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Capítulo 14: Valentine's Day Special - Twilight

*Warning*: (Not really a warning, but whatever) There's some (but not necessarily a lot) of "texting" in this chapter. I just wanted to let you know that the texts will be shown as (example) <Girl_in_Luv💋> and then the text is presented. For example, (not included in the story):

<Girl_in_Luv💋> : Favorite iconic lines (from BTS of course) "InTeRnAtIoNaL pLaYbOy", "Lachimolala", "I'm GOD", and "Jimin, you got no jams." Comment yours, if you want~ lol.


I don't know what to expect. People out to get me, and only a limited amount of time left for everything to fall into place. That much I know. But do I want to risk everything I knew, everything I loved, just to let my best friend know something big was happening?

"I'm a horrible friend," I say.

It's February 13th, 2014. We're sitting underneath a tree in the park, Taehyung and I. The other boys are getting us all food at a nearby restaurant.

"I hate this," Taehyung groans.

Should I tell him?

No. It can wait.

"It's the first time we've been alone," Taehyung says.

His brown eyes pierce into me, taking my breath away.

"Ah - you can't do this to me!" I say, clutching my heart in mock pain.

Taehyung laughs and pulls me closer to him.

I feel a blush slowly spread across my face, but I push the weird bubbly feelings I'm getting down into my stomach.

"So what should we do?" Taehyung asks, picking me up with my feet dangling over the side of his arm.

"Taehyung-ah!" I say, wrapping my arms around his neck and squeezing my eyes shut. I hate being picked up.

"Yeah?" he chuckles, moving up and down so I bounce in his arms.

"AISH, STOP TAEHYUNG!" I scream. I squeeze my eyes tighter and he laughs again.

"It's not funny," I say quietly when he falls still. He sets me down and we stand side-by-side underneath the tree.

It's peaceful in the park, with dogs barking in the distance and everyone walking by or picnicking underneath nearby trees.

"It's pretty here," I say, looking up at the sky. The sun is setting and the sun is disappearing behind the tall city skyscrapers.

We're in Seoul, probably for the last time this year, unless something major happens.

"Yeah, the sky's the perfect shade - of -" he breaks off, a sudden light glowing on his face.

Not literally of course, but it looks like he has an idea.

"Taehyung?" I ask.

He smiles, pulls out his phone, and pulls open the group chat with Jungkook, Jimin, Yoongi, Seokjin, Namjoon, and Hoseok.

Not with me, of course. I was still working to pay for my own phone since I didn't have one.

"It's almost Valentine's Day, and since we might not see each other tomorrow, I'm going to get your present now," he says after shooting a text off in the chat.

"Taehyung-ah!" I say as he grabs my hand and pulls me away from our spot underneath the tree.

"Stay here," he says after a couple of minutes of walking.

I'm standing in front of a store. The sign is faded, but I can still tell what they're selling. Electronics, e-cigarettes, and other things. My guess is a drug store or dollar store.

I almost walk in after him but stay put when I see somewhat bad-looking men step into it.

"Oh my gosh," I say, already regretting my decision. If they notice me, that scene from a few years back could happen again. I hated that New Year.

"Taehyung-ah!" I speak softly. He comes out with a big grin on his face.

It's so adorable, seeing him smile like that.

He hasn't smiled like that for the members, only about once or twice. I can tell he sometimes doesn't feel comfortable around them, but he always acts his true self with me.

He's holding a tiny bag and gives it to me.

"This better not be a vape," I say warningly. He looks away, as though he was embarrassed I even said that.

"It's not," he says quietly.

I open the bag and pull out a phone.

"Taehyung-ah," I say, turning the phone around. It's not the best kind, but I know it's all he can afford right now with his own money. "It's beautiful."

"You don't have to lie to me," Taehyung says.

"No," I say, looking up into his eyes. They're full of tears and they start to trail down his cheeks.

"Ah, Taehyung. It's fine. I love it."

I put a hand to his face and wipe away his tears.

