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Capítulo 59: 059 The Mountains And Rain Are Coming!

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After sending the message, Adam clenched his fist and murmured, "HYDRA, let's settle an old score."

His fist tightened, and the bones made a crisp cracking sound.

"The ninja should be waking up soon.

" Adam immediately left the biological laboratory.

In order to prepare for the upcoming battle, Adam made some thorough preparations. 

After all, he would be facing a powerful elite force of HYDRA with formidable combat capabilities.

This would definitely not be an easy fight.

It would take some time for klaue to rush to New York. 

But he had enough time to prepare. 

He entered the room of the ninja. 

He planned to first extract the hidden secret techniques of the ninja. Outside the villa, the sky was extremely dark, without any stars or a bright moon, shrouded in continuous dark clouds. 

The air at this time was extremely stuffy. 

The whole world seemed to be in a suffocating atmosphere. 

Boom. A thunderous sound carrying a magnificent power resounded in the heavy dark clouds. In the belly of the dark clouds, some lights appeared.

A strong wind blew, making the trees outside rustle! Countless leaves were blown off and drifted away. Countless households closed their windows and put away their clothes.

"The dark clouds are restless, thunder is coming! A heavy rain is about to come!" "It's thundering! It's going to rain!" "This wave of rain seems to be very heavy! It will be a pouring rain!" 

New York. Inside a meeting room of S.H.I.E.L.D.

nick fury, Black Widow, Hawkeye, and other agents stood there, each with a set of documents in their hands.

Because of the heat, Black Widow opened her collar a little.

She said, "Hawkeye, go and check the window. It's too hot today." Hawkeye said speechlessly, "If you're hot, why don't you open it yourself?" Black Widow smiled and didn't say anything. 

Hawkeye went to open the window. There was a rumbling sound of thunder outside. 

He said, "It looks like it's going to rain soon." Black Widow nodded, "Indeed, I guess it's going to be a heavy rain this time." 

nick fury looked at the documents and said, "Did you see it?" "Strucker from HYDRA has mobilized a considerable amount of power and is frantically searching for the Vibranium dealer, klaue.

" Hill nodded, "I saw it. Klaue didn't follow some secret agreements with Strucker, and he also stole something from Strucker." "So Strack got furious and is trying to capture Klaue." Hawkeye also nodded. nick fury didn't respond to Hill's words and there was a moment of silence in the room.

Black Widow broke the silence and looked at nick fury, "Do you think there's something fishy about this?" fury nodded expressionlessly, "Yes, I don't think it's that simple." 

"A guy who sells Vibranium shouldn't cause such a big stir." Hill spoke, "Maybe Strucker was indeed angered, causing him to lose some rationality and ultimately leading to this situation."

fury said, "There is a small possibility, but it's very unlikely." 

Black Widow frowned slightly, "Do you think Strucker's actions are for that person?"

fury nodded, "You should have read Adam's information before."

"You should know the situation." 

He paused, "Previously, Strucker sent out a large number of people to search, and their target was Adam."

"This time, with such a large-scale manhunt, I suspect they found Adam's address from Klaue's mouth." 

"In their eyes, there should be some kind of strong connection between klaue and Adam." "Their real goal is not to capture klaue, but to find Adam!" "To find that seemingly ordinary but mysterious Adam." 

fury placed the documents on the table, pressed his hands against the table, and looked at the others. He said, "I have a premonition that this hidden and elusive figure, Adam, whom we have been unable to track, will appear in this incident. He will likely encounter HYDRA's elite forces, so he is very likely to be captured by HYDRA."

"And we must prevent this from happening." "We absolutely cannot let Adam fall into the hands of HYDRA." 

"If HYDRA has put in so much effort to find Adam, it means that Adam must have huge amounts of value."

"It is enough to compensate for the long and extensive search, even far exceeding the losses." "Imagine how valuable Adam must be."

"If HYDRA obtains him, their power will greatly strengthen, which is extremely disadvantageous for us." Black Widow nodded, "I understand. You want us to closely monitor HYDRA's actions." "If Adam appears and is at a disadvantage, in a predicament, we will intervene to help him escape."

fury nodded, "Next, your task is to keep an eye on HYDRA's movements." Everyone nodded. Hill also nodded, "I will issue the orders and have a portion of S.H.I.E.L.D agents specifically monitor Strucker's elite forces." 

fury snapped his fingers, "Very well, go and do it." The group quickly left the meeting room to accomplish their objectives. Meanwhile... The orders were also issued. A portion of S.H.I.E.L.D's forces also moved out to monitor the elite forces dispatched by Strucker. HYDRA and S.H.I.E.L.D, two massive organizations, began to take action.

