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Capítulo 5: Hope

Once classes were over, I went on to search for something to buy. Among the things I wished to buy were a car, new clothing, and shoes. this took up a good amount of my time, I didn't have a fashion sense. In the end, I just bought 10 pairs of shirts, 10 pairs of pants, and 10 pairs of shoes. I also wanted a suit, so I planned to have around 10 pairs of them. 

for a moment, I thought of buying the whole store and using it as a place where I could come play dress up. but that would be a huge waste of money,

stepping outside the store, I was about to begin a long walk to the college dorm when a car pulled up to me. the window lowered, revealing Rin who was driving.

"thats considered creepy... how long were you waiting for me?" I asked while putting the clothing in the back of the car, before entering the simple Toyota.

"you make it sound like I was spying on you... I went to go train and found that I might need your help training my use of curse energy. So, I came to you to ask for some help. it just so happened I could be of use." She said with a smile,

"And as for how I found you... well, i'm pretty sure you sensed the guys following you. what do you think? I had them be your guards, this way you can live your everyday life without worry. plus, they stay far away from you, and never get all up in your business." Rin asked with a smile,

"they're not bad... how is it that assassins and guards are at level 2 and level 3 body refinement? do you guys have so many resources?" I asked, to which Rin shook her head.

"Cultivation is a thing that can't be rushed, or else you would leave behind many flaws. think of it as a math problem, if you rush you will make mistakes along the way, leading you to get an answer thats completely wrong. For assassins or bodyguards, we have their cultivation be rushed, this way we can have a huge number of them, although they are far weaker. that assassin you killed although was a level 3 body refiner, was weaker than me. if I wasn't poisoned and injured, I could have easily handled him even while being a level 2 body refiner." She said calmly, to which I just nodded slightly.

"..." For a moment, the ride was silent, but in the end, RIn couldn't help it after seeing me look around the car.

"I can't draw attention to myself. the more I do, the more danger I would be. My brother and many others want my head," She said with a sigh, 

"but since i'm with you... well, I don't have much to worry about. and my uncle would protect me after school. pretty much, i'm limited to being by your side and my Uncle's side." She said with a shake of her head.

"Then you can be my ride for the following days until I find a car I want," I said making Rin pout her lips slightly. no matter what, she was still a princess, how could she be someone's driver? but she nodded, unable to say no to her teacher.

each time she stopped at a red light, I went on to ask her to try and channel curse energy, with each failed attempt, I easily noted her mistakes. She was so used to drawing energy towards her that she had a hard time using the energy that was within her.

So, I had her take me to where she was staying with her uncle. after going in, I greeted her uncle and the few maids who were working there while heading to Rin's room, where I had Rin sit on her bed with crossed legs.

"stop sensing the Qi in the air. As of this moment, look deep within at your darkest thoughts. your brother nearly killed you. you nearly died." I said while waving my hand, my spiritual energy flowing out and pushing away the Qi in the air, 

Rin sat there, her body shaking remembering last night's events, she wanted to remain clear-minded and seal off such things, but remembering her butler who passed away last night, something within her burst out. Currse energy covered her body, as slight tears filled her eyes.

"Good, Proper control over one's emotions is key to channeling cursed energy. you can clear your mind and emotions with such great ease. but it's okay to be angry and upset, but it can't control you. you control it." I said to Rin nodded for a moment before looking deeply at me

"then fight me. battle is the best way to learn." Rin said leaving me speechless but I nodded, and with that, Rin shot towards me. Rin was only 21 years old, yet she was already a master of many forms of hand-to-hand combat. even so, she was pushed back by me even while not using any of my energy to empower myself.

I could so easily read her movements, adding the fact she was struggling to use curse energy on top of everything, it was easy for me. but Rin quickly began to adapt and learn to use curse energy. She was wasting a lot of it, but she was getting the hang of how to use it, and even gaining a hang of controlling her emotions.

this enlightened her for a moment, instead of clearing her mind of everything, why not take hold of her deepest emotions? but she was only able to fight for 10 minutes, 10 minutes which felt like ages to her. Since her physique was strong enough to tank bullets, I didn't hold back and landed many blows, forcing her to use curse energy since she couldn't use any Qi from the world around her since I was pushing it away.

"Well, i'm going to my dorm... as for your training, I will buy a few movies for you to watch. it would be a much less painful way for you to train." I said while disappearing, leaving Rin who was breathing heavily on the ground. she looked at where I disappeared with a stunned look, not understanding how I disappeared

in the end, she got up and went outside where she found her uncle standing. her uncle sized her up and was stunned seeing Rin was... sweating. for cultivators at her level, it was extremely hard to sweat. sweating was an act of the body trying to cool itself off. it was clear Rin was training hard, but how could she sweat in only 10 minutes?

"Uncle... I wish to tell you, but I promised him not to." Rin said with a bitter smile seeing the stunned look in her uncle's eyes. Riki looked at Rin for a moment, before nodding. he had done his background search on Alex, and he didn't see anything to dislike about the man.

