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Capítulo 10: Rin Nohara

A young girl of average height slumps flatly on the grass, regulating her breathing after an intense training session. Straight brown hair, cut in a chin-length bob, frames her face as she catches her breath. Brown eyes gaze determinedly at the wide blue sky, reflecting a mix of exhaustion and unwavering resolve. On either side of her cheeks, there are rectangular purple markings, adding a touch of uniqueness to her appearance.

She wears a long-sleeved black top that clings to her form, providing a stark contrast to the light purple apron-skirt that adorns her waist. Underneath the skirt, black shorts peek out, hinting at a practical and ready-for-action demeanor. The standard Konoha forehead protector is securely fastened, showcasing her allegiance to the village. A pair of sandals grace her feet, and red stockings climb up her legs, stopping at her thighs.

Despite the weariness evident in her posture, there's a tenacity in her eyes that refuses to waver. A small, red bracelet on her left wrist adds a subtle pop of color.

The sun casts a warm glow on the training ground, overseeing the girl's determination as she takes a moment to recover, surrounded by the echoes of her efforts and the rustling leaves of the hidden village of Konoha.

This is Rin Nohara and she has just hit her limit while sparring with Minato-sensei.

Minato-sensei approaches with a cheerful grin, as he looms over Rin's exhausted form. Her sensei's blonde hair and blue eyes don't fail to make Rin think just how handsome and cool the Jonin assigned to their team.

Moreover, Minato-sensei is such a considerate and nice person.

"Great job, Rin! You've been improving a lot," he compliments.

"Thanks, Minato-sensei. But honestly, I don't feel like I'm getting any better," Rin confesses, her expression unamused.

"Well, you might not notice it, but trust me, you are," Minato diplomatically replies. "I've been adjusting my level during our sparring sessions whenever you show something new. Gotta keep you on your toes, you know?"

Rin raises an eyebrow, still catching her breath. "Adjusting your level, huh? I thought I was just not measuring up."

Minato chuckles, trying to reassure her. "No, Rin, it's not that. You're pushing yourself, and that's what matters. Besides, you're keeping me on my toes too. It's a two-way street."

Rin lets out a tired sigh but cracks a small smile. "I just need a breather, I guess. It's frustrating not to see the progress immediately."

"Progress takes time, Rin. Moreover, you are a medical-nin! We'll keep grinding on your taijutsu to increase your survivability. Trust the process, and one day you'll look back and see how far you've come. Just keep at it," Minato encourages.

Rin nods, appreciating the encouragement, as she wipes the sweat from her forehead. "Thanks, Minato-sensei. I'll keep that in mind."

Minato pats her shoulder, offering a supportive gesture. "That's the spirit, Rin! Now, let's get back to training. We're not done yet!"

Rin rises from the grass, determined to shake off the fatigue that clings to her muscles. She takes a deep breath, centering herself, and then assumes a combat stance. Minato-sensei matches her enthusiasm, his grin widening as he readies himself for another round.

"Come on, Rin! Show me what you've got!" he playfully challenges.

Rin narrows her eyes, focusing on her sensei as she launches into a spirited attack. Their movements blur as they exchange blows, the sound of clashing fists and kicks echoing across the training ground.

Just as Rin gains momentum and starts to feel the rush of the sparring session, a voice interrupts their duel. Obito comes running towards them from the direction where Kakashi should be training. He shouts for Minato-sensei, urgency in his voice.

"Minato-sensei! We need you!" Obito calls out.

Rin frowns, breaking away from the sparring to address Obito. "Hey, Obito! Shouldn't you be resting? Didn't you catch a sickness? Are you sure it's okay for you to be up and about? How are you even here?"

Obito pants, catching his breath, but determination gleams in his eyes. "I'm fine, Rin! This can't wait. It's urgent."

Minato-sensei, concerned, steps closer. "What's going on, Obito? Is something wrong?"

Obito nods, urgency still evident. "It's Kakashi. He is fighting someone!!"