"Happy Valentine's Day," he says, taking my hand and pressing it harder to his face.

I giggle and give him a big hug.

He gives me such a big squeeze back that it leaves me gasping for a breath when he lets go.

We walk down the street, buy some rice cakes and eat them on the way back to the park.

We pass by many shops full of valentine ideas of all kinds, but none of them seem to be Taehyung's style.

I can get him whatever he wants since I've been saving up for several months, but I want it to mean something.

Suddenly Taehyung stops.

I bump into him and fall onto the ground.

"Are you okay?" Taehyung asks, helping me up.

I smile and nod. "Yeah, I'm fine." I swipe the dirt and dried leaves off of my coat and hook my arm into Taehyung's.

"Come on, let's go," I say, smiling.

I try to start walking but Taehyung just stands there, staring at something - or someone - ?

I turn to look but nobody is standing near us. The sun is almost behind the shortest buildings now, but I can still see many shades of orange and yellow.

He's just looking at a building.

It has ivy growing on the sides, making it look ancient. Gold intricate molding is outlining the windows, which are dirty.

It's still a beautiful building, though. Made of an old-looking stone, probably marble or sandstone, though why would they use sandstone...?

"What is it, Tae?" I ask, tugging on his arm.

"Nothing," he says quickly, shaking his head.

I look back. It's an art museum. He loves art, I know he does.

It's the perfect gift to get him.

"Hold on Tae, I'll be right back," I say, letting go of Taehyung's arm. I urge him to find us a table or somewhere to sit when we eat the "food" I'm going to bring back.

I'm not actually going to get food, of course. Or maybe I will.

I grab his hand at the last second as he turns to leave.

"Give me your number first, so that I know where you are."

Taehyung smiles and we exchange phone numbers.

I immediately name his profile "TaeTae 🐻" and give him a test message.

It sends through perfectly.

Then, at the exact moment as I press the record button to save for his texts, he sneezes. I immediately hit save and giggle quietly.

"I'll bring back some more rice cakes unless you want something else," I say, waving at Taehyung.

"Bring back something sweet, too, like choco pie!" Taehyung yells, cupping his hands to his mouth for a more booming echo. He smiles.

It's cute, the box-like smile he's giving me. Makes me want to curl up in a ball and rock back and forth, always remembering that smile.

I run down the sidewalk, not running into anyone, thankfully.

When I reach the building Taehyung had been looking at, I notice that a young man behind the glass doors is turning over a sign that reads "Closed".

"Dang it," I say, running up the steps quickly.

"Annyeonghaseyo," I say, breathless. The man steps out of the building and gives me a quick bow.

"How may I help you, madame?"

He doesn't look too much older than me so I start talking faster.

"I really need to get in here. My friend really loves art and it would be a shame if you cut his dreams like this -"

"Payment?" the young man asks. He brushes his hair away from his face and reveals stunning blue eyes.

"I - payment?" I stutter, confused.

The man holds out a hand, gesturing for money.

I slide ₩40,000 in his hand and he glares slightly at me before continuing, "How long do you plan on staying?"

"Oh - uhm - all night?" I say, half-joking.

"I realize I can get all the money I want from you," the man says sheepishly, "but I won't do that. It'll be on me, thank you."

"Oh, thank you very much!" I say, bowing multiply times again.

"No problem," the man says. He walks away from the door, leaving it propped open. When he passes by, I hear him chuckling quietly and muttering something under his breath. It sounds like; "Young love," but it could've been anything.

Nonetheless, it makes me blush but then reminds me about Taehyung.

I immediately text him the good news.

<Hwa Young🌸> : I finally found the best Valentine's Day gift for you! Either I come and find you or you come and find me if you want to see it...!

I get the response a few seconds later. By now, the man who I had just met is halfway down the street, and the door is still unlocked. We're so screwed if the owner finds us. Heck, that might've been the owner for crying out loud.

<TaeTae🐻> : i dont know where i am. come and find me? 🥺

I roll my eyes but smile inwardly. He always ends up getting himself lost.