Alex returned to his dorm carrying the stuff he had bought. a maid had dropped him off. due to how much stuff he had brought, he gained a lot of attention. he ignored them and went on to finish up his homework, which only took him 30 minutes. after all was done, he and his dormmates talked about their plans, after which they all went to bed.

the next day, outside of the college entrance, a simple-looking car was parked outside, closely looking at those entering the college.

"damn, I don't know if Tyron was unlucky or if this girl was skilled." a light skin man with a fade said calmly while looking at his phone, which showed Tyron fighting with Rin.

"she isn't simple, so we have to act quickly so let's go over a plan." the black man who was the driver said calmly while rolling up a blunt. their plan was going to be simple, he would drive the car near Rin when she appeared, the two in the back would jump out, get Rin into the car and the 3rd person in the back of the car would hold her down while the two got in the car.

this wasn't no simple kidnapping. Rin messed with the wrong person, and she would pay greatly. they couldn't help but closely look at the image of Rin within the video, it would be a shame if they didn't have a taste

"there..." the light-skinned said while looking at Rin who was parking her car, she was easy to spot, she was like a magnet to one's eyes. The diver was about to start up the car, only for all of them to freeze and for their heads to fall to the ground.

If a cultivator was there, they could see 2 shinobi picking up the two in the front seats into the back. They turned the car invisible as they used some kind of technique to do so, after which they drove off, heading towards a river.

'Nami... I have a question, about how curse energy works. shouldn't there be curses in this world?' Alex thought while looking at Rin who entered the classroom, greeting him before taking a seat next to me. 

Cursed energy leaks from the human body, accumulates, and ferments over time until a cursed spirit manifests. Rin had the most curse emergy leaking from her at this moment,

"different worlds have different rules. this is a martial art world, so the world wouldn't so easily allow such things to take form." Nami said to which I nodded slightly, before paying attention to the class. this was math, and I had a few plans for the future. maybe a math could help me improve my techniques,

"by the way, I handled Tyron's father's, I had his leg broken," Rin said softly, stunning me slightly. 

"Tyron had called to him, and some trouble was about to pop up. so I had my man break his leg while using my connection to have him lose his fame and wealth, followed by having his gang which was targeting us be killed." Rin said with a smile. while watching the student leave the classroom as class was over.

but her words were stunning, leaving me blinkly looking at her for a moment, before remembering the cultivation novels I have been reading about.

"cutting it off at its root?" I asked to which Rin nodded slightly. eliminating trouble before it could grow was simple. but this wasn't something only cultivators would do, those businessmen would do this a lot not wanting rivals.

but Rin couldn't go overboard, there was a limit to what she could do. after all, this wasn't japan. she couldn't just kill a man of power. and Tyron's father was one of such people.

While Rin went to the cafeteria, I on the other hand went to the bathroom. I went over today's lessons for some time before asking Nami a question while I used the bathroom.

'Nami... is it possible to improve the limitless?' I asked calmly. the limitless followed the rules of the universe to make it so overpowered. but honestly... space was just one side of the coin, the other side was time. I wasn't the type of guy who didn't seek improvements. why stand at being simply overpowered, when you can be overpowered times infinity?

"of course. you mastered it to the point it's like you created the technique. it's not an ability but a technique... can I know what you're thinking?" Nami asked to which I thought for a moment while zipping up my pants, and heading to wash my hands.

'I was to make a time parallel version to the Limitless, before fusing the two. Sure, controlling space to some degree means controlling time. the two come together, so why should the limitless only focus on space.' I thought calmly while looking towards the door as a group of people entered.

"Alex, my man. I see you got yourself a rich girl. but this could bring you some trouble. people would want a taste of that money... how about you pay me to be your bodyguard?" a tall man, said with a happy smile while walking up to Alex, while everyone else surrounded Alex. This man was Mark, a well-known bully at Thompson University.

Mark among many had seen how I entered the academy yesterday with a bunch of clothing. it wasn't hard for him or others to guess that the girl I was hanging out with might be spoiling me. 

Mark was like the underground power ruling the academy, he never acted out of hand, and no one wanted to get in his way seeing who his father was. this lets Mark do just about anything he wants while putting up an act of being a good friend. this way he has a way to escape from anyone who is trying to get him in trouble. of course, if they dared to tell on him, they would find their parents losing their jobs.

"Are you so bored to remember my name?" I asked while washing my hands, Mark smiled while reaching out to grab me. but I easily grabbed his arm, before slamming him across the bathroom. stunned by my actions, the other quickly moved to jump me... but was it shocking how I easily left them all lying on the ground the next moment, moaning in pain?

"you have no idea how much self-control it's taking me right now from killing you," I asked calmly while walking up to Mark, who was horrified by the scene he just saw. reaching out, I picked him up by his hair and closely looked at him, before slowly speaking.

