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Capítulo 7: Chapter 7: Before the Canon

-Timeskip several months-

-Date 2017/July-


In early summer, Ivon had to leave for a job or mission on behalf of the Silver Brotherhood, since his parents ascended in the organization the superiors set their eyes on their son. The mission he had to attend was a raid on a group of vampires.

Apart from Ivon, the Silver Brotherhood gathered a group of 20 hunters, including our protagonist. The result of the mission was the complete annihilation of the group of vampires, but equally heavy losses were suffered on the side of the hunters, 14 members fell in battle and only 6 returned alive, and Ivon was one of them.

*¡Brrrrrrum, bruuum!*

A red car driving down the highway toward Riverdale, a 1969 Dodge Charger R/T. The sound of the engine was beautiful, it was music to the ears.

If the car were a little slower its driver would be recognizable.... Ivon Laurent Welton drove the car. After completing the extermination mission with the money he received, he bought the car.

He specifically, sought out a red one to surprise Cheryl, who before leaving always complained that her brother Jason used the car to meet Polly. Although the bike was nice, Cheryl doesn't feel comfortable sitting on it for very long.

"I already want to see his face as soon as I see you, honey". Ivon said while he was driving, the blonde was talking in the car.

Since she had been driving for several hours, she made a stop to go eat at Pop s Chock. She parked the car in front of the store and headed for the entrance.

"Dad, can you bring me something to eat?... I've had a long trip and I'm starving". Ivon told the store owner that he didn't bother to order from him because the 'Pop' man remembered all of his customers' orders.

Without seeing Pop he went around all the tables in the place looking for someone familiar, and only noticed a guy in a hat. Ivon knew him, he was a friend of Archie's, and they called him Jughead because his full name is a tongue twister.

The Bulldog boys always made fun of Jughead for his lonely and quiet appearance. Ivon, always treated him like an acquaintance and without a second thought sat down with him.

The kid was so focused on his laptop, typing that he didn't even know there was anyone in front of him, he didn't lose his concentration. Ivon didn't do anything to make his presence known either.

"It's good to see you Ivon, I'm sorry for what you're going through". Pop said as he set his order down on the table.

Ivon frowned at the man's words, he spoke as if something serious had happened and he was having a hard time. As strange as he seemed he let it go, and only paid attention to his food, I don't hesitate to eat because he was starving.


Ivon finished his meal in a few minutes, he only needed to finish his milkshake. Jughead casually averted his eyes from the screen. As he met Ivon's eyes they widened.

"You're finally looking at me. I've been here for a while, I've even finished eating. I can't believe you haven't felt me". Ivon spoke with a bored tone.

"Ivon you're back...". Still surprised Jughead closed his laptop.

"Yes, I just got back, I had to visit my parents in Romania. Let's put that aside better tell me what I missed?". Ivon asked nonchalantly.

Because of the mission, she had to leave in the last month of the school year of her first year. It was already summer vacation.

"Hey, don't you know anything about what happened?". Again Jughead asked inquisitively.

"Dude I was gone for quite some time". Ivon looked tired of so much mystery.

"I'm sorry to be the one to tell you, but..... Jason is dead". When Jughead blurted out such words.

Ivon's eyes widened, his face became something Jughead never imagined seeing on it. His eyes reflected anger.


Jughead informed him that on the 4th of July, Jason and Cheryl were planning to take a boat ride on the Sweetwater River, there was an accident, the boat they were traveling in capsized. Jason fell into the water and drowned, while Cheryl managed to survive by being lucky enough to be washed ashore.

Without a second thought, Ivon rushed out of the establishment, jumped into her car, and, disregarding the speed limits, drove to the Blossom home in search of Cheryl.

-Blossom Manor-


At tremendous speed Ivon's car entered the Blossom compound, she used the handbrake to stop in front of the entrance. She got out of the car and ran to the gate.

He had a key to open the gate, which Cheryl's father had given him when he found out about the engagement.


Without holding back he slammed the door, which rattled the door. The first to arrive to see what was going on was Cheryl's mother.

"Ivon...". That was what she said when she saw him.

"Ms. Penelope I came as fast as I knew, where is Cheryl". Ivon said as he held her shoulders.

