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Capítulo 11: Eleven

"Alice..." I whispered into the ear of the vampire I was lying down next to.

"Hmm?" Alice hummed in response as she moved her legs which were intertwined with mine.

"I've gotta get home and get ready for school." I said knowing that I had around two hours until I needed to leave the house with Bella.

"But I don't want you to leave." Alice replied with a pouty expression as she climbed on top of me and sat on my lap.

"And neither do I want to leave but I have to." I said as I pulled Alice into a hug and deeply inhaled her scent with my face on her shoulder while she did the same to me.

Alice and I sat like this for a few moments before reluctantly separating.

"You're family has gotten worried since you've gone quiet." I said to Alice as got out of bed.

"Mhm, I'll go out and talk with them." Alice replied.

"Alright." I said as I looked down at Alice who was looking at me expectantly.

'How cute.' I said inwardly knowing what Alice was expecting.

Mhm~" Alice released a small moan as our lips connected but after a few moments, I unfortunately had to separate from her.

"I'll see you later." I said to Alice after we stopped kissing.

"Okay, be safe." Alice said with a sweet smile as she watched me fly outside through the window in her room.

"I will." I replied before beginning my journey home which didn't take me more than a minute.

Immediately upon arriving home, I flew towards the window that led into my room and entered.

"What a crazy day." I said as I plopped down on my bed while thinking about everything that had happened from yesterday morning till now.

Yesterday morning I came clean about my race to Dad and Bella and at night I went to the Cullen's residence and spoke with Alice before we cleared things up and rested together until the next morning, a pretty crazy day if you ask me.

I laid on my bed doing nothing for around twenty minutes doing nothing but missing Alice. In truth, I wish I didn't need to come back two hours before having to leave but who knows what would've happened, perhaps dad would have knocked on my door and found that I wasn't there and got worried.

'That could've happened last night while I was gone too...' I said to myself knowing that I could've already been caught but I really don't think Dad will care, I just need to make sure to tell him next time.

"Whatever, let's just go to the lab for now." I said before getting out of bed and flying out my window.

"Now where was I?" I said as I walked into the lab while looking for the motherboard I was working on before leaving for the Cullens house.

"Tristan, are you still in here?" Bella said from outside the lab.

"Yup." I replied as I opened the door for her to come in.

"Damn dude, working through the night huh?" Bella said as she sat on the ground since I didn't have any chairs as I would float while working.

"Nah, I just got back." I said as I tinkered with the motherboard.

"Just got back? Where were you?" Bella asked curiously knowing I wouldn't have worded it like that if I was simply in my room.

"I went to the Cullens house last night." I said causing Bella's eyes to widen.

"...What?" Bella said making sure she heard me correctly.

"I went to the Cullen's house last night and hung out with Alice for like twenty minutes ago." I said again.

"Already?!" Bella shouted with surprise on her face.

"So here's how everything happened." I said to Bella before I began explaining my demonic awakening except what I experienced in the hypnosis and how that led to the Cullen's absence and how I went over there to check on Alice and things went in a direction I didn't expect.

"Vampires! I knew they were way too pale!" Bella shouted like she had uncovered a mystery.

Yes, I told Bella about the existence of vampires. Why? It might mess up the original canon of Twilight you say. Well, for starters I give zero shits about the canon of Twilight, I exist and that alone changes things. Secondly, I didn't wanna be accused of hiding things when she found out in the future because she was obviously gonna find out.

"So you're dating a vampire and the guy I like is also a vampire, cool." Bella said after calming down.

"Yeah, but I don't know if Alice and I are dating." I said feeling that I should have asked her that before leaving.

"Dude after spending the night with her you better be dating or you slipped up really really bad." Bella said seriously.

"True." I replied in agreement, but I didn't think I slipped up and even if I did I wouldn't let Alice go anywhere.

'That was a pretty dark thought.' I said to myself but didn't really care, perhaps I didn't even realise how crazy that sounded in the ears of others.

"Well, you can figure it out when we get to school." Bella said as she stood up.

"C'mon, we don't have much more time until we've gotta leave." Bella said as she walked toward the door.

I looked up from my work and then toward Bella before releasing a sigh then following behind Bella.

"How tall are you now?" Bella asked curiously.

"6 foot 1 (or) 185cm." I replied as we continued our walk down the path.

"That demon awakening thing really carried you on its back man." Bella said with a teasing smile.

"I would've been fine without it." I replied.

"Heh, yeah sure." Bella said.

Not wanting to walk I started flying with a smile on my face before lifting Bella up with me.

"So do you think Ed-" Bella said before stopping to say something else.