A storm of huge proportions began to brew. And the center of this storm was an unknown individual, someone completely unknown to the world. And all of this revolved around a person named Adam. At this moment... The man who stirred up the storm. 

Was in the basement of his own house. Looking at the materials brought back before him. At this moment... Adam had already awakened, and Adam had relieved the effects of the neurotoxin. However, Adam had taken some measures. For example, Adam had tied the other person to the operating table.

Adam had also taken some measures in the other person's mouth, mainly to prevent him from biting his tongue and committing suicide. After all, Adam only had this one captive now, he couldn't let him die. At least not before he completed his mission.

Adam got straight to the point, "I want to ask you some things." "We can go through the procedure, I ask, you refuse, I use torture, you answer." "Or I can just go straight to using torture." Adam's expression was extremely serious, as if he was talking about something very normal and expected. 

The ninja looked at Adam's appearance and inexplicably felt a chill in his heart. He felt that the person in front of him didn't seem like a normal person. He couldn't help but swallow his saliva. Adam nodded slightly, "Forget it, the procedure is too troublesome, let's just go straight to it." 

After saying that, he raised his hand, holding a surgical knife gleaming with cold light, and an extremely sharp steel needle. Just looking at them sent chills down one's spine. 

Adam acted directly. He was extremely fast, and the two steel needles smashed into the upper groove of the ninja's eye sockets, directly piercing the trigeminal nerve. Immediately, a scream of extreme agony rang out. The ninja trembled in pain. "I'll talk! I'll talk!"

Adam spoke, "Then speak." The ninja was on the verge of collapse, "Ask your questions!" Adam coughed, "I didn't quite understand the procedure when I went straight to it for the first time." The ninja felt that the other party was deliberately messing with his state of mind. The other party was a madman!!

Adam then asked, "How do you ninjas manage to suppress your voices, even the sound of your heartbeat?" "We use secret techniques that can greatly suppress all body sounds, including the sound of the heartbeat. Through this secret technique, we slow down and lighten the heartbeat, making it impossible for others to hear."

Immediately, the ninja, like a falling bean, revealed the secret technique of concealing sound. At the same time, Adam also learned the name of this secret technique. The technique of concealing sound. This technique also requires a special breathing method. However, it does not require entering a meditative state. Just by using a special breathing method, it greatly enhances a person's control over their body. At the same time, in this breathing method, the body enters a special state, where movements become extremely light, and the sound of the heartbeat becomes almost inaudible. But there is still a slight sound of breathing. In addition to this slight flaw of having a sound of breathing, during battle, one must not exert too much force; it must be light enough. Otherwise, it will break the state of concealing sound. This move is suitable for stealth and assassin-like ambushes.

Immediately, Adam demonstrated it to the other party. After confirming that the other party had indeed entered the state of concealing sound and testing that they were not lying using an instrument, Adam began to try it himself. He started to try that breathing method. Soon, he entered the state of concealing sound described by the ninja. He could clearly feel his heartbeat slowing down and could precisely control his body, and his movements became light and soundless. A very strange state.

After obtaining this technique of concealing sound, it would be much easier for him to ambush others. This made him quite happy. The ninja felt Adam immediately enter the state of concealing sound, causing his breathing to pause and his body to tremble slightly. What kind of monster is this person in front of him?

He had never seen someone learn the technique of concealing sound so quickly. Even in the history of the Hand Association, there had never been someone who learned the complex breathing method of concealing sound in one breath. The ninja's voice trembled, "Who... who are you?"

Adam exited the state of concealing sound and said, "Just a normal person." Adam's words directly silenced the ninja. He swore that if this person in front of him was a normal person, then there were no abnormal people in the world. Adam continued to ask, "Do you know any other secret techniques, similar to the technique of concealing sound?"

The ninja shook his head, "I don't know any others." "The secret techniques of the Hand Association are generally held by the higher-ups or the leader. We ninjas only need to learn the technique of concealing sound and master combat skills." "Of course, there are trusted ninjas among the higher-ups who may know a bit of secret techniques, but ordinary ninjas like us do not know them."

Hearing this, Adam felt a little regretful. After all, he wanted to take advantage of the Hand Association. Adam nodded, "I want to know what abilities the demons and beasts you worship possess." Upon hearing this, the ninja said, "Actually, we don't know much either. We only know that it can give us more powerful strength."

"Furthermore, if it possesses a person, it will make them exceptionally strong." "In terms of strength, it far surpasses ordinary people, even those superheroes." "However, the person possessed does not initially have such powerful strength." "There is an integration process between them." "During this process, the possessed person is not very strong, at most, they enhance their strength a bit and learn some secret techniques."

