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Capítulo 20: A Priest's Might

In the beginning, when I was first born, I was enraptured with the wonders of my domain. Its purpose, its powers, and its function all intrigued me... and I wanted everyone else to share this feeling. To revel in its mysteries just as I do.

So, I created "mana": a strange energy that goes against the laws of creation. Allowing its hosts to do things that were once thought impossible. And I spread this energy across the world. Sharing my power with the various lesser races.

But of course, this act was not meant to be. I gave them too much power, and they became prideful, arrogant. Believing themselves to be gods when they are so far from it. And worst of all, they left me behind, taking what I gave them for granted.

So, I took it back, most of it at least. While limiting what they could once do with it. Changing mana's very purpose from being an energy that uses imagination to create mystery to an energy that needs calculations and science. Vastly weakening what it could once do.

Then, I retreated to my cave. Taking a lesser role in humanity but keeping watch over it all the same. Picking out extraordinary humans that showed great talent in the mystic arts and giving them inspiration for more spells that they could "create".

This continued for quite some time... until she appeared. Circe, the little goddess, took advantage of my ways and converted my followers into her own. Using their belief to gain complete dominance over the domain of mystery, or magic, as it's been called.

Stripping me of most of my strength and I could do nothing about it. Circe had the backing of the gods, and I could not risk their wrath, not in my weakened state. So I was forced to move on. To focus on one of my other domains, necromancy, and research its limits.

But the Fates were cruel to me. Deeming that once again, I would lose control of my domain due to the whim of a god. Sending me into a depression of sorts. My power weakening by the day until Ghidorah arrived. Freeing me of my cursed fate.

And now, I have been tasked with the destruction of Olympus. To enact my king's revenge... and my own. Finding them was easy. Especially when Athena had used a spell to hide them from my king's gaze. Leading me right to them.

Teleporting there, I can see Olympus floating in an abyss of nothing. No life, no worlds, no anything. Athena went all out in finding the perfect dimension to hide in. She just did not expect me to come for them, that I worked for Ghidorah.

Flying toward the mountain, I slipped through the barriers as if they were not there while converting their purpose to allow no escape. This, of course, alerted them to my presence. Saving me the time of announcing it.

The first to arrive was Artemis, she was always the fastest, and when she looked at me, I could see the realization wash over her. She had expected someone else, it seems. My new aura has taken her off guard.

"Hecate... what has happened to you?" She let out in shock. Her eyes glued to my long horns and purple eyes.

Almost mockingly, I raised my hand and stroked one of my horns. A small smile gracing my lips. "I was offered a deal, Artemis, and I accepted it. This power, and this form, is a reward for my services." I informed as my violet aura began to leak out of my flesh.

Gulping nervously, Artemis manifested a bow of silver light and notched an arrow. Scared, but determined to protect her family. "And just who do you serve, Titan?"

In response, I stopped petting my appendage and pointed toward her. Causing her to rush toward me in a rushed hurry but it was too late. Her limbs has already twisted and warped before she even made it halfway to me.

Forcing a scream of agony from the moon goddess as she tumbled and fell right before me. Kneeling so that I could lift her head up, I smiled as she glared at me with pain and hatred. "I serve the will of Ghidorah, the beast from beyond the stars."

My answer wiped away her hatred and replaced it with fear. They really didn't suspect a thing, how pitiful. Once again reaching out with my divinity, I imagined her heart stopping. Putting her out of her misery before then filling her with said divinity.

Using it to reanimate her corpse with my domain over necromancy, which has been freed from Thanatos' control by the influence of Ghidorah's power. Healing Artemis' body and causing her skin to become a sickly gray and cracks to appear on her form that glowed purple, indicating the power that lied beneath.

"Lady Artemis!" A collective of voices roared out. Drawing my attention to the various minor gods that had finally caught up. Among them are the likes of Heracles, Enyo, Nemesis, Nike, and many more.

Raising to my feet, I gave them a dismissive glance before commanding my new zombie. Causing her form to jolt up and rush toward the deities with a fevered pace. Appearing before them faster than they could react, she grabbed two daggers she had holstered on her hips.

Using them to quickly dispatch one of the minor gods before turning and stabbing another without pause. Allowing me to reanimate every god she slayed, adding to my ever-growing Necro Army.

The only time she struggled was when Nemesis stabbed her as Heracles tanked her attack. Her sword dealt a lethal blow to Artemis, at least, if she was alive. Instead, I used the power inside the corpse to heal her body. Giving her the means to continue.

And soon, most of the minor gods had fallen and been reanimated as a part of my immortal army. With the rest barely holding on as they struggled until more gods appeared.

"Hecate, stop this at once! You dare go against Olympus?! To not only attack us, Gods, but then disgrace our forms with your horrid domain! This is the height of arrogance, you foolish titan!" The enraged voice of Hera bellowed.

Humph, it seems everyone is here. Turning toward the origin of Hera's cries, I see her and all the other remaining Olympians, except for Hades and Poseidon. With Athena looking at me in contempt and Apollo in outrage.

"Your the same as always, Hera, always talking but never doing. I just have to ask you, who's going to make me stop? You? Doubtful!" I jabbed, in hopes of relining her up.

It did the trick as her face became red with rage, always so easily offended. She made to retort when Athena placed a hand on her shoulder. Giving her a stern look that made her keep her silence. She seems to have a leash now. Bravo, Athena.

"Hecate, I never would have thought that you would succumb to the will of a dragon, an evil one at that. Oh, how the mighty have fallen." Athena said, her words filled with irritation. Her plan failing has upset her.