"Woah! Tristan!" Bella said as we flew through the sky until we reached the house.

"Oh my god! Don't do that shit again fuckface!" Bella shouted as I landed on my feet and her on her ass.

"Haha" I chuckled some before walking inside the house.

After walking inside I made my way up to my room before jumping in the shower where I cleaned myself up in preparation for the school day. 

"What to wear..." I said aloud after getting out of the shower as I thought about what I should wear today and soon enough I decided.

"Aye, you ready?" Bella said from outside my room.

I didn't reply and instead opened the door before walking outside and closing the door behind me.

"Oh yeah, you didn't answer me yesterday, did you use magic on the people at school?" Bella asked me curiously as we walked outside the house without saying bye to Dad since he left already.

"I did, just so my change in appearance wouldn't raise any eyebrows." I replied as I stood next to my car.

"Yeah, I thought so, nobody said anything to me about it." Bella said before getting into her car without letting me respond but I wasn't bothered by that.

Seeing Bella pull out of the driveway I jumped into my car before following behind her and while doing so I couldn't help but fall into thought as I always do.

"Compound V." I said as I began to think of some serums and other things that could empower me if I could create and improve upon them.


"Oz Formula."

"Lizard Serum."

"CPH4 from the movie, Lucy."

"Golden Sentry Serum." I said knowing that if I really did try to make the GS Serum it would be extremely hard, it wasn't something I could sit down and create in a day or two.

(a/n: comment some other serum/improvements the mc could make, I don't remember a lot of them. It doesn't matter what fiction it's from, I'll look into any suggestion and go from there.)

"This is gonna be a long ride making some of this shit." I said to myself with a smile happy that one of the techniques I had allowed me to train my mental prowess, shoutout to Merlin, thank you!

I once said I was average in everything during my previous life and that was true when one spoke of my intellect but the same couldn't be said for my second life. As a Nephalem I was already far smarter than my previous human self by leaps and bounds. At a young age, I was able to learn knowledge it took humans decades to learn and with that level of intellect alone I was rather confident I could create almost anything I wanted, but Merlin's mental technique took my intellect to the next step.

In the world of 7DS Merlin was well known as the greatest mage and for having a brilliant mind, as well as revolutionizing magic as a whole. Although Merlin was undeniably born a genius her mental training technique allowed her to continuously train and better herself mentally giving her a boost in everything that regarded her mental prowess. The technique was a big reason she was as great as she was among a plethora of other reasons.

'It takes quite a lot of arrogance to think I could recreate the greatest inventions of the best humans from their respective verses.' I said inwardly knowing that my thought process would indeed be considered arrogant in the eyes of others but it didn't diminish my confidence in creating the things I wanted.

"I'll focus on creating CPH4 from Lucy before creating the SS Serum for Bella and Dad since I should be able to make it stronger for them that way after I gain what CPH4 gives." I said with a resolute expression knowing just how much I would benefit if I could create CBH4.

CPH4 is a synthetic drug that drastically increases brain capacity and gives enhanced mental abilities, including telepathy, telekinesis, and technopathy. CPH4 would give me a tremendous boost in intellect due to its innate ability to unlock the full potential of the brain, a boost that would be very helpful when creating other serums and exploring the abilities I have now.

In the movie Lucy, the main character digested a massive amount of CPH4 and said something that always stuck with me.

"We use less than 10% of our brain. Just think what we could do if we used 100%" I said aloud repeating Lucy's words.

She was right humans were only able to use around 10% of their brains to achieve what they did and although I wasn't human, I myself could only use around 18% of my brain, and although that's far better than what a human could ever hope to achieve I knew I could still go further.

'Imagine how far I could take my magic if I unlocked all of my brain power, I would reach heights Merlin couldn't have hoped to reach.' I said to myself with a smile knowing that if I was able to create CPH4 I would open up another realm of possibilities.

'Not only do I need to create them but I also need to make them strong enough to work on me since my body is far stronger than any human.' I said inwardly aware that I had a good amount of work ahead of me.

"You gonna get out or you gonna stay n' there today?" Bella said as she knocked on my car window, I had already parked but I was still in deep thought so I hadn't gotten out yet.

Not responding to Bella I take my seatbelt off before grabbing my stuff from the passenger seat and getting out of the car.

"Bout time." Bella said with a smile.

"Tristan." A feminine voice said as I felt someone wrap their arms around me with their face pressed into my chest.

"I missed you." Alice said as she looked up at me without pulling away.

"I missed you to." I replied as I wrapped my arms around Alice and pulled her closer to me with a smile.

"Oh yeah, y'all are definitely dating." Bella said with a smile as if she was right all along.

