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Capítulo 17: Christmas and New Years (2 in 1)

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 A/N: I thought I'd put both of these into one chapter as we're wrapping up the Winter break in the story and going onto the AAU Tournament soon! Consider this a late late Christmas and a slightly less late New Years gift.


Surprisingly, I didn't hear anything about the past-due note, and I wasn't sure what had happened. I could only suspect that my mom might have been waiting for a check to come through and was able to pay it off. Before I knew it, winter break had arrived, and it was a welcome change of pace from the stress of school.

Back in my room, I couldn't contain the sigh of relief that escaped my lips. "Everything's going to be okay," I murmured, a genuine smile spreading across my face. 

In a happy mood, I passed the time playing Call of Duty: United Offensive. I couldn't help but feel a sense of pride as I consistently remained at the top of the leaderboard. As I immersed myself in the game, time seemed to fly by. However, I was brought back to reality by the sound of the door opening, signaling my mom's return. Without a second thought, I abandoned the game, disregarding my K/D ratio, and went to greet my mom.

**In Spanish**

**Hey Mama, how was work?** I asked her in Spanish. Looking at her, I noticed her confused look before she quickly wiped it away and replied, **It was good, how was the game?** she asked with a little enthusiasm. Noticing this, I couldn't help but wonder why she was acting this way; however, I didn't let it show.

**It was great! We've been making great progress,** I said with excitement. I said with a smile. She smiled but also expressed a guilty expression. **I'm sorry I—** she began to say before I quickly stopped her.

**It's okay, Mama. I know you want to be there,** I said, trying my best to reassure her. Despite playing in many games and practices, she hadn't been able to attend any. I knew she would be there if she was able to in a heartbeat, but I still couldn't help but feel a little disappointed that she wouldn't be able to see me play; however, I didn't express this.

In response, she smiled softly, before taking off her coat and making her way to the kitchen.

**What do you feel like eating?** She said while putting on an apron. I couldn't help but feel grateful for her. Here she was, coming home from work and going straight to cook for us.

**You don't have to cook now, Mama. You can rest before making something,** I said to her. However, she shook her head and said, **I can cook now and rest after,** trying to convince me.

**Okay, Mama, I'm okay with anything. You can ask Marky and Andrew,** I said, referring to my brothers. Marky was Marcos' nickname growing up.

**Alright, I'll ask them, it should only be 30 minutes. I'll call you when its ready,** she replied.

**Thanks Mama,** I said before going back to my room. After entering, I recalled the interaction and couldn't help but wonder what was up with her weird expression. If I had to guess, it most likely had to do with the payment, however, that wouldn't make sense since it was paid for by her. I let go of the thought as I saw myself getting shot in the game before rushing and grabbing the controller, trying to fight back.

After playing games, the meal came quickly, and we ate at the table. However, Marky and Andrew ate quickly before rushing off to continue whatever they were doing. My mom soon finished along with myself, and we threw away our food before she went to her room to rest and shower while I went back to my room.

Later that night, as I looked at the ceiling, I couldn't help but pray and think, 'Thanks, God,' before heading off to sleep.


Days passed by, and before I knew it, it was already Christmas morning. Although my brothers and I didn't have much hope for gifts, we still looked forward to spending time with each other, drinking hot cocoa, and watching a Christmas movie which had become a tradition.

Eventually, my mom woke up, most likely due to my brothers making a commotion and knocking on her door, excited for Christmas. Although we didn't have a Christmas tree, our imaginations were enough. Once my mom woke up, she had all of us sit on the living room couch and told us to close our eyes. I followed along, while Marky tried to sneak a peek, only to get yelled at by my mom before quickly closing his eyes.

**In Spanish**

**Okay, you can open your eyes,** she said. As I looked and opened my eyes, I prepared myself and promised not to be disappointed. To my surprise, there were many more presents compared to previous years.

Immediately, my brothers exclaimed in surprise, and happiness could be seen radiating from their wide smiles. I myself had a shocked expression that quickly turned into a smile. My mom was also smiling, happy that she could get us more this year compared to others.

