropped Voltorb out of the sky at enemy troop formations or the weak points of castles; it is for this reason that castles in Hoenn are often said to resemble blockhouses more than the pagodas of neighboring lands.

However, Swellow's perfect accuracy was long held to be a figure of speech; they were a common pokemon, not a mythic hero, and surely their accuracy had some limit. It was only after shooting numerous probes through the sea of stars and missing that, in desparation, the Mossdeep Space Center's head decided to try training a flock of Swellow to aim space probes. Although the heat generated by the rocket launch singed their wings badly and knocked out half of them, they launched the first space probe to successfully photograph the Moon. (Improvements in pokemon space suits have made these launches much safer in more recent years.) Probes aimed by Swellow from Mossdeep have photographed most of the solar system, but also caught the attention of Deoxys, who attacked the Space Center about a decade ago to protect the secrets of outer space. Only the brave sacrifices and military skill of the Swellow aiming corps, along with some well-improvised space suits, saved astronomy in Hoenn from absolute ruin.

It is the salvation of the sport of pokemon battle that Swellow are incapable of learning techniques such as Sheer Cold or Guillotine which knock out pokemon instantly, for if they could, no other pokemon would be able to fight back. Instead, despite their supreme speed and accuracy, these glass cannons aim for the stars.

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