<Hwa Young🌸> : I'm on my way.

<TaeTae🐻> : hehe. 🤭 im near a big tree and lots of buildings.

That's not very helpful. Thankfully, a new text appears immediately after.

<TaeTae🐻> : ooh. theres a library here. ill be there. 😊

I smile, this time for real. He's always doing things like this too.

<Hwa Young🌸> : Okay. I'll find you.

I put my phone away (MY ACTUAL FREAKING PHONE!!!) and calmly (I'm actually freaking out inside because I have a phone) walk down the street towards Taehyung.

I eventually find him reading a children's book to a group of children.

It's so sweet that I sit down to watch.

A young mother is sitting down as well and uses the chance to start a conversation with me.

"Which one of them is yours?" she asks nicely.

I try not to look offended, since I know her question is harmless, but I must look shocked for she quickly apologizes.

"No, it's fine, really," I say, apologizing as well. "None of them are mine, but someday in the future, I might have one."

I smile and she smiles back before Taehyung finishes reading the story.

"Taehyung-ah," I say as he closes the book.

The children disperse and return to their mothers until we're alone in the library.

"The library is closing in five minutes," a voice on the intercom says.

"We should go," I say, tugging on Taehyung's arm.


We leave the library and return to the same spot where I fell on my butt earlier.

Taehyung looks at me weirdly.

"You don't have any choco pie," he says, pouting.

I laugh and promise him that I will, soon.

"I got you something even better, though!" I say, jumping up and down in anticipation.

"Ooh, what is it?!" Taehyung sarcastically jumps up and down along with me and it makes me laugh.

"I found your Valentine's Day gift!"

And I run over to the building.

I gesture to it grandly and he laughs out loud, his eyes twinkling.

"I know you love art, so I got us in."

"How long until they kick us out?"

"We get to stay all night!" I say excitedly.

Taehyung gives me a look at first as if saying "We have to sleep with each other?" but then shakes his head, as if clearing his mind of dirty thoughts.

"Taehyung-ah," I say, playfully hitting his arm. "Don't think like that, I trust you enough."

"But -"

I cut Taehyung off. "If you don't feel comfortable, then we can find separate rooms."

"No, that's not it," Taehyung says.

"What?" I ask.

"I'll get scared if I'm by myself in the dark."

"Oh," I say quietly. "Then we won't ever drift apart, okay?"

Taehyung nods solemnly. He already looks so grown up, but still so young.

"Then let's go inside!" I walk up the marble steps and into the building. The first thing I notice is that it's spotless. From the ceiling to the floor, there's no blemish, no spot, no stain that hasn't been found.

That means one thing.

"I'll check the bathrooms."

It's Taehyung. He feels it too.

Whenever a place is as spotless as this one, it surely means that the bathrooms are absolutely horrendous.

"Okay," I sigh. I don't want this to be a complete bust, but if it is, oh well. At least I would get to spend the day with Taehyung. Possibly with the others if they want to come.

Taehyung walks towards the bathroom sign, not even glancing at the paintings hanging on the wall.

The ceiling is huge, and the inside is amazingly glamourous, despite the appearance on the outside.

"It's gorgeous here," I say, turning around, breathing in the musty air. I almost cough.

"You okay?" Taehyung asks, coming out of the bathrooms.

"Yeah, it's just really dirty in here," I choke out. The air is really unpleasant, but it reminds me of old books and art. It makes it seem more real for some reason, though I know this place is probably closing down because of it.

"Hey Tae," I say suddenly.

He looks over at me and says, "The bathroom's not the greatest, but it's decent."

My eyes close for a minute. "That's fine."

"What's the idea?"

"Mmmm..." I hum. I don't want to tell him. Maybe I'll do it all by myself tonight when he's sleeping.

"If you're going to clean this entire place by yourself, you know I'll help you."

I open my eyes. "How'd you -"

"I know you better than you realize. When you're stressed you always clean things. And you want everything to be perfect, all the time."