The ninja explained everything he knew in detail. Adam continued to ask, "How long does this integration process take?" "Shortest is a few months, longest is a year." After learning this, Adam nodded. Adam asked more questions about the Hand Association. After asking the question, Adam tested the ninja.

After examining the other person's body, it had completely returned to normal, without any traces of enhancement detected. "It seems that the examination has been enhanced." "Alright, then you can just be an ordinary material." After saying that, Adam left. He had to go and complete the remaining engineering of the extraordinary spider sequence genome!

Upon hearing that Adam wanted him to be a material, the ninja did not understand the meaning behind it. He didn't know what Adam was talking about. But this guy in front of him was a madman, and what he said was definitely not something good. At this moment, the ninja only felt a slight chill down his spine, a trace of fear of the unknown enveloping his soul.

If possible, he would prefer to die immediately. But the other party restricted all his self-destructive actions. He couldn't die even if he wanted to. At this moment, he suddenly envied those comrades who had died. He envied that they had all died and didn't need to face this madman.

Fear grew stronger and stronger, and the ninja began to struggle desperately, trying to escape from this situation, but the restraints were too strong. In the room, struggling sounds could be heard. Adam returned to his own biological laboratory. He began his research again, continuing to screen and match the sequence genome suitable for his extraordinary spider. His brain started spinning wildly.

His hands were also moving rapidly, performing the final operations. He quickly carried out the screening and recombination. Under great pressure, Adam was almost fully unleashed. The progress of the project further accelerated. Based on the current speed of progress, by tomorrow morning, he would be able to develop his own spider ability.

On a country road, a black sedan was speeding along. And inside the car were Claude and his daughter. Perhaps because her father was a super criminal involved in selling valuable items, Claude's daughter also inherited his fearless personality. So Elizabeth remained very calm, not showing any signs of fear even during their escape.

Although her face was pale and lacking color, her eyes were still bright, looking at the road receding behind them. Just at this moment. Ding! Claude's phone received a message. "At this time, who would send a message?" Claude murmured. He opened the message. It was an anonymous email.

[Come to New York, I will help you deal with the HYDRA chasing you.] The sender did not leave a name. But Claude understood that it was from Adam. Looking at the message, Claude's body trembled slightly. He didn't expect Adam to actually intervene for them and confront the formidable HYDRA. In addition. From the short sentence, Claude sensed a feeling of calmness and stability. He seemed to see Adam saying this sentence with great composure and strength. Claude understood Adam, knowing that he was not someone who spoke without thinking; on the contrary, he was extremely meticulous. If the other party said there was someone who could deal with the HYDRA chasing them, then the other party could definitely do it!

If someone else said such a thing, he would just laugh it off and ignore it. But if it was Adam! He firmly believed that the other party could do it! Just because his name was Adam! The promise made by Adam would definitely be fulfilled! The reason Claude had been investing in Adam was that Adam gave him a different feeling, as if there was a strange magic about him.

It was a kind of magic that made people believe he could do anything. The reason Claude trembled was that he saw a turning point! Immediately, Claude quickly turned the car around and headed towards New York! At this moment, a glimmer of light returned to his eyes!

In the basement of his house, Adam continued his research with a determined focus. He was driven by a sense of urgency to complete the extraordinary spider sequence genome. The storm outside mirrored the intensity of the events unfolding within the laboratory.

As the night progressed, Adam's hands moved with precision, manipulating genetic material with a surgeon's skill. His mind, sharp and analytical, sifted through the complexities of the genome. The culmination of his efforts approached—the creation of his own spider ability.

Meanwhile, the HYDRA and S.H.I.E.L.D forces were mobilizing, setting the stage for a confrontation of epic proportions. The center of this storm remained Adam, an enigmatic figure caught in the crossfire of powerful organizations.

Back on the road to New York, Claude and his daughter, Elizabeth, were on their way to face the looming threat of HYDRA. The message from Adam provided a glimmer of hope, a reassurance that someone formidable was stepping into the fray.

As the car sped toward the city, Claude couldn't shake the feeling that this intervention by Adam marked a significant turning point. The magic he sensed in Adam's words fueled his determination to confront the HYDRA threat head-on.

The pieces of this complex puzzle were falling into place, and the impending clash between these powerful forces promised a storm of extraordinary magnitude. In the heart of it all, Adam continued his work, pushing the boundaries of science and unlocking the potential for his own scientific abilities.

The night held its breath, awaiting the resolution of the converging destinies set in motion by the actions of one man—Adam.


There are 40 more chapters in Patreon. 

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