Rin recalls visiting Obito's residence yesterday, only to learn that Obito has been coming and going as he pleases. Though Rin really wants to give an earful to him now, there seem to be more urgent matters that need to be addressed.

Obito nods apologetically at Rin, acknowledging her presence, but then he proceeds to talk to Minato-sensei. With urgency in his voice, Obito tells their sensei what this is all about… "It is that Kakashi and Asuma are engaging in an unofficial duel to the death!"

Rin's face contorts, just why will they be dueling to the death? Rin looks at Obito suspiciously and feels like Obito might be perpetrating another prank just in the making. Chunin Exams are near, and Obito messing around is just… wrong!

However, Obito seems too convinced, thus Minato immediately leaves for where Kakashi should be training now.

Before truly leaving, Minato tells Rin and Obito to stay here for the meantime. "I will be back, but stay here, ok? Obito, we'll need to talk after this."

The two of them, Obito and Rin, watch as Minato-sensei disappears into the distance, their minds racing with worry for their teammates. Obito, seemingly bored and tired sits on the grass.

After a second or two, an awkward silence hangs in the air. Rin shifts uncomfortably as she sits on the grass, glancing at Obito with a puzzled expression. Unable to contain her curiosity, she finally breaks the silence.

"What the hell is happening, Obito? The last I heard from Minato-sensei, you were supposed to be resting because of illness. And now you're here, talking about Kakashi and Asuma fighting to the death?"

Obito grins mischievously, striking a pose and flexing his arms theatrically, though there's nothing to flex. "Well, you see, Rin, I'm perfectly healthy! Grandma might have exaggerated a bit. I've just been on a few little adventures lately."

Rin squints at him, not entirely convinced by his theatrics. "Adventures? Obito, we're in the middle of a serious situation, and you've been out playing around? Moreover, if this is just another tasteless prank, I swear I will have to give you an earful!"

"Hey, hey, don't worry! I've got everything under control. Besides, I can't let a little sickness hold me back from the excitement of life." But Obito… he is hopeless.

Rin crosses her arms, a mix of frustration and concern on her face.

"Minato-sensei was worried sick about you. And you're just out here goofing around while Kakashi and Asuma might be in a life-or-death situation? I mean… That doesn't even make sense…"

Obito's grin fades slightly, and he scratches the back of his head awkwardly. "Okay, maybe I got a bit carried away. I may have kind of exaggerated. But don't worry, I'm here now, and Minato-sensei is reliable too. I promise."

Rin sighs, shaking her head at Obito's antics.

Reliable? You?

Well, sometimes.

Rin sighs for the nth time as she approaches Obito, gently clasping his cheeks. Obito, taken aback, falls silent and stares at her, his expression filled with a hint of panic. Inquisitive, he questions her about her intentions.

"What are you up to, Rin?" Obito asks, his voice laced with uncertainty.

Rin, wearing a smirk, instructs him to stay still. She proceeds to remove Obito's forehead protector with a sense of determination. As her palm makes contact with his forehead, she remarks, "Definitely not a fever."

Concern etches her face as she probes Obito further. "Did you even go to the hospital? Get a check-up?" Rin's inquiry hangs in the air, met with Obito's continued silence, his eyes avoiding hers.

Rin's worry deepens as Obito remains unusually silent, his gaze avoiding hers. She tightens her grip on his cheeks, searching his eyes for any sign of what might be troubling him.

"Obito, seriously, what's wrong?" Rin asks, her voice filled with genuine concern. "You're not usually this quiet. Did something happen?"

Obito finally meets her gaze, but his hesitation is palpable. "I... I thought you were going to kiss me," he admits, his words catching Rin completely off guard. "I mean… I kind of wanted you to kiss me."

"W-what?" Rin stammers, her eyes widening in surprise. She quickly removes her hands from his cheeks, taking a step back. "Obito, that's not what I had in mind at all!"

Now it's Obito's turn to look perplexed. "But you touched my face so gently, and it felt... I don't know, like something out of a romance novel."

Rin can't help but chuckle nervously. "…"

"Hey, Rin, why so quiet?" Obito asks, as he tilts his head to the side innocently.

