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Capítulo 5: Chapter 5 : First Pokemon Battle

----Forest Outskirts----

---Three months since the Hatching of Elekid----

The forest outskirts buzzed with the cries of Pokémon, I felt excitement in my heart because it was time for Elekid to face its first battle.

As we ventured deeper into the forest, we encountered a Weedle, a Bug and Poison type Pokémon. I felt that it would work as a good start and got to my knees to make a deal with it.

"Weedle, as long as you agree to battle this little guy, you'll get this PokéBlock."

Weedle turned towards the energetic Elekid, pumping its hands into the air, and then towards me as if questioning my sanity.

Perhaps I overdid it a bit by showing videos of its species' Pokémon battles during Elekid's baby phase. Now, Elekid was addicted to watching these battles every day, which became a daily routine for him.

I opened the box containing the PokéBlock made for Sam's Beedrill. With the tempting aroma of the Bug-type Lum Berry PokéBlock wafting through the air, the battle commenced without delay. The Weedle immediately sent a string shot.

"Elekid, dodge sideways."

Elekid, has good combat smarts, probably from his interest in the battle videos. A decision of mine, that showed its effect now. He kept dodging all the strings on his own, making sure he had enough space to maneuver.

Weedle, while in between its sting shots, pulled itself towards Elekid.

I could see that its Poison Sting had been charged ready to poke the dodging Elekid, who turned his back on his opponent in the process.

However, I responded with a command considering that Elekid had no clue about the incoming attack, "Thunder Wave now."

Elekid's trust in me showed as it immediately used Thunder Wave. The poor Weedle was shocked with a low-voltage current. I could see it becoming stiff for a few seconds as a result, but that was enough.

"Elekid, tackle backward."

The blow sent the Bug-type flying into the Tree. I went towards it to see that the needle had fainted from the hard strike to the tree.

It was this sight that greeted Elekid when he turned around. He immediately jumped around in joy on winning his first victory.


"Well done, Elekid. I'll get you extra MooMoo milk today instead of the calcium tablets."


I then went towards the downed Weedle and woke it up. With a potion, it was back on its feet. Though I wasn't so sure about its mentality. Its downed head pricked my heart, but there wasn't anything more I could do.

The loose horn was the indicator that it was already approaching the evolution stage. Considering its age, It must be depressed at its loss at the juvenile Elekid.

"It's alright, buddy. Elekid has spent all his life for this, unlike you who is living a relaxed life. I am sure you can do the same one day with proper motivation. Here is your reward, which I am sure will help you in that task."

 The loose horn indicated that it was already approaching the evolution stage, an energy-saving Kakuna stage. I gave the Weedle an entire box of PokéBlock and a bag of Oran Berries for this reason. Content with the rich reward, the little bug happily went on its way.

Then, I turned to the true star of the day.

Clap, clap, clap.

"Well done, Elekid. I'll get you extra MooMoo milk in your diet from today. I am sure you prefer them instead of the tasteless calcium tablets."

Elekid's cheerful response echoed through the forest. I felt a smile come to my face at that. I could only say Elekid is a good boy who drinks his milk.


The forest echoed with the sounds of Elekid's battles as it traversed through Weedles, Caterpies, Kakunas, and Metapods.

The encounters were becoming more diverse, with wild Beedrils and Butterfrees adding an extra layer of challenge. Elekid faced each opponent with vigor, and it was during one of these battles that a unique and significant moment unfolded.

"Elekid, Tackle."

Commanding Elekid with a Tackle, I anticipated the familiar swift strike followed by a pause but instead of stopping after the initial strike, Elekid continued with a swift second and third step.

It then stuck with me that Elekid had seamlessly executed a Quick Attack.

As if reminiscent of its first encounter with Weedle, the Beedrill on the receiving end was sent flying into a tree, disappearing into the realms of dreams.

I wonder whether it is in the domain of Darkrai and nightmares, or maybe the gentle realm of Cresselia and good dreams.

Seeing this moment that showcased a Pokémon's capacity for growth and adaptability in battle, I understood the necessity of a gym circuit.

Shooking my head from irrelevant thoughts, I got to praising the little guy's feet. Positive reinforcement is a compulsory duty of a good Trainer.

"Great job, Elekid! Quick Attack is a fantastic move."

I lifted the little guy and threw it around for a bit and gave it a few greppa Pokeblocks as a treat.


After some time playing, I started to explain about quick attack to the little guy.

"Quick attack is the core of your future move pool. Strategy at its core is speed, which is now available to you with this move. You can use it to dodge attacks and then counter quickly. Watch this!"

Setting my embarrassment aside, I proceeded to demonstrate.

Dodging to the side with swift movements, I mimicked Elekid's evading attacks.

"And then, boom! Quick Attack back at the opponent. It's a surprise move that catches opponents off guard."

Elekid's eyes sparkled with curiosity as it observed the demonstration. It seemed eager to try the new technique.

"The key is timing and surprise. It'll make you a force to be reckoned with in battles," I explained, reinforcing the importance of strategy.

The following days saw Elekid continue its journey, using Quick Attack creatively in battles against various Pokémon.