"No, look at what I have risen above. I have exceeded you and your lot. I have become stronger than you ever were... and ever will be. " I threatened, declaring my intent.

Causing Athena to frown, her irritation being cast aside. "Perhaps you are right, Titan of Magic, Servant of Ghidorah. But you of all people should know that the Olympians would never go out without a fight!" She proclaimed, drawing her sword.

With the rest of the Olympians taking out their own weapons and rushing forward alongside her. Well, if it's a fight they want, I will give it to them. Waving my hand, I manipulated the fallen gods and ordered them to intercept the Olympians.

While I targeted the most troublesome one among them, Ares, the god of war. Who, as it sounds like, can grow exponentially stronger in times like this. Times when Olympus is threatened by an outside force.

So, I appeared behind him in an instant and enveloped him in my divinity. Which far outclassed his current amount and imagined his blood boiling at such heat that Ares could only get out a small yell before he melted. Transforming into a pile of liquid.

That I then reanimated, piecing him back together as my humble and mindless servant. Which made me smile, my domain over mystery is not all-powerful, you see. If I were to use it against Ghidorah, Ddraig, or even an Evil Dragon, they would resist my power.

Ddraig would probably not even notice it. Ghidorah would laugh mockingly at the attempt. While an average evil dragon would probably feel half of the effects of what I imagined since a dragon's scales are magic resistant.

So, while I still have to grow stronger, I have still come a long way. Surpassing my past heights entirely and soon, when I finish setting up the belief system, I will become comparable to the primordials themselves. And then... maybe then...

"You bitch!" Hera cried out, snapping me out of my thoughts. Turning my head toward her, I watched as she slayed the zombie she was fighting and rushed toward me. Her face flushed with vengeance and tears.

Yet, as she neared, Ares intercepted her with a roar. His large battle axe cleft her sword and her form in half as Hera's life ended just like that, slain by the body of her own son. Quite the tragedy, I suppose, but they've done worse.

Now, let's finish this up. Taking inspiration from Ghidorah, I gathered divinity in my throat and spoke. "STAY STILL." My voice resounded, locking down the Olympians' movements and allowing my army to quickly land lethal blows. Killing them all, except for Athena and Hephaestus.

Ordering Ares and Apollo to restrain them, they brought them before me and forced them to kneel. With Athena glaring at me and Hephaestus hanging his head low in defeat, tired of all this.

Which I took note of. "Hephaestus, do you want to die here?"

My words surprised him, his head jolting up to stare at me in disbelief. "...No, of course not. None of us wanted to." he said dejectedly.

Bringing a smile to my face as I put on a cheerful act. "Good! You'll be working for King Ghidorah from now on. Okay?" I asked but didn't give him time to respond before sending him to a sub-space for safekeeping.

Gaining a mirthless chuckle from Athena. "Smart move, titan. I would have done the same, in your position. That man may be ugly but he's undeniably useful. It's just too bad that you'll never be able to make use of him." She suddenly declared.

Sending a chill through my spine but as I attempted to flee, Athena's form began to glow and a smirk formed on her face. "I already told you, Hecate! I will not go down without a fight. Especially when I can take you with me! See you in Tartarus, you bastard!"

Quickly manifesting a barrier, I ordered my army to shield me as Athena imploded. Creating an explosion that destroyed all of Olympus and launched me back. Incinerating my army bit by bit until it reached the barrier. Forcing me to struggle greatly to survive.

To use more and more of my divinity in hops of outlasting the blast. Yet, my reserves were already depleted quite a bit during the fight. So while I survived the kamikaze attack, I suffered greatly. Intense burns now covering my form.

At least, until they healed. Ghidorah's power is pretty spectacular in many ways.

Quickly recreating my army by feeding them what remains of my divinity, I placed them in a similar sub-space to the one I put Hephaestus in. Ensuring that I can always call on them in a fight, unless I run out of energy. I'll have to rectify that downside later.

With that done and Athena destroyed, I burst into magic notes and left this dimension. My mission complete.

{POV: Ddraig}

Exiting my dragon gate, I arrived at... a sea? Who destroyed the island and where's Igneel? Taking a deep breath, I realized the answer to these questions. Dropping into the sea, I sunk into its depths until I came across what my senses declared as the scattered remains of my son, Igneel.

Which means he's dead. That's... disappointing. Out of all the children I've spawned over the years, he had the most potential. He was born more powerful, and smarter and I was looking forward to seeing what heights he would reach.

So, it's a bit of a shame to see him dead and my expectations to be put to waste... Well, maybe not. If he proves to be as talented as I thought, then perhaps he could revive. Me and Albion do it all the time, after all. Hell, Albion's doing it right now.

Yet, Igneel does not possess the power required for such a feat. Leaving me with no choice but to avenge his death, if only to punish the fool who deprived me of my entertainment. Which leads me to the perpetrator.

Walking in the sea as if it were land, I soon reached a skull unlike any other. One that still possesses a scent, as faint as it is, that I could recognize anywhere, even with how weak it is making it incomparable to the one I know.

Without a doubt, this small severed head belongs to a much younger and weaker Ghidorah. Making me wonder how fast he grew. This head looks like it belongs to a dragon to size of Igneel and it couldn't be more than 50 years old.

This means that Ghidorah grew to my level of power in a mere half a century... I need to be taking him more seriously, then. A lot more seriously. He could be more dangerous than Albion if I do not... I need to grow stronger.

Much stronger. So much stronger that Ghidorah will not stand a chance, no matter what he devours!

And to do this, I manifested my dragon gate and left this plane. Heading to the one place I know that can give me both the time and the trials necessary for me to complete this task.


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