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Capítulo 52: Chapter 51: Kaede and Nene part 2

Taking one of her now black locks, I began to ramble.

Tadano: "You know, the natural color of your hair is more beautiful than what you have now. I feel a bit guilty for ruining such a beautiful work... as well as your usual hairstyle, it's cute and maybe a little sexy, if you ask me. No! Better yet, you are so beautiful that sometimes I can't help but have these thoughts... Maybe I..." I couldn't finish my ramblings because the girl lifted her face from my chest and quickly joined our lips in a fiery kiss that conveyed her turbulent emotions.

She wrapped her arms around my neck, refusing to let me go.

She was so bold that she even slipped her tongue in.

Her eyes had a pink tint, and her breath began to quicken.

Damn! This girl is really giving it her all right now. It's very bold of her, she doesn't even seem to care that we're the center of attention right now. I thought to myself.

With great reluctance, I had to push her away.

She resisted, but after brushing certain sweet spot between her legs with my fingers, she seemed to lose some strength in her grip and let me go, while her legs seemed to turn to jelly and she started to fall to the ground. I caught her quickly and could glimpse a wet line running down her thighs.

I was astonished. I only did it in an attempt to get her off me; I didn't expect her to actually climax.

I looked at her, stunned, for a moment.

Now more awake, she looked at me for a moment until she realized what she had done. Then she quickly pulled away from me, very embarrassed, covering her face with her hands to avoid me seeing her ashamed expression.

Nene: "HAAAA! Why the hell did I do that! I'm such a fool! Don't look at me! It's embarrassing! Swallow me, Earth!"

Smiled at her attitude, giving her a pat on the back. 

Tadano: "Come on, it's not that bad... I don't think anyone will recognize you anyway, hehe... Besides, I feel somewhat honored to have made you experience an orgasm like that..." My mouth was quickly covered by Nene, her face as red as a ripe tomato.

"Shut up! Don't make it worse! AHH! Maybe I should kill you and then myself so no one knows about this embarrassing incident..." Nene said, dangerous thoughts swirling in her head.

Tadano: "HMPH… HMMMM… MMMM.?" (Won't you take your hands away?)

Seeming to understand me, the girl responded.

Nene: "No! "I won't let you continue talking any more nonsense!" she said very embarrassed.

Tadano: "HMMM" (Good)

Then I licked her hands.

The girl let out a surprised moan and quickly pulled her hands away. Before she could say anything, I took her back into my arms.

When she realized it, the girl began to fiercely struggle to free herself from my grip.

"Well, little wildcat... why don't you calm down a bit? I don't care what happened before... in fact, I really liked it... so don't worry about it. Don't worry about those who saw us either, remember that right now we're complete strangers with the disguises we're wearing... with that said, just relax a bit. Okay?" I said, using my Singing ability a little to calm her down.

Hearing my words infused with my ability, the girl gradually calmed down. Then she just hugged me, avoiding letting me see her face by burying it again in my chest.

Nene: "It's okay... forgive me for attacking you like that before," she said.

Tadano: "No problem, I also brought it on myself... besides..." I couldn't finish because I felt a penetrating gaze on my back.

When I turned around, I could see Kaede, who had approached us at some point.

Kaede: "Oh? It seems I was beaten to it... that's unfair of you, Nene-Chan, I was supposed to confess first," Kaede said, pouting cutely.

Upon hearing her friend's voice, Nene quickly moved away from me and said.

Nene: "No... It's not what you think, Kaede... I... I just..."

Kaede: "Don't say more, Nene-Chan, I understand. I know you also really like Tadano-Kun, however, next time remember that I decided to share," 

 Nene nodded, bowing her head in defeat and extreme embarrassment.

I watched the conversation between the two girls, somewhat curious. Then Kaede turned her gaze to me.

Extending her hand, she said,

Kaede: "Come here, Tadano-Kun..."

I couldn't help but feel like a pet being called by its owner. Ignoring the feeling, I approached her.

Kaede: "Kneel down..."

So I did.

Once my face was within her reach, she took my face in both hands and planted a kiss on me.

It was warm and loving... at first.

Slowly, it intensified.

To the point where she pushed me to the ground and straddled me.

Giving me as many kisses as she could, covering my entire face with kiss marks.

When she was satisfied, she pulled away and said,

Kaede: "Tadano-Kun... Listen to me very carefully to what I'm about to say, okay?"