It gracefully weaved through the field, leaving opponents momentarily bewildered before striking with precision. The forest became the perfect training ground for Elekid's newfound move.

Elekid's confident laughter filled the air, indicating that my attempts to motivate it toward a more dynamic approach to battles had been a resounding success.

The Quick Attack is a staple in Elekid's movepool, enhancing its strategic capabilities and surprising opponents with its sudden bursts of speed that can accompany him to the top.

The pro Pokemon Trainers have their Pokemon use the quick attack independently even without their command, building upon experience from numerous strategies like the one I made now.

However, as victories piled up, it was crucial to introduce balance. Every trainer and their Pokémon faced defeats, and it was time for Elekid to experience the other side of the coin. While it would feel cruel to some people, it is a must for the long-term future of Elekid.

For this task, I employed the help of Sam. It is about time he repaid me for seeking my help daily.


The battle between Elekid and Beedrill is sent in the familiar atmosphere of the forest training field. It was a choice made so that, Elekid would not feel too out of its comfort zone. It is small things like this, that count in Pokemon training.

[Professor Oak's quote.]

I nodded at the reminder from AI to help me better remember these things. I am always striving to improve my knowledge. Frankly speaking, it is my only talent. I don't have instincts or Aura talent like Ash, so I must improve based on knowledge and planning. Thankfully, my AI helps me with that.


With the first move, Elekid attempted to gain an advantage by using our go-to strategy with the wild Pokemon.

He used Thunder Wave in an attempt to paralyze Beedrill. However, Sam's experienced Beedrill effortlessly dodged the electric attack, showcasing its difference when compared to wild Beedrill.

Seizing the opportunity, Sam commanded Beedrill to use "String Shot."

Beedrill swiftly started weaving a web of silk, utilizing its adept flying skills, to attack the dodging Elekid.

Elekid, despite its quick reflexes, found it challenging to keep up with the agile Pokémon in the air.

The battle took a turn when Beedrill's strings entangled Elekid's feet, anchoring them to the ground.

I watched trying his best to break the strings. I saw him even attempting a quick attack, The string stretched somewhat but it soon retracted to slam Elekid into the same position.

It was not surprising considering Beedrill had 2 years of training on top of Elekid. One year from needle to Beedrill stage and then the present year where Sam attained 10 years of age. 

"Beedrill, Poison Jab!" Sam called out, taking advantage of Elekid's restrained position. The sharp drill of Beedrill glowing with poison, aimed for Elekid, poised to strike.

 In response to the threat, I swiftly gave my counter, "Quick Attack sideways and then Thunder Wave!"

Elekid, following my instructions, performed a rapid sidestep with Quick Attack at the last minute, evading the incoming Poison Jab.

 However, the experience and training gap of two years became apparent as Beedrill withheld the Thunder wave easily and retaliated with another Poison Jab.

The Poison Sting hit its mark on Elekid's torso. I could see Elekid being lifted into the air and being slammed into the ground effectively making a small pit.

Knowing the result, I went towards him to see the spiral of his eyes. 

Sam's Beedrill stood victorious, and Sam himself offered a nod of respect to me and said, "You are quite good at this Archer. I think it is a matter of time for you to win against us. I mean, I had two years on you but even, so you managed to give me a fight. Anyways, see you at dinner."

I could see he didn't like it one bit. As he went way after retiring Beedrill to his Pokeball, I healed Elekid back into consciousness.

As expected, he didn't like the defeat, easily seen from him releasing his electricity while pacing back and forth. 

"Come on, buddy. You knew it was a long shot. After all, you also saw Sam's battles whenever you could. You know the gap between you and him."

Elekid grumbled for a bit but calmed down.

Seeing this I continued with the main thing, "Besides, the only thing they have on us is time. I believe with some work from both sides we can close the gap between us. I know of Beedrill's poison composition and other strategies; I can help you gain some resistance to it. Trust me, with proper training, you can do the same."

I know encouragement is not a one-time thing, I mentally prepare myself for these talks for some time. 

However, I must take into account that Sam will progress in his way. After all, being surpassed is not a wonderful thing for anyone's ego.

----------Training spot, the next day---------

The forest clearing echoed with the soft hum of Elekid's electric charge as it sat there, visibly dejected after its recent defeat in battle. I approached and crouched down beside it, offering a comforting pat on its head.

"It's easy for someone to say 'overcome defeat,' but the practice is tougher, isn't it?" I began, understanding the weight of Elekid's emotions. The little Pokémon grunted in acknowledgment, expressing its frustration and disappointment.

I gently lifted Elekid into my lap, cradling it in my arms. "You see, Elekid, just like the PokéBlocks you enjoy and the electrical charge from the converter, perfection takes time and effort."

Elekid emitted a soft hum, indicating its attentiveness.

"The first attempts at making those were disastrous. Bland or sour beyond words. But through multiple tries, references from various books, and online video courses, I created a five-star delicacy for you." I gestured towards the PokéBlock in Elekid's hand.

Of course, the AI help was useful but, in the end, it was my efforts and hard work that led to their creation.

