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Capítulo 6: Chapter 6: Small Time Skip - Bloodline Test

October 30th, 1981:

Today was Cian's third birthday since he had been sent into the Harry Potter world. During those three years he had managed to recall a good bit of the movies and books that this world was based around, or the world the books were based around? Regardless it was a good thing to know a rough timeline with the future dangerous events.

The First Wizarding War was still on going but he knew that, if going by the books, it was going to end on Halloween. That day was basically cursed in this world with everything that happens on it through-out Harry's stay at Hogwarts. He shook his head that held a thick bush of messy, yet soft snow white hair that had small stands of black mixed in.

-It is time for me to start formulating some plans for my future growth. Aten said he gave me some gifts but I don't have one of those cliche systems so that was out of it. Hmm..-

As much as he was okay without it Cian knew how nice it would be to have a visual reference for his growth in a simple gaming format but he threw that to the back of his mind since he needed to focus on more important things. That being his unusual urge to consume any knowledge that he can. His little legs helped him up on the chair into his mother's lap that was reading her book on some unknown magic, her body shifting enough so he could get comfortable.

Her soft voice rang out a light laugh at seeing her son peer with interest at the book, though not understanding the language quite yet but that was not a worry since his ever lovely mother more than willingly read him some pieces of the magic spells contained in the book. Cian had a fascination with magic, his soul and blood bubbled in excitement at the thought of him standing over all with spells woven throughout his being that no mortal could touch. That was far, far in the future however at least with him not being able to cast magic yet since his loving parents and nanny Kira always supervised him since he was so young.

The warm moment of him nestling in his mother's arms while she tickled him every now and then between reading passages filled him with absolute joy. His father, Angus, came into the library after hearing such happy noises with a smile on his lips and eyes more focused on his little son. His strides were long but gentle when he made his way to the side of the mother and son pair.

"Look at you two, absolutely heart melting."

Angus' lips found their way onto Gwyndolyn's that made the white haired woman giggle at the affection. No words could be said by her as Angus was already starting to speak, his hands tucking under Cian's arms and lifting him high into the air before bringing the small boy into his arms.

"I ended up having some free time and I thought that maybe we should go get our little lad's bloodline tested. His unique features might have been due to something and I am curious about what exactly is dwelling in this little body."

Angus' voice turned more into a coo at Cian while lifting him again to blow a loud raspberry on the three year old's stomach that made Cian laugh and hug his father's head. Although Cian had read many pieces of work in his last life he was not going to be like others that happen to reincarnate. Although he would have his secrets he wasn't going to be so anal about some things because he was already formulating plans on spanning his family's wealth outside of the Scottland to wherever he could make money.

His mother's voice clicked him back into reality as his father gently held him as he always did to listen to the true head of the house. Gwyndolyn gave a loving smile to the father-son duo that shared features but it was hard to tell outside the family since Cian had such distinct traits. Nevertheless the couple loved him unconditionally.

"Why don't the two of you go? Kira and I will just relax here and prepare some food after I finish this book. Show out little Cian around Diagon Alley while you are at it since later in life he is going to be running around there a lot."

Gwyn and Angus were already picking up that their little son was much more inclined to running around to discover anything related to magic and Diagon Alley was the best place since Cian was going to be with his father as well. Even though his parents never spoke about it Cian knew that they were being lax because there is a lull in the war since the Potters were in hiding at Godric's Hollow but no one knew that besides him until Voldemort finds them and kills them tomorrow as per the canon. Even if he had the power to stop it, he wouldn't. Not because he was afraid of going off canon but because then Voldemort would be much more wary with a new foe hanging around and that could lead to unknown and extreme danger.

Cian was going through his own plans while his father and mother spoke about some other topics until Angus decided it was time to go to Gringotts to get it over with so they could come back home to relax.

<Scene Break>

Angus didn't use portkey or apparition because of Cian's weak body from being so young; instead the pair used the Floo Network which made Cian's eyes sparkle in more fervently when seeing the standard orange-red flames igniting to a bright green after getting the specialized powder thrown in.

The feeling was still rocky for Cian since his body is not used to traveling through spatial means, yet. His father took them straight to the Leaky Cauldron. There the small, yet very homey pub greeted Cian whose eyes kept twinkling in joy as he got to see what he only saw in the movies right in front of his eyes. Tom, the landlord, noticed the two new arrivals. His hunched back, bald head, and smile were the things that Cian noticed first.

"Ah! 'S that Mr. Barclay? What an honor! The Shadow 'imself with…oh, who is this?"