I nodded.

Kaede: "Okay... Tadano Hitohito-Kun, marry me."

Nene: "…"

Tadano: "…"



"Lady Luck is stunned."


"[The Corruptor of the Sacred] is also stunned, she even dropped one of her favorite BDSM magazines on the floor."


"[The Chaos Prankster] is so completely stunned that she drops several of the prank items from her, some exploding in the process filling her with Soot."

I was so stunned by her statement that she had completely left me speechless.

Damn even my other personality and my viewers were also speechless.

Kaede's expression remained unchanged but her eyes began to widen with a dangerous look in them upon seeing my lack of response.

Exerting more strength on the hands that held my face she said.

Kaede: "Don't you want to?"

I quickly shook my head and said.

Tadano: "Of course I want to! Who would refuse the proposal of a beauty like you! Who would deny a cake fallen from the sky! I replied.

Kaede's cheeks blushed when she heard my words and she moved closer to my face to give me another kiss.

This time he went long and wild.

She held my arms against the floor pinning me down as she took full control.

I hesitated whether to resist or not.

"Don't look at me... I would resist, but that's your call, not mine. I'm just here to take care of Yamai's dog,"

"Don't look at me... I would resist but that's your turtle, not mine. "I'm just in charge of taking care of Yamai's dog."


"Lady luck says to make your decision wisely"


"[The Defiler of the Sacred] encourages you to take a rope from your space ring and practice the wonders of BDSM with this arrogant little turtle."


"[The Chaos Prankster] encourages you to push her down and get close enough that she thinks you're going to kiss her. She then takes her skirt and underwear and runs away at full speed. She then enjoys the embarrassed expression on her face as she chases after you.


"[The Defiler of the Sacred] Gives a Thumbs Up to [The Chaos Trickster]"


"Lady Luck rolls her eyes at the pair of idiots."

I decided to ignore those alerts and freed myself from her grip.

Sitting up and surrounding her waist with my hands I deepened our kiss.

I wouldn't let my future wife completely dominate me, not even 5 seconds into the relationship.

I decided to show him that I would not be an easy prey.

Putting into practice all my knowledge learned through experimentation in Yamai, I decided to appease the ferocious turtle on me.

At a certain point, Kaede's eyes became glassy, and with no strength left, she leaned against me.

Kaede: "Okay... You... You win... But... I... I'll be your wife! No... I won't accept a No... for an answer," she said between gasps.

Tadano: "Alright... then take care of me from now on."

Kaede smiled at me when she heard my words and, full of happiness, she clung to me like a Koala.

And she didn't leave me even when I stood up.

Having a turtle with a Koala complex hanging over me, I approached a stunned Nene, which I placed on my back.

She, still somewhat dazed, did not resist and hung on my back obediently.

When she realized she met the gaze of a smiling Kaede who was clinging to my neck.

Kaede: "Oh! Hi Nene... beautiful night, isn't it?"

Nene: "Why am I on your back?" Nene decided to completely ignore her friend's previous words. Her friend's eccentricity was too much for her at the moment.

Tadano: "Well, we're leaving... as fast as possible. So hold on tight."

Before anyone could respond, I started to run. It was so fast that they thought they were traveling in a speeding car. Both girls screamed for different reasons as they held on to him. Nene screamed in panic at the speed I was going while clinging to me as tightly as she could. In contrast, Kaede screamed with excitement at seeing everything passing by so quickly.

When we got to a secluded place I let them down. Their appearances were a disaster.

I quickly helped them settle down and returned them to their normal appearance.

Nene: "Why did you take us so fast... I thought I was going to die!" the girl exclaimed exasperatedly.

Tadano: "Sorry about that. We had already taken too much time, and besides, someone troublesome noticed our presence in that park, so I had to get you out of there as fast as I could," I said, somewhat regretful for scaring Nene.

Upon hearing "someone troublesome," Kaede's smile vanished. She looked at me seriously and asked, "Who?"

Though a little surprised by the change, I ignored it and answered her question.

Tadano: "Shinomiya Kaguya."

Nene and Kaede: "A SHINOMIYA!!!"

Tadano: "Oh? You know them?"

Nene: "Who doesn't know the fourth most powerful family in Japan? How did we attract their attention? Wait... You know what? Forget it, I know how..." she said, looking at me with frustration.

Tadano: "Hey! Don't look at me like that... I didn't ask for a Shinomiya to notice us... I'm just as helpless in this matter."