"W-what?" Rin stutters. Rin is honestly weirded and surprised in a good way by how sudden Obito's words to her are. Does Obito have romantic feelings for her? No. No! They are like the best of friends, so that cannot be! Yeah, they are just friends! Romantic feelings? No, no… no? Rin is suddenly unsure.

Rin curses under her breath, "Oh, gee..."

"I'm just asking if you went to the hospital," she remarks, trying to keep the conversation focused on his health.

Obito nods, "Yeah, I did."

Rin, relieved, comments, "Good. So, what did the doctor say?"

Obito, with a mischievous grin, adds, "Well, I went to the psychiatric department to have my brain checked."

Rin's eyes widen, and she's left speechless for a moment. "Psychiatric department? Are you serious? I mean… Are you crazy? Have you finally lost it?"

Obito continues to grin childishly, clearly enjoying the reaction he's getting from Rin. "Yep, they said I'm perfectly sane... well, as sane as I can be."

Rin can feel a surge of frustration building within her. She looks at Obito, who seems to be reveling in the situation. "I feel like I'm being bullied," she mutters under her breath.

Obito, still grinning, looks at her innocently. "Bullied? Nah, just a little harmless teasing."

Rin, not usually prone to violence, feels an overwhelming urge to punch Obito at that moment. She takes a deep breath, trying to compose herself.

And then, out of nowhere, Obito drops another bombshell. "By the way, Rin, I like you."

Rin freezes, her eyes narrowing at him. "What?"

Obito, still grinning but with a hint of nervousness, repeats, "I like you. Like, more than just a friend."

Rin's frustration is now mixed with confusion. "Obito, this is not the time for jokes."

Obito shakes his head, his grin fading into a more sincere expression. "I'm serious, Rin. I've liked you for a while now. No. I think I have liked you since forever."

Rin is left stunned, processing the unexpected confession. The air becomes thick with a strange tension as Rin grapples with Obito's revelation, her emotions swirling between frustration, confusion, and a hint of something she can't quite define.

"I like you, Rin," Obito confesses, his gaze meeting hers with sincerity. "I cherish you, and at some point in time… I want to fall in love with you."

Rin is taken aback by the unexpected admission. She stares at Obito, his eyes filled with genuine emotion, and a small smile playing on his lips. At that moment, she realizes that this isn't a joke or a tease.

The air seems to thicken as Rin processes Obito's words. She can feel a mix of emotions swirling within her—surprise, confusion, and a hint of something she can't quite put into words. The weight of Obito's confession hangs between them, and Rin finds herself grappling with her own thoughts.

Obito continues to smile, his eyes holding a vulnerability that she hasn't seen before. "I've been keeping this to myself for a while, but I wanted you to know. I care about you more than just a friend."

Rin's mind races as she tries to make sense of the situation. She glances at Obito, his expression unwavering, his feelings laid bare. It dawns on her that Obito, her best friend, does indeed have romantic feelings for her.

For a moment, silence envelops them, the weight of unspoken words hanging in the air. Rin takes a deep breath, breaking the stillness. "Obito, this is... unexpected."

Obito nods, his smile softening into understanding. "I didn't want to keep it hidden anymore. I needed you to know how I feel. And while you may suffer because of it, all I can say now is sorry."

Rin searches for words, her thoughts a whirlwind. "And why are you sorry?"

Obito nods again, his eyes reflecting both hope and understanding. "Because I know you will be conscious about it. Whenever you see me, you'll remember this confession here."

The way Obito expresses himself is very mature, in that he says words he means and neither stutters nor falters at the face of the person he likes. To put it more eloquently, Obito is speaking from the heart.

But then.

Rin runs.

Escape it is, she must have decided subconsciously as the feeling of being cornered becomes apparent… and while her heart is pounding wildly, and Obito's forehead protector accidentally being taken away with her— Rin is blushing from her cheeks to ears, and she is as red as a tomato.

[author] Obito is definitely having fun, sigh...[/author]

[news]I won't be posting anything during the weekends.[/news]

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