She began distributing presents, and I received two small gifts and one medium-sized present, while Marky and Andrew got two medium-sized presents each. She motioned to the larger present, saying that it was a gift for all of us. Usually, we'd get one present each, but it seemed like she had managed to get us more this time. I couldn't help but wonder why there was that notice a few weeks ago if she had the money to spend on gifts, but I pushed those thoughts aside and focused on opening my gifts.

Marky and Andrew received presents with clothes as well as another one that contained a video game. They grew excited and ran to hug our mom. Marky had received Doom, a very popular game, and Andrew got Halo 2, which made him lose his mind with excitement, knowing how good it was and that it had been released just a month ago.

I opened my small present and found a black plastic wristband with the words 'Stay true to you - Love, Mom' engraved on it. I couldn't help but smile and thanked my mom.

**Thank you, Mama,** I said, and she smiled back, saying, **You're welcome, now open your next gift.** I opened the slightly larger gift and immediately was in shock when I saw it. It was Kobe's unofficial signature shoe, the Huarache 2k4 in white and purple. These had just been released this year and were one of the most popular shoes, going for a pretty penny.

"No way! Mom, you didn't have to get this!" I exclaimed in disbelief.

"What do you mean? Of course I did. Don't forget it's your birthday as well, Javi," she said in English with a slight Spanish accent. I couldn't argue with her and just sat there stunned. My birthday falling on Christmas day sounded cool, but upon realizing that I'd only be receiving gifts for Christmas instead of double like Marky or Andrew, who had their birthdays earlier in the year, it wasn't that great.

I took out the shoes, carefully examining them before placing them back in the box. "Man, I'll never not love that new shoe smell," I thought to myself, smiling.

"Hey, that's not fair!" I heard Marky complain, clearly upset that I had received a better gift than him. Andrew didn't seem to mind and was just happy to get the game he wanted.

"Stop it, Marky! You know it's your brother's birthday too," she snapped back, and Marky relented, though he still looked a bit upset.

"Besides, this gift is for all of you to share," she continued. Marky quickly forgot his annoyance and eagerly approached the present to start unwrapping it. As we saw the familiar blue and white colors, we immediately knew what it was.

"WHAT!" Marky exclaimed, while Andrew, who hadn't been paying much attention, said, "Huh? What did we get, Marky?" as he tried to get a better look at the present.

Marky quickly tore off the wrapping paper, revealing another PlayStation 2. "This one is for you and Andrew, Javi will have the old one to himself," she explained. Surprisingly, Marky didn't mind, probably because he knew that being older, I would spend less time on it and he could play more without sharing it with two others.

We all rushed to give our mom a hug, and she smiled, reciprocating the affection before gently pushing us away, as we were all taller than her now and were practically suffocating her.

"Okay, okay, okay, we will watch a movie later on. It just came out on DVD at Blockbuster's," she mentioned.

"I love that place! Can I go with you next time?" Andrew exclaimed and asked. "Of course, I'll make sure to take you with me next time," she replied. I overheard Andrew mutter under his breath, "I hope that place never goes away."

With the presents unwrapped, everyone got ready to watch the movie Mom had been raving about. Apparently, it had been very popular last year and was now available on DVD. Unfortunately, we didn't have the luxury of going to the movies often, and Christmas was a challenging time for my mom since she had to buy gifts, so we hadn't been able to see it when it was originally released. However, the upside was that we didn't waste any money if the movie turned out to be bad, and we had managed to avoid a few duds over the years.

Mom put on the movie and also prepared some popcorn with pickles for each of us. As the movie started, the word "Elf" appeared on the screen.

Everyone enjoyed the movie, and I couldn't help but chuckle as I thought about Will's situation. It seemed like he had the opposite problems from mine. The day ended with the movie, which felt like the perfect way to cap off the celebration. As I went to spend the rest of the night playing some games, Marky and Andrew eagerly set up their new PS2. Just as quickly as it had arrived, Christmas was over.


With Christmas behind us, the days passed swiftly, blending into one another as we immersed ourselves in video games, the hours slipping away unnoticed.

Then, New Year's Eve arrived. We didn't usually get fireworks due to them being expensive, but we often gathered outside with lawn chairs to enjoy the spectacle of neighbors lighting them up. That was most likely our plan for the day. It was still early, and I passed the time playing games, eagerly anticipating the Spurs' game later against the LA Clippers.