I close my eyes again. "Yeah - you're right."

I sigh.

"So you're letting me do it too, right?"


And that's final.

If he knows me better than I know myself, then he should know that I am stubborn when I have to be.


I open my eyes. "Thank you, Tae."

"Yeah," he looks downcast.

I check the phone Taehyung got me. It's 11:26 PM.

"We should get some sleep," I say.

"The boys aren't coming," Taehyung says, looking down at his phone.

"Until tomorrow?" I ask hopefully.

"Yeah, until tomorrow," Taehyung says. "They say goodnight, and Jimin says 'Love you'."

I laugh. Jimin's always saying things like that, but he's like a brother to me, so he doesn't actually love me like that.


Taehyung smiles and we walk around the museum for a couple of minutes before Taehyung finds a quaint and small room, perfect for him to sleep in.

"Maybe this part used to be for housing people," I say out loud, mostly to myself.

"Yeah, maybe," Taehyung muses.

Once he falls asleep, I find the janitor's closet and set to cleaning out the place.

It's hard work, but I do my best until each and every room is spotless.

Taehyung's right, of course. I clean when I'm stressed, and right now, I'm really stressed.

Stressed about how I'm thinking of Taehyung more than my friend.

How I'm the youngest member of the team, and how they don't trust me enough.

How Jungkook sometimes seems cute to me, as well as the other members.

Of course, I am stressed when my father left my mother, and his followers are after me.

My mother warned me, of course, before she left for a "fun" time with one of her many boyfriends.

"They'll be after you, in time. Me as well. At least I'll die being worth something."

Her words still haunt me.

I will live, though. I will prove my mother wrong. Even though she never believed in me, thought me the sole reason my father died, I still love her.

The next thing I know, the dusty smell of the museum is gone. Everything is clean, save the bathroom.

I walk over to the bathroom with all the supplies I had found and start scrubbing the female's stalls.

When I finish, I know I'm a mess. There are surely mascara streaks on my cheeks from me crying.

I look in a mirror, try to straighten my hair out with my fingers, and wipe my mascara away. It just smears.

I turn on the faucet and lean over the sink.

Soon. It'll happen soon, I think. Soon they'll find me. Soon they'll kill me.

It'll happen sooner than I think.

"Are you okay in there?"

"Taehyung-ah!" I wipe at the mascara once more, but it just makes it worse.

"There's a section of the museum with rooms and showers if you want to freshen up," Taehyung says, opening the door and stepping through the door.

"Taehyung!" I let out a yelp. Even though I'm not doing anything in here, it's still weird for him to be in the female restrooms.

"Right, right, sorry," Taehyung says, backing out again. But he notices the mascara streaks.

"Are you okay?" he asks quietly.

I look towards the door, now closed.

He's still in the restroom.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I say. I can tell him that there are people after me, just not right now.

"Are you sure?" Taehyung asks cautiously.

I nod my head too hard. It must've looked like I was trying too hard because Taehyung walks over to me and gives me a little pat on my head and then pulls me into a tight hug.

The head pat makes me smile, and the hug makes me cry harder.

I'm so lucky to have a friend like Taehyung.

I let go and leave the restroom, Taehyung following quickly behind me.

I don't even look at the paintings, just sent on getting to the showers.

I turn around.

"Where are they, again?"

And that's when Taehyung takes the lead.

He walks over to a nice set of french doors and opens them, revealing an extravagant hallway.

Golds, blues, and purples color the hall, and the sight leaves me shocked.

"I bought a dress from the gift shop since they have one," Taehyung says, gesturing to a cute dress hanging on the doorknob of a door.

"That door leads to the showers," he says when I take the dress off and admire it.

It's a pale blue dress, and it looks perfect to sleep in.

"Thank you, Tae," I say, hugging the dress to my chest and opening the door to the showers.

He shrugs. "You're welcome."

I step into the showers and am immediately blinded by the shocking whiteness of everything.

The floors, the ceiling, the showers, and even the sinks are piercing white.