Kaede: "Although it may be difficult... if the Shinomiyas want to mess with you, I can help," the girl said solemnly.

Seeing her so serious, I shook my head and said.

Tadano: "I'm not worried about myself... I could escape at any moment... I was worried about you two. I can escape, but you can't. Even if we haven't done anything to the Shinomiyas, it would be problematic if we got involved in their affairs or power games. That's why I got you out of there quickly, to prevent any of their henchmen from contacting you," I said with a serious tone.

The girls were surprised and then blushed.

Kaede jumped directly on me and rubbed her cheek against mine, emanating happiness as she said. Kaede: "What an adorable fiancé I have∼ he cares so much about me ∼ I love you ∼"

Nene stood by, looking at us, a hint of envy showing in her eyes.

Kaede opened her eyes a little, revealing those charming emeralds, and looked at Nene.

Kaede: "What are you standing there for? Come here... Didn't I say I would allow you to be his second wife?"

Nene: "But I..."

Kaede: "No buts... you're my best friend and a woman I have personally approved of. You've even helped me get him. How could I not let you join? Now come here and wipe that long face, Nene-Chan," she said the latter with her usual expression while giving her friend a warm smile."

Once she approached, Kaede pulled her and joined her in our embrace, saying.

Kaede: "Well, Hitohito-Kun, this is Nene-Chan. Although she can be a bit bitter at times and may deny me sweets at other times, she's really a good girl. Take care of her from now on, okay? I'll be very upset if you make her sad," she said cheerfully and pouting at the end.

I couldn't help but pinch Kaede's chubby cheeks.

She was too cute.

Then I focused all my attention on Nene, who looked somewhat uncomfortable but expectant for my response.

Tadano: "So I'm counting on you from now on, Nene-Chan∼" I said with a warm smile on my face.

Nene: "Y-Yes. I'll... I'll also... take care of you from now on," the girl said timidly.


"Main Mission (Completed): The Pact to Fulfill"

Objective: Protect and make Otori Kaede happy (Completed)

You have received The Favor of Lady Luck. Attention from Uriel, the Seraphim most beloved by the Biblical God.


"[The Demonic Judge of Fire] has entered the room."


"[The Demonic Judge of Fire] greets Lady Luck energetically."


"Lady Luck returns the greeting and offers a seat next to her."


"[The Demonic Judge of Fire] nods and observes the rest of the participants"


"[The Demonic Judge of Fire] looks disdainfully [The Defiler of the Sacred]"


"[The Defiler of the Sacred] winks playfully at [The Demonic Judge of Fire]."


"[The Demonic Judge of Fire] rolls her eyes and looks away, then observes [The Trickster of Chaos] cautiously."


"[The Trickster of Chaos] offers a candy amicably."


"[The Demonic Judge of Fire] completely ignores [The Trickster of Chaos] and proceeds to observe your entire journey up to this point."


"[The Trickster of Chaos] becomes dejected and murmurs about nobody wanting to accept her sweets."


"[The Demonic Judge of Fire] says she's very interested in the mortal Komi Shouko. She adds that she deeply despises the deeds of the mortal Yamai Ren and will punish her soul with the Flames of Judgment once she leaves the earthly plane. However, she's also not pleased with your actions towards her."


"[The Demonic Judge of Fire] is very interested in the music you sing. She encourages you to continue on this path and become the greatest bard to have ever existed, leaving aside the path of villainy."

Tadano: "Another peculiar being has joined our little group..."

"And one problematically upright, for a change."


"[The Demonic Judge of Fire] glances at the Host System's second personality."

"Don't look at me. I'm the... if you do anything to me you will ruin the young man who filled the reminiscence of your friend's soul with joy..."


"[The Demonic Judge of Fire] reluctantly looks away."

"That was terrifying..."

Tadano: "What kind of future awaits me now?"


"Update Conditions Met... the system will update in 24 hours... Once the update begins, the Host will enter a state of stasis. Take precautions..."

"You just had to speak, didn't you?"

Damn it...

Author's note: Long chapter as an apology for delaying the previous day's publication. When it's the weekend I don't have much time and to my bad luck the chapter had gone out of sync and I only had the untranslated copy, I had to translate it when I returned home. well here goes the chapter. Having said that, remember to drink plenty of water and that I love you very much. Sincerely your favorite depressive author.

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