Time raced by, and I glanced at the clock, realizing that I was already five minutes late for the start of the game. "Damn!" I exclaimed as I swiftly powered off my console and dashed out of my room toward the living room TV. Hastily, I grabbed the remote and tuned into the channel broadcasting the Spurs' game. To my relief, there was still a little over half of the first quarter left, and the score stood at 10 to 8, with the Spurs in the lead and in possession of the ball, aiming to widen their advantage.

In the first quarter, the Spurs quickly asserted their dominance, making their presence felt on both ends of the court. Tony Parker, the spurs' star point guard, wasted no time in showcasing his skills. He effortlessly sliced through the opposing defense, penetrating the paint and dishing out assists to his teammates. With his lightning-fast drives to the basket, Parker scored 21 points and distributed 11 assists throughout the game, earning a well-deserved double-double.

Tim Duncan, a legendary power forward in the making, displayed his trademark fundamentals, making his presence known in the post and on the defensive end. Duncan recorded 23 points, 8 rebounds, and 2 assists, demonstrating his versatility and leadership on the court.

Off the bench, Manu Ginobili provided a spark of energy and creativity. Despite limited minutes, Ginobili contributed 9 points, 4 assists, and 4 rebounds, showing why he was a crucial asset for the team. His ability to create scoring opportunities and disrupt the opposing team's offense made a significant impact.

On the opposing side, the LA Clippers had their fair share of standout performances. Corey Maggette, a dynamic forward, battled tirelessly throughout the game. He recorded 17 points and an impressive 10 rebounds, showcasing his scoring ability and tenacity on the boards while playing for a remarkable 43 minutes.

Rick Brunson, the Clippers' point guard, orchestrated their offense efficiently. He tallied 17 points, 8 assists, and 6 rebounds, displaying his playmaking skills and court vision. Brunson's ability to distribute the ball and score when needed made him a vital asset for his team.

Elton Brand, the Clippers' veteran power forward, contributed 14 points, 8 rebounds, and 4 assists. His inside presence and ability to finish plays in the paint kept the game competitive. Bobby Simmons also added 10 points and 7 rebounds, further bolstering the Clippers' efforts.

As the game progressed, the Spurs' cohesive teamwork and exceptional defense proved to be the deciding factor. Their precision passing, relentless ball movement, and suffocating defense limited the Clippers' scoring opportunities. The Spurs managed to maintain their lead, expanding it gradually as the game went on.

In the end, the final score reflected the Spurs' dominance, with a final score of 98 to 78. The team's victory was a testament to their commitment, skill, and teamwork. The Spurs' fans erupted in cheers and applause as the buzzer signaled the end of the game, celebrating another impressive win for their beloved team.

The game served as a reminder of the Spurs' championship aspirations, with their core players, Parker, Duncan, and Ginobili, leading the charge. The team's ability to excel on both ends of the court and adapt to their opponents' strategies made them a formidable force in the league. 

'Damn, they may just win it this year' I mused, my mind wandering as I contemplated the team's impressive performance. With the game concluded, I tuned in to the court-side interview featuring Tony Parker as he discussed their defense playing a pivotal role in the victory.

The male reporter posed one last question, and Tony nodded in response. "As someone who hails from France, one can only imagine the challenges of making it to the NBA. What was your inspiration, and what fueled your drive to reach the pinnacle of basketball, where you stand today?" the reporter inquired.

Tony Parker, with a contemplative look on his face, took a moment to gather his thoughts due to the weight of the question.

"Growing up in France, the NBA felt like a distant dream," Tony began, his voice laced with a gentle French accent. However, his voice remained unwavering and sincere. "But dreams are what fuel our journey through life. For me, it all started with a simple love for basketball, a passion that ignited when I was just a kid. I remember watching NBA games on TV and thinking, 'I want to be there someday. I want to be on that court.'"

Hearing this, my eyes widened slightly, finding a deep sense of relatability in his words.

He paused, his eyes filled with the intensity of his memories. "What inspired me the most was the belief that I could do it, that I could make my dreams a reality. And that belief didn't just come from me; it came from my family, my coaches, and my teammates who saw something in me. They believed in my potential even when it seemed impossible."