"Oh, that hurts," Taehyung chuckles, peeking in.

"Hey - get out!" I say, shooing him out of the room.

Taehyung laughs and then shows me his room.

"Nice," I say, shutting the door and locking it behind me.

I hear Taehyung's quiet laugh as I undress and turn on some warm water in the shower.

The warm water feels good, and thankfully there's soap and shampoo to wash with.

I let the water roll down my back and hit the floor.

It's nice and soft, not too hot, not too cold, and doesn't pound my back as the ones at the dorms do.

I think the shower took about 10 minutes, but it could've been more.

I wash off the mascara (and the rest of my body of course) and step out of the shower.

The mirror is fogged up and the floor is slippery from the steam.

I grab a towel and wrap it around me. The dress is still outside of the door, and I'm silently regretting that.

I unlock the door and quickly grab the dress.

It's freakishly cold outside of the shower room, but that's to be expected when I've been taking a hot shower for however long.

I pull my hand back into the room, the dress clenched in my fist. I close and lock the door again.

I dry off with the towel and after, I pull on the dress.

I suddenly realize that for the first time, I'll have to sleep wearing the wired bra I had been wearing earlier.

"Dang it," I mutter under my breath.

But if I'm sleeping with Taehyung, of course, I'll have to...

I dry my hair off with the towel and walk out of the shower room all fresh and clean.

Taehyung's lying on the bed, his shirt on the floor.

When I walk into the room, he sits up and smiles at me.

I look away immediately.

I hear him stand up and swipe at something on the floor.

His shirt, maybe?


When he walks over to me and gives me a hug, I feel the fabric of his shirt rub against my cheek.

"Taehyung-ah," I say, smiling up at him.

"You look so cute!" he says, giddy with excitement.

I giggle. He's making me blush, and he surely sees it.

He lets go of me and walks back over to the bed, lying down on it and closing his eyes.

With his hair sprawled out over his pillow, he looks so ethereal. Then again, he always does.

He opens one of his eyes.

"Are you coming?" he asks, patting to the spot next to him.

I nod and walk over to the bed, tentatively lying down beside him.

"Why can't I have my own bed?" I whine. The wired bra pushes against my ribs. I know that'll leave a mark when I wake up.

"Because I still have to protect you if some bad people come in and..." he cuts off and looks over at me, a mischievous look on his face.

I hit him on his arm.

"You're so bad, you know that, right?" I cry, giggling a little.

He crosses his arms on his chest.

Even though he's wearing a shirt, I can still see his abs through it.

Oh gosh - why am I thinking like that?

I turn to look to the window.

I should tell him...

That there are people after me? Trying to kill me?

It's not his problem, so maybe later...

With all these thoughts in my head, I fall fast asleep.

The dream. The dream I've been having for as long as I can remember... it happens again.

There's Taehyung, of course. Always has.

But now there are more people. Jungkook. Jimin. Namjoon... I see all of the boys.

It chills me to the bone. I know what happens next.

"I won't leave you -" Taehyung says, stepping forward.

Before I know it - before I even blink - he's on the ground, blood pooling around him.

I cry out - but I can't. My mouth won't open, my hands won't move.

One by one, the members are shot down.

One by one, I try to cry out, but all I feel are tears on my face.

"Hwa Young."

It's Taehyung's voice.

But how? He's dead!

"Hwa Young!"

I open my eyes and shoot straight up in bed, panting hard.

Dried tears stick to my face and I wipe at them, so Taehyung doesn't see.

Too late. He already saw.

"What happened?" Taehyung asks.

I start to cry again, just thinking about it.

"It's not real," I mumble. "None of it's real."

"What happened?" Taehyung asks, pulling on my arm.

I lie back down beside him, and he pulls me closer to him.

His warm body pressed against mine makes me feel comforted. It makes me feel safe.

I take a deep breath and let it back out again.

"You all died."

My voice doesn't even tremble.

As I say the words out loud, they seem childish - foolish even.