"Hehehe, yup." Alice laughed adorably before agreeing with Bella which made my smile widen.

"Good to see you man, I thought you were... ugh, you know..." Emmett said awkwardly from the right of me while standing in front of the rest of the Cullens who were looking at me oddly.

"But hot damn! You had a bigass growth spurt huh?" Emmett said with a goofy smile trying to raise the mood since the Cullens were dampening it.

"Yeah." I replied not really paying attention to him since Alice was here.

"They're starin' now." Bella said bringing attention to the students who were staring at us but more so at me and Alice.

"What did you say?" I said to Bella after using magic to cause everyone to become completely uninterested in us and continue on about their day.

"What the hell..." Jasper said with widened eyes.

I expected Jasper's response because I knew the man could feel the emotions of others. I'm certain the vampire felt the change in emotions from the humans surrounding us and that must've startled him.

"What?" Clarrissa said to Jasper confused about his abrupt words and odd expression.

"Did you do that?" Jasper asked me curiously.

Jasper's words told me that he knew I wasn't human because how could a human do what I did in a world like Twilight? Humans having gifts before turning into vampires was very rare so I doubt he thought that was the case.

"I did." I replied nonchalantly.

"Did what?" Rosalie asked with her usual scowl.

"We'll talk about it later." Jasper said as he looked at Bella and then back to Rosalie signaling that it wasn't appropriate to speak about this with a human around.

I wasn't planning on telling the Cullens that Bella knew that none of us were human, I planned to let Bella do that herself plus I already told Alice that Bella knows and she didn't say anything to her family so I'm sure she understands what I want.

"Let's get inside." Edward said as he walked toward Bella and began speaking with a smile on his face.

One of the problems in Twilight was that Bella's scent was extremely attractive to vampires and this was a problem I solved when we were young. Just like I'm able to pretend like I'm a human by using magic I also cast a spell on Bella that caused her scent to not be as potent as it was. The spell made her scent neither attractive nor repulsive because both attracted attention, her scent was at the perfect spot to be completely ignored, no vampire would feel the urge to drink from her.

Seeing that we were going to walk into the school Alice let go of me before intertwining her fingers with mine as she looked up at me with a bright smile, the opposite of what I saw from her when I got to her house last night.

"How're you feeling?" I asked Alice with a smile as we continued walking toward the school.

"Great." Alice replied appearing to be alive, once again another difference from last night.

"Good." I replied happy to see her happy, her smile meant more to me than I could put into words.

Our group all entered the school talking to our partners well except for Bella, she and Edward weren't official yet but it wouldn't be long until they were.

'If I remember correctly in the canon of Twilight they started dating officially in March.' I said to myself but with me and Alice being mates I don't think I'm in the canon of Twilight, either I caused a butterfly effect or I'm in an Alternative Universe of Twilight.

"What's on your mind?" Alice asked curiously as we walked down the hallway.

"Just a few ideas." I replied as I looked down at the pixie.

"For the stuff your making in the lab?" Alice asked tilting her head cutely.

"Yeah, I've got a few ideas on some stuff." I replied.

"What about the stuff you spoke of last night? The um... Superman shot." Alice asked with her ever so enticing lips forming a smile.

"Do you mean the Super Soldier Serum?" I replied with an amused smile.

"Yeah, that one." Alice said realizing her mistake but not caring.

"I'm still gonna make it but I decided to focus on something else for now." I said as Alice came to a stop outside of a classroom door.

"Is that so?" Alice said as she placed herself in front of me.

"Yup." I replied before placing a small illusion over us so that nobody would see what I was about to do.

Alice seemed to have an inkling of what my next action would be after seeing my smile and began looking around and saw that everyone was still looking at us.

"Tristan, people are looking." Alice said as she placed her small hand on my right arm.

"Don't worry about them, they aren't seeing any of this, I placed a small illusion so nobody would see." I said as I leaned down toward Alice.

"You're so bad." Alice said seductively as she pushed herself up onto her tippy toes and connected our lips.

I didn't bother responding to Alice and instead focused on her lips which tasted like cherries.

"Mhm~ I need to go inside." Alice said as we disconnected our lips albeit reluctantly.

"Alright." I replied satisfied with our kiss.

"See you at lunch Tristan." Alice said with a smile as she walked into her first-period class.

'Who would've thought I could feel emotions like this.' I said to myself with a smile as I walked toward my class, I wasn't someone who had been in romantic relationships before so this was my first and I was already enjoying it very much.

"Hopefully times passes quickly." I said quietly as I walked into my first class of the day, I knew this class was going to be boring.

To be continued...

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