Tony's smile grew as he continued, his passion evident in every word. "There were challenges, countless challenges, along the way. The path to the NBA was filled with hard work, sacrifice, and moments of self-doubt. But I never stopped pushing forward. I remember thinking that every setback was just a setup for a comeback. That mentality kept me going."

He looked directly into the camera, addressing not just the reporter but also all the young dreamers watching him. "To anyone out there with a dream, no matter how big or small, I say this: Don't let anyone define your limits. Your dreams are worth chasing, and they are yours to achieve. Believe in yourself, and when the going gets tough, remember why you started."

Tony's words resonated with an inspiring force, instilling hope and determination in those who listened. "I'm here today because I never gave up. I never stopped believing in the power of my dreams, and I surrounded myself with people who shared that belief. So, keep dreaming, keep working, and never lose sight of your goal. The journey may be tough, but the destination is worth every step."

As Tony Parker concluded his heartfelt response, his message echoed far beyond the basketball court, reminding everyone that dreams are the driving force behind every achievement, and they are within reach for those who dare to pursue them.

"Well, thank you, Tony, for staying for this interview. We'll be right back with some highlights after a commercial break," the host said, prompting Tony to pat him on the back in appreciation. He then made his way to the locker room, using his jersey to wipe off his sweat.

Tony's words of motivation resonated deeply with me. I had never been one to give up easily, but now, I was more determined than ever to make it to the NBA. I wanted to prove to the average or below-average person that they, too, could achieve their dreams. While there were occasional success stories, I didn't want to be just another miracle that faded after a few seasons. I aspired to be something more, something greater – perhaps even a star or beyond.

The game concluded, and I switched off the TV, glancing at the time. It was already a little past 10 pm, and I knew the fireworks display would begin soon. I decided to pass the time by playing more NBA 2K until it was around 11:45 pm when Marky's voice echoed from the living room.

"Javi, the fireworks are about to start! I see some of our neighbors lighting them already!" he exclaimed. I paused my game, left my room, and grabbed a jacket. It was too cold to wear shorts, so I opted for some comfortable joggers. I joined my family outside the apartment, where my mom and brothers had already set up lawn chairs, eagerly awaiting the fireworks.

Andrew turned to Marky and asked, "What's your New Year's resolution?" Marky pondered for a moment. "I'm not sure. What about you?" he replied.

"I want to improve my grades," Andrew declared. Marky then turned to our mom and asked, "What about you, Mom? Do you have a New Year's resolution?" She looked over at us, smiling softly.

"For my New Year's resolution, I want us all to stay together," she said with warmth. Andrew, looking a bit puzzled, chimed in, "That doesn't count," which prompted a round of chuckles from all of us.

Marky then turned to me and inquired, "What about you, Javi?" I didn't hesitate to respond, my voice filled with unwavering confidence.

"You already know. I'm going to make it to the NBA," I declared. Marky brushed it off, clearly not sharing the same level of belief in my dream, while Andrew offered his support, his belief in me shining through. I didn't let Marky's skepticism bother me; I was accustomed to facing doubts on my journey.

As we gazed up at the fireworks, the clock struck midnight, and the sky erupted with dazzling displays. Cheers of "Happy New Year" echoed all around us, and even more fireworks lit up the night sky. We enjoyed the spectacle for a while before I playfully suggested, "We should head inside before the cops show up." My mom chuckled at the joke, and we all made our way back into the apartment, cherishing the moment together.


A/N: That concludes the Holidays! I hope this chapter has been enjoyable. We will soon be embarking on the start of the AAU Tournament! As always I'd love to hear your thoughts so far with the story. If you'd like to support the novel, consider leaving a review or dropping some stones below!

IMPORTANT: College is starting back up this week so RIP for ya boy. Don't worry about the schedule I've got quite a few chapters in the vault, so I expect to maintain a consistent upload schedule. However, once we reach the NBA part of the story, the uploads may decrease from 7 chapters per week to 3-5 chapters per week. I'll assess my availability and workload and decide on the upload frequency accordingly. Rest assured, though, I'm committed to seeing this story through to the end!

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