When Tom spoke about the nickname Angus had Cian's attention snapped to gaze at his father with expectant eyes. Cian had been told of some exploits about his father from his mother but that was it. He had never known the moniker until now but it seemed that would have to wait since Angus gave an embarrassed smile.

"Tom, this is my son Cian. He is the reason I haven't been around much as of late but today we are going to have a little tour around Diagon Alley on my wife's request."

Tom gave a nod in understanding before turning to look at Cian and giving a warm smile toward the small boy. Tom was a bit indebted to the Lloyd family from Cian's mother, a known rune specialist, that helped enchant the charms around the pub to make it more difficult for Death Eaters to sneak through to Knockturn Alley, at least through the pub that is.

"Lil' Cian, is it? Fitting name with those eyes! Hahah! Give your mum my greetings and thanks for helping me. Now I will leave you two to ya business!"

<Scene Break>

After leaving the pub and entering Diagon Alley through the magical brick doorway Angus and Cian made the choice to explore first before heading to Gringotts, they were in no real hurry. In order of the stores they explored did not matter that much since neither of the two needed anything an Angus sure wasn't going to let Cian buy magic books for himself to read, but that didn't irk him as Cian knew back home they had a pretty expansive library with even the Hogwarts curriculum up the the last year! When he started practicing magic it was going to be amazing.

An hour passed by, then two and now nearing on three since the pair was mulling about and having heartfelt moments in between since this was technically their first father-son outing. As the sky started to dim a bit Cian looked up at Angus with a slightly worried expression since he was now getting nervous about the bloodline test; what if Aten gave him something along those lines? It could lead to trouble so with his best effort he spoke up.

"Dad, are the goblins going to drink my blood for the test?"

Angus had told, and warned, Cian a bit about the goblins because of their greedy and vile nature toward anything that was not wealth. Angus stifled a laugh seeing worry on his son's face. With a soft sigh he started to speak but was cut off by Cian.

"What if they take my blood and do bad things with it? Mama said that blood can be something bad in the wrong hands!"

The only reason Cian was so persistent about this was because if Aten happened to give him a special bloodline then he wanted to make sure it would not be used in any way against him in the future. It was a safety measure for his own sake. His worries seemed unneeded though as Angus could not hold back his laugh. He began to explain how Gringotts only took one drop and that was used up during the test so his worries were not needed, talking and soothing his worried mind as they went toward Gringotts.

<Scene Break>

When the father and son got to the tall white marble building with 'Gringotts' carved over the entrance, it matched the ugly nature of the buildings around it with how it was slightly twisted but they strode in without concern. Cian was too focused on the interior that had a high ceiling with large crystal chandeliers hanging in the middle slightly above the counter where a goblin stood waiting. Its perpetual snarl on its ugly face.

Upon seeing Angus the goblin's snarl turned into an unnerving customer service grin as it waited for the pair to walk up. When the two got up to the counter the goblin spoke up with its beads eyes on Cian then Angus.

"Welcome back, Mr. Barclay. Have you come to make a deposit into your vault or are you looking to withdraw an amount from it?"

Cian had to admit that the goblins were professional when it came to money and most things related to it but the hate and contempt he could feel from its black eyes did not help him in wanting to befriend one anytime soon. Angus gently held Cian with one arm while the other used its hand to fetch out five gaellons to place on the counter.

"I want to get a discreet bloodline test done for my son, Cian."

It was short and concise, no unneeded information given since goblins were both tight lipped and the biggest gossipers when gold was involved. The goblin, who had now introduced himself as Griplok, gave a small frown at the mentioning of the test but took the coins regardless and escorted the pair into a back room with some lavish furniture. Gridlok was swift in getting another goblin named Shawshank, who specialized in bloodline tests into the room with a piece of parchment with intricate runes and various symbols littering it.

Angus assured Cian one last time with a simple, yet loving look. A shaky breath left him as Cian offered his hand up for it to be swiftly jabbed with a special needle that only got a drop of blood before the pricked spot healed as fast as it got jabbed. In nervousness and excitement Cian watched Shawshank place the drop of blood on the paper which sunk into the parchment. One second passed with nothing happening but not one soul spoke when a mix of stunning purple and vibrant gold emerged from the runes and seemed to melt them until only two names of ancient origin were floating a foot above the parchment that now burnt into ashes.

Cian could only gaze at those names and excitement and horror bubbled up in his gut. -Oh sh*t…- That was all he could think of as when he read those two names his blood started to boil violently which led to him passing out and the sound of his father yelling out in worry as his world faded to black.

{Myrddin Emrys} {Morgên y Dylwythen Deg}

MrNecro MrNecro

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Will try to do at least a chapter a day, but only time will tell!

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