"you have taken a lot of my money in the past... I have a lot of stored emotions I want to release." I said, holding out my palm which slowly formed a fist. I didn't even allow Mark to say a thing before I began to rain fists upon his face, breaking his nose and leaving it extremely bloody.

for months, this guy had targeted me. with my life being as hard as it was, I never dared to stand up to this guy. A good 2k should have been forcefully taken from me since I have been in the academy. I wanted nothing more than to make this guy suffer... but seeing his bloody face, which was disfigured I snorted.

Coldly dropping him to the ground, I had Nami buy me the basics to genjutsu. Genjutsu meaning Illusionary Techniques, is one of the main jutsu categories that uses chakra. Unlike ninjutsu (Chakra technique), the effects of genjutsu are not real, being only sensory illusions experienced by those who fall victim to it. genjutsu falls under the broad category of Yin Release.

A genjutsu is created when a ninja controls the chakra flow of a target's cerebral nervous system, thereby affecting their five senses; this is frequently used to create false images and/or trick the body into believing it has experienced physical sensations such as pain. 

Genjutsu can also be used to manipulate others, take control of their body, or even affect their memory. but this level of genjutsu is considered the highest degree, and from what Alex remembered from the anime, those who could use such a level of genjutsu were those of the Uchiha clan with their unique eyes.

Despite its usefulness, genjutsu is rarely employed, most shinobi prefer the real, tangible effects of ninjutsu and taijutsu (body technique) over the imagined effects of genjutsu which hold little influence over the physical world. The difficulty of performing genjutsu in the first place presents an additional barrier to its use. genjutsu requires precise chakra control to manipulate the target's senses and advanced intelligence to make the illusion convincing,

I had perfect chakra control down to the atomic level, adding The End, just getting the basic to genjutsu was more than enough to control the body of these weaklings. So, I erased their memory of me beating them up and gave them a new and false one.

the new story was simple, there were only 3 of them. so I had them all believe they came to target me, but one of them suddenly attacked them from the back before beating up Mark, giving me the chance to escape for my life. as for why he would do such a thing, I couldn't care less. I would allow his mind to think of the reason for itself.

Mark would be out for a few days, I couldn't care less what he would do after he wakes up. I left the bathroom and ran off, towards the cafeteria. no blood was on me, I had the wall of infinity to keep me clean.

going up in line to get something to eat, my eyes soon landed on a girl who was wearing old clothing. the girl sensing the gaze looked over and instantly glared at me before ignoring me.

"You seem like you're in a bad mood," I said with a bitter smile,

"Because there was this little bitch who suddenly stopped showing up to work one day, forcing me to do all of the work." She said coldly,

"damn, you should beat his ass," I said causing her to glare at me, it look like she was thinking of doing just that. this here was Hope. I was poor and all, but she had it worse.

While I only had to feed myself, she had to take care of a sick father as well as take care of young siblings. from paying the rent, and making sure her siblings went to school and did their work, while also trying to cover their father's medical bill she was swamped with a lot of responsibility. She was skinny and pale, and she didn't have the time to sleep or get much to eat.

She and I worked together, but she had more jobs to do. with our shitty job, my sudden disappearance would mean she would have to do everything else, leaving her more burnt out. She honestly had all reason to be angry since we normally had each other backs there, my disappearing was like stabbing her in the back.

I did consider her a friend, it's just that Abdi, Collin, and Abel were my closest. one might question why on earth would she come to this college if she was so broke, that was because she had high hopes. she was willing to struggle through college, and get her scholarship, before going on to get a good or at least a better-paying job.

"My bad, my car broke down on Tuesday night..." I said softly, making Hope's glare soften slightly. She sighed softly before grabbing the cheapest thing to eat, seeing this, I bought the best food they had before giving it to her after paying

"... what are you doing?" Hope asked with a frown, she knew my background and knew I didn't have the money to be so kind.

"it just so happened that after my car broke down, I came across some gold worth dozens of thousands. I will do this... I will send you 15k. you can take your time to repay it." I said with a smile, stunning Hope.

From time to time, Hope would ask me for money, and I would do the same from time to time. while I normally struggled to pay her back, she would pay me back the money as soon as she could. she knew how to manage her money, so I knew giving her 15k wasn't going to be wasted on her.

"Alright, let's sign a contract. I can give it back to you by next year." She said after a moment of thought, but I shook my head while cashapping her 1,000. cash app was a useful way to send money to others, it was a popular app everyone had.

"I will send the rest to you over the following few days. no contract needed, I trust you." I said, leaving Hope stunned as she pulled out her old Android phone which showed she did get 1,000. She stood there for a moment, her mind racing with all of the things she could do with this money

her siblings would no longer have to come to her in tears because they were being bullied at school, she could afford to get them clothes that fit and didn't have a smell. she could invest the money, and the list went on. She looked at me in tears, but the next moment she looked down and saw I had sent another 1k over

"I thought 1,000 was the limit one could send," I said slightly stunned that I could send 2 thousand, wasn't there a limit to how much money one could send through Cash App?

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