Taking this moment, I revealed a prototype machine to Elekid, who watched the machine resembling the ones depicted in exclusive paintings shared between Pokémon and his trainer.

The yellow Pokémon's eyes shined as it held the machine in hand.

 "This is an Electrolyzer. Ideally, it takes massive electricity and converts it into a single charge suitable to you, forcing you to evolve into Electivire. Though it is no way near completion.

The converter you use now is just a small part of it. It might take me years to complete, but you will be the first Electivire in the world. However, for that to happen, you must continue battling."

Elekid shook its head in disagreement, causing a moment of uncertainty and regret in my heart.

Was the first defeat a hasty decision from me?

The doubt lingered until Elekid released a powerful charge into the air, illuminating the surroundings.

I laughed with joy and shared in the sentiment, "Not just the first Electrivre, but the strongest. To the top, Elekid."


-----------FOREST – Usual Training spot.-------

"Elekid, the daily routine is going to have a mild change."

I then showed the new converter and explained the modifications I made to the converter, ensuring Elekid was fully aware of the changes.

"Elekid, this modified converter is designed to slowly increase or decrease the charge, expanding the range of electricity you can use. It's a gradual process, allowing you to adapt to stronger charges and increase the control to help you learn the new electric moves. Especially the dial that allows you to increase the amp, I added that because I trust you. So, Use it wisely." I pointed to the converter, emphasizing the importance of this modification.

With that, Elekid continued its daily routine, pushing itself physically and energetically. The familiar moves of Thunder Wave and Quick Attack were the core of its training, while Tackle, once a staple, had become somewhat redundant.

After each bout of exhaustion, Elekid was treated to varying currents through the modified converter.

In the initial days, discomfort was evident due to the shorter range of electricity. However, as the days progressed, the increasing range started to take a toll on Elekid's lightning horns at the top of its head.

Despite the discomfort and pain, Elekid persevered. Each day, it continued to push its limits, demonstrating incredible resilience and determination.

As the weeks passed, the increasing range of electricity began to show results. Elekid's thunder wave become stronger and faster.

I believe Elekid had reached a point where it was ready to learn a new move.

After the intense training session, Elekid stood there, charged with energy. I could sense the anticipation in the air. "Elekid, it's time to take the next step. Let's try out the new move," I encouraged, ready to witness the culmination of weeks of hard work.

The forest clearing buzzed with anticipation as Elekid prepared to unleash its newfound power. I watched with bated breath as Elekid concentrated, attempting to release the electrical energy at its maximum threshold.


However, it became evident that the attempt to execute the new move—Thunderbolt—was proving to be a strenuous task for the small Electric-type Pokémon.


My heart sank as Elekid struggled, unable to muster the strength needed to release the powerful Thunderbolt. In an unfortunate turn of events, exhaustion overcame it, and Elekid fell unconscious.

 Nervously, I approached memories of him flashing through my mind. Concerned for its well-being, I observed the rise and fall of its chest, anxiously checking it.

Suddenly, I noticed a small bubble forming near Elekid's nose. My brows furrowed in confusion, and until I realized he was just sleeping from exhaustion.

[Knowledge point: Pokemon generally have a white bubble arising from their nose, signifying their deep sleep status as a way to recover properly. The underlying mechanism I elaborated on in my book "Pokemon Recovery".

-By professor Kukui.]

I guess one should learn something new every day. I dismissed the AI prompt and had it process Elekid's data to measure its health.


Age: 6 months

Gender: male

Move pool: Tackle[reductant], quick attack, Thunder wave.

Status: Rest]

 I read the readings in the electrometer used to scan for thunderwave charge.

[Thunder wave: 7,000 voltage]

"Seems like the little guy is just a few days away from learning the move."

[Thunder bolt: Minimum 10,000 voltage]

Just as I was about to gently wake him, a soft glow enveloped him. To my surprise, the scratches and signs of fatigue rapidly disappeared. It was a miraculous scene as Elekid underwent a rapid recovery, the glow dissipating, leaving behind a fully revitalized Pokémon.

With wide eyes, I watched as Elekid sat up, its energy restored to full capacity. A grin formed on my face, and I couldn't help but laugh. "You did it, buddy! You successfully learned the new move."

The little guy threw his hands up in joy but froze when I said the move name- "Rest".

I rubbed his head and said, "You consider it lame right."

Elekid blunt nod made me laugh again.

"But in fact, it is the most tough move for you to learn. I was expecting to teach it by TM."

Elekid puffed his chest up at that fact.

It got me thinking, about whether the consistent exhaustion and charge for it since the day of birth, when coupled with adequate nutrition allowed it to learn the psychic move- rest.

I got to my knees to motivate Elekid to use Rest, " You should try to make it in an instinct. I will change the diet to include Mago berry, which is rich in psychic energy so that you can train it effectively. One day, you must be capable of replacing sleep with the rest move."

Under his look of confusion, I explained, "Just imagine using this move in moments like the wait during the changing of Pokémon from opponent, or any chance you can get. I am sure if you master it enough, you can even decrease the amount of time to sleep and increase your're day to day schedule. I promise you this, the increased time can be used for playtime."



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