"What's wrong?". Appeared Mr. Blossom, moved by the sound of the door.

"Mr. Blossom I'm sorry I wasn't with you at this delicate time. I just found out I came to see you, tell me where Cheryl is". Ivon said again trying to get someone to tell him where his girlfriend was.

"Calm down boy...". Said Mr. Blossom, but Ivon didn't listen.

"'s you". Cheryl appeared on the staircase leading to the second floor.

Ivon ran to hug her and placed her hand on her head to manage her head. "I'm sorry for not being with you at such a difficult time". He whispered to her as he continued to hug her.

"No, don't be sorry. You're with me now". Was his reply.


Cheryl's parents ordered the maid to prepare herbal water to soothe Ivon. In the living, room everyone was gathered, Ivon was sitting next to Cheryl holding her hand tightly, he wanted to let her know he was here.

"Mr. Blossom, Mrs. Penelope. You have me for anything you need". Ivon told his in-laws that they were counting on him.

"Thank you, Ivon... We still haven't found Jason's body. We will have to have a funeral without his's sad, but it's the right thing to do". The mother said as she began to cry.

Cheryl also began to cry, she rubbed her face on Ivo's chest in an attempt to hide her tears.

"The rescue team has not been able to find the body. I hired people to continue the search, but so far nothing has been found. We will have a burial without the body, we would be happy to have Ivon attend". Cheryl's father explained the situation in more detail because his wife could not bear it.

"I'll be there". I said just to pat Cheryl in an attempt to calm her down.

"You can take Cheryl upstairs so she can sleep, since the day of the accident she hasn't been able to sleep". Cheryl's mother said the only thing that didn't add up was that when she spoke she sounded angry.

It wasn't easy to see it, but her voice had a hint of resentment in it. Ivon was aware of Mrs. Blossom's poor care and neglect of her daughter, but she never thought she would resent what happened.

"Come on Cheryl, I'll take you to your room". He said just to help her up.

Until I got to her room and lay down on the bed, Cheryl didn't take her face off my chest. When Ivon checked on his girlfriend, she had already fallen asleep. Her face looked so relaxed, even with tears on her cheeks she was beautiful. He let her sleep, that night the two of them slept together.


In the morning our couple was no longer in bed, but from the bathroom the room, we could hear the water from the shower. If someone came in they could watch as Ivon and Cheryl bathed naked.

"¿How did this happen?". Cheryl asked as she ran her hand down Ivon's back.

A diagonal scar ran down Ivon's back, when Cheryl first saw it she lost the color on her face.

"I had an accident, luckily my parents knew how to act right away they took me to the hospital. Just a week ago the doctors took out my stitches". Ivon told him part of the truth.

This wound was a consequence of being part of the extermination mission, and she was lucky because some members lost some limbs.

"It's okay, for what will happen today". Ivon turned to face Cheryl, although the shower was large their bodies were in contact enjoying each other's warmth.

"Now that you're with me I can take him". In a soft voice, Cheryl replied as she laid her head on Ivon's chest.

They stayed like that for a few minutes, until they had to get out. Being wet too long could bring a chill as a consequence.

The two got dressed to go down to breakfast with the others, just like Cheryl, Ivon had clothes at the Blossom's house. With Cheryl's parents' approval, she sometimes stayed over at the Thornhill.

At breakfast, everyone ate without saying a word, even Cheryl's grandmother. Roseanne Blossom or as Cheryl referred to her "Nana Rose". She fixed her gaze on Ivon, and with a smile, she spoke.

"I never thought to see a hunter in our family". To those present, her words were of no consequence, but Ivon stopped eating.

Cheryl noticed such an action, took his hand, and said. "¿What's wrong? You feel bad". Ivon went back to eating.

"It's nothing, I just remembered something". That was what she said, only to look slyly in Nana Rose's direction.

"Nana Rose I'm good at hunting, that's why I always accompany Mr. Blossom during hunting season". He said just to keep an eye out in case she responded.

"Your mark... It's not from a hunter... just anyone...". Between short sentences, Nana made it clear that she knew of Ivon's occupation.

"Nana has always been so smart". In a soft voice, Cheryl speaks to her grandmother.

"Where's Jason... They need to go wash their hands to eat". Out of nowhere, she spoke about Jason, Cheryl's gaze dropped to the floor.