"Hey," Taehyung says softly. I feel his warm breath tickle my ear. "I'm here. I'll keep you safe."

I nod, cuddling into his chest. I grab ahold of his shirt and hold it fast in my fist.

I take deep breaths as Taehyung squeezes my shoulders.

He doesn't let go, and neither do I.

We fall back asleep like that, just the two of us.

I have no dreams, my mind a blank screen.

I wipe the drool from my mouth and open my eyes.

It's sunny outside, the window shades open.

Taehyung's gone, his body having left an indent in the mattress.

I sit up and feel my bra readjust. It's so uncomfortable.

"Taehyung?" I groan, getting off the bed.

No response, though I hardly wished for any. The quiet was peaceful and calm, and it soothed me.

I walked out into the hall rubbing my eyes with the back of my hands.

"Ah, and she's awake," Taehyung says. He's sitting on a cushioned bench, reading a book.

"Is it any good?" I ask, sitting down beside him and looking at the title of the book.

"Yeah, I mean - it's not the best, but it's all they have," Taehyung says, snapping the book closed.

"Well, let's have a look around, no?" I say, standing.

"Before we eat?" he asks.

I grin. "There's nowhere to eat, though."

Taehyung stands up and takes my hand. He leads me back down the hall and into a room.

"A cafe?" I gasp.

"I was reading about the history of this building." Taehyung laughs. "It used to be a hotel, but they refashioned it as an art museum."

"That's cool," I muse, taking a look at the chair, stacked upside-down on the tables.

Taehyung takes two chairs down from the table and sets them down on the floor, right-side-up.

"Thank you," I say as I sit down. He pushes my seat in for me.

I giggle at his gentlemanly manner and he walks away from the table, likely to get food.

Sure enough, he comes back with - non-Asian breakfast foods?

"Taehyung!" I laugh.

He's holding a plate of pancakes and waffles, another with French toast and scrambled eggs.

"How long did that take you?" I laugh.

"Not long at all, the others were here to help."

I look around in surprise, and sure enough, I see the others casually standing around the room.

"Thanks, you guys!" I call out to them.

Hoseok responds with his signature smile, and Jimin gives me a thumbs up. Yoongi blushes (Yoongi can blush?! I think to myself) and Jungkook gives a small smile. Namjoon and Seokjin smile at me, Namjoon's dimples showing.

"You'd better like it!" Seokjin yells back.

I laugh and Taehyung gives me all the food, sitting in the chair across from me, watching me eat.

"This is so good!" I say through a mouthful of food. I swallow and repeat myself, but Taehyung is already laughing.

"Hey!" I say, glaring at him slightly. "No judging a hungry woman!"

He laughs again and I wipe my mouth with the back of my hand, sure that's the cause of it, but the action just makes him laugh harder.

After breakfast, Taehyung and the boys walked around the art museum before it opened, which was shortly after.

"It's so pretty!" I say, looking at the different pieces of artwork.

"It really is," Taehyung says, smiling at me.

"What?" I ask, blushing at all the attention I'm getting from him.

The other boys are more focused on making Seokjin and Namjoon annoyed than paying attention to the two of us talking.

"Thank you for bringing me here," Taehyung says again. "You don't understand how much I need this."

"Oh, you're welcome, Taehyung," and I give him a big hug to show my appreciation.

Taehyung smiles and hugs me back.

We stand there for a while before I remember the things I need to say.

"Happy Valentine's Day, Taehyung."

"Happy Valentine's Day, Hwa Young."

Girl_in_Luv Girl_in_Luv

“Those who don’t have a dream, it’s okay, it’s okay if you don’t have a dream. You just have to be happy.” - Min Yoongi (Suga)

Oh my gosh. This chapter had me crying at the end because of how late it is. I'm so sorry!!!! *insert crying emoji here*

Recently I have delved into the problem with Korean characters.

School has been hard, and I'm sorry for no new chapters recently.

If you have any ideas for this book, please let me know! I would love to hear your ideas, whether a new character or scene. I will do my best for your wishes to come true!

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