Ivon squeezed her hand a little to get her attention. When she got it, she approached to give him a small kiss on her lips.

"It's okay, I'm here". He told her only to continue eating.

Cheryl's parents said nothing about such an action, Ivon had no qualms about displaying her amorous actions in front of them. Since she had been reincarnated into this world she knew that rationality was different.

Nana Rose had been diagnosed with dementia, suffering from extreme delirium and memory distortion. In addition, due to an accident, she lost the mobility of her legs, unable to walk. For that reason, she is cared for by a personal maid and rarely eats with everyone.


Within the territory of Thornhill Manor the Blossom family had their cemetery, and today an empty coffin was formed. The funeral was very small, with only close people.

"¿What do we do now?". Wondered Cheryl as she looked at her brother's headstone.

After burying the casket everyone left, only Cheryl and Ivon were left.

"Cheryl I'm not going to lie to you, it's not going to be easy to get over. I promise I'll be with you to help you". Ivon grabbed Cheryl's shoulders as she stood up with her.

"Thank you, Ivon". Cheryl said only to stand on her tiptoes, and capture Ivon's lips in a kiss.


Near the spot where Cheryl started her boat ride with Jason, Ivon appeared driving his motorcycle. Arriving at the small beach of the place, I found several motorcycles on which the snakes were riding.

"Ivon...". Among the snakes appeared Toni's silhouette, behind her was Sweet Pea with a face of few friends.

"Thank you for coming, Toni. You all, I know I'm not a snake, and yet you came, I thank you all". Ivon got off the bike and spoke in general for everyone.

What Ivon had done was to call Toni to help her look for Jason's body, he already knew the police had tried, and Mr. Blossom.

Well, he couldn't sit idly by and do nothing.

"Ivon, make no mistake we have only come to settle our debt to you. We snakes will never be beholden to anyone from the North". Sweet Pea, walked to stand in front of Ivon.

Toni tried to stop him for fear he would start a fight, but when she saw Ivon looking at her she stopped.

"Sweet Pea, I understand. Now I want you to help me check downstream along the bank, we are looking for anything that looks like a dead body or human remains". Ivon spoke up.

"I didn't expect to look for a body, you know the Northerner who drowned here". Toni, who had found out about the accident, asked in surprise.

"He's my brother-in-law. I had to leave Riverdale for a month, came back yesterday and found out what happened". Ivon said in a wistful voice.

Jason in addition to being her brother-in-law was her friend. Although their relationship was strained because of how overprotective he was of her sister, Ivon felt some affection for Jason.

"I'm sorry Ivon, I didn't know". Toni said as she wrapped her arms around him.

"Thanks, Tony, you're a good friend. I appreciate having you". Ivonne said in a whisper so that only she could hear it.

Since leaving SouthSide High School she never lost touch with Toni, or the snakes. Occasionally he would call Toni to see how she was doing or invite her for a drink at Whyte's Wyrm.

Of course, her presence was not very well received by most of the snakes, and she had to fight with most of them. FP jones the leader got tired of the commotion in the bar, so he ordered that as long as Ivon didn't do anything to compromise the snakes he could come whenever he wanted.

"Come on... let's get this over with". Sweet Pea ordered all the snakes.

Everyone got on their bikes to go down the river, only Toni and Ivón stayed on the beach. They stopped hugging only to get on Ivón's bike and do their search.

Toni wrapped her arms around Ivon's back to hold on and, without realizing it, snuggled against her back and smelled the perfume she was wearing. For her at that moment time passed slowly.

"¿Why do I feel this way with him?". Toni wondered, she kept feeling something she only felt with women.

It wasn't just attraction anymore, it was becoming something more. No matter what I do, I try to go out with girls and it doesn't work, I try to go out with boys and I can't stand it. All boys, in her eyes, are assholes, only Ivon was different.

Every weekend she would wait for Ivon's calls or texts, hoping he would ask her out for a drink...the times at Whyte's Wyrm were always fun. She could spend hours talking, and Toni was never bored.


As expected, after 3 days of searching, Ivón, Toni, and the snakes found nothing. In the end, he called off the search and treated everyone to a round of drinks at Whyte's Wyrm.

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