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Capítulo 2: Navy

A few hours later,

As Odin's gaze fell upon the imposing large navy boat, a devious scheme began to take shape in his mind. With a calculated grace, he descended upon the vessel, his form cloaked in the darkness of Venom's embrace.

As the navy men raised their pistols in alarm, the leader of the marines intervened, his voice a command that echoed across the deck. "Stop," he ordered, his eyes fixed upon the mysterious figure before him.

With a flourish, Odin withdrew Venom, allowing his true face to be revealed to the marines. "I am Odin Bloodmoon," he declared, his voice ringing out with a confidence that belied his tender years. "An orphan, seeking to join the ranks of the navy."

The leader of the marines, none other than Admiral Kong himself, regarded Odin with a mixture of curiosity and skepticism. "How old are you, boy?" he inquired, his gaze piercing.

With a smirk, Odin replied, "I've just turned 10."

Kong's eyebrows raised in surprise at the boy's declaration. "You look strong for your age," he conceded, his interest piqued.

Then, in a bold display of confidence, Kong issued a challenge that would determine Odin's fate. "Come, boy. Punch me with all your strength," he commanded. "If you manage to hurt me even a little, I will not only allow you to join the navy but also take you under my wing as my disciple."

With a nod of determination, Odin summoned forth Venom once more, the dark tendrils swirling around him in anticipation. With a deep breath, he gathered his strength and unleashed a devastating punch aimed squarely at Kong's chest.

The impact reverberated across the deck as Odin's fist connected with Kong's sternum. For a fleeting moment, it seemed as though the admiral might be unfazed by the blow. But then, a hint of surprise flickered in Kong's eyes, a testament to the raw power behind Odin's punch.

As Odin stood before him, a smirk playing across his lips, Kong's expression softened into a grin of approval. "Impressive," he conceded, his voice carrying a note of respect. "Welcome to the navy, Odin Bloodmoon. Your journey has only just begun."

With a nod of gratitude towards his new mentor, Odin smiled in acknowledgment of Kong's guidance. "Thank you, Teacher Kong," he said, his voice tinged with sincerity.

As the navy boat continued its journey towards Marineford, Kong approached Odin once more, a curious glint in his eyes. "So, what's your devil fruit ability?" he inquired, his interest piqued.

Thinking quickly, Odin concocted a tale to conceal the true nature of his powers. "I don't know," he replied with a shrug, feigning ignorance. "When I was a child, I found a strange-looking fruit washed up on the beach. After I ate it, I gained this ability."

Kong regarded him with a thoughtful expression, his gaze searching. "And which island are you from?" he pressed further.

"I hail from a wild island known as Barbarian Island," Odin answered truthfully, though omitting the full extent of his upbringing. "My parents were taken from me by beasts when I was young, so I learned to survive on my own using my knowledge."

A smile crept across Kong's face as he looked upon Odin with newfound understanding. "Very well, Odin," he said, his tone gentle yet firm. "Rest for now. We will be arriving at Marineford in a few hours. Be prepared for the challenges that await. There are others among us who possess strength equal to your own."

Odin nodded solemnly, a sense of determination burning within him. "As you say, Teacher," he replied, his voice resolute.

Then Kong dialed a phone bug to contact the fleet admiral.

Kong listened intently as the voice of Fleet Admiral Hector greeted him on the other end of the line. "Teacher Hector," Kong began, his tone respectful, "I've just accepted a disciple."

Hector's curiosity was piqued. "And who might this young man be, to have impressed you so?" he inquired.

Kong's voice held a note of pride as he replied, "His name is Odin Bloodmoon, an orphaned child. I tested his strength by having him strike me with all his might. Remarkably, despite my haki, his punch cracked my sternum. And would you believe it, sir? He's only 10 years old. What's more, he possesses an unknown mythical devil fruit."

Hector's hearty laughter echoed through the phone. "Buahahaha! Well done, Kong! Bring him to headquarters immediately."

As Kong prepared to end the call, Hector's voice grew serious. "The era of the navy is upon us. With Odin's potential, along with the readiness of Karp, Sengoku, Zephyr, and Tsuru, our forces are stronger than ever. Together, we will stand against the pirates and ensure the safety of the seas. The navy will reign supreme."

A few hours later,

As Marineford loomed into view, Odin felt a surge of anticipation coursing through his veins. The imposing structure of the navy headquarters stood as a testament to the power and authority of the World Government, and Odin knew that he was about to embark on a new chapter of his life within its walls.

Kong's words resonated within him as they drew closer to the dock. "This will be your home from now on," the admiral had declared, his voice carrying a weight of responsibility.

With a sense of determination burning within him, Odin gazed upon Marineford with a mixture of awe and reverence. This was where he would train, where he would hone his skills and prove himself worthy of the navy's trust.

As the ship docked and the gangplank was lowered, Kong led Odin directly to the fleet admiral's office. With each step, Odin felt the weight of expectation bearing down upon him, but he stood tall, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

As they entered the office, Odin's eyes widened at the sight of Fleet Admiral Hector, a figure of legendary status within the navy.

As Odin stood in the presence of Fleet Admiral Hector, Admiral Magnus, and Admiral Orion, a sense of awe washed over him. These were the highest-ranking officers in the navy, and their combined strength was legendary.

Magnus's sharp gaze fell upon Odin as he spoke, his voice commanding yet measured. "So, this is your disciple, Kong?" he inquired, his tone tinged with curiosity.

Kong nodded proudly. "Yes, and he surpasses even Sengoku and Garp," he replied confidently.

Admiral Orion regarded Odin with a keen eye, assessing him silently before speaking. "Boy, what is your ambition in joining the navy?" he asked, his voice carrying the weight of authority.

Meeting Orion's gaze head-on, Odin's resolve shone through. "I want to get stronger," he declared boldly. "I want to be the strongest, stronger than anyone and everyone."

Hector's booming laughter filled the room at Odin's audacious declaration. "Buahahaha! Kid, you've got a long road ahead of you," he chuckled. "But don't worry, we'll make sure you get the training you need."

With a nod of approval, Hector turned to Kong. "I'm giving you a one-year break," he announced. "Focus on training Odin, and leave the Three Kings to us."

Kong saluted crisply. "Yes, sir," he replied dutifully, before turning to Odin. "Come, Odin," he said, his voice brimming with determination. Together, they departed, ready to embark on a journey of strength and mastery.

As Kong settled in beside Odin on the ship, the waves lapping gently against its hull, he spoke with a gravity that belied the calmness of the sea around them.

"Odin, I'm taking you to a special island," Kong began, his voice low and solemn. "It's where admirals train, a place reserved only for those deemed worthy by the Fleet Admiral himself."

Odin's eyes widened in surprise at the revelation. "Does this mean Fleet Admiral Hector sees me as a potential admiral?" he asked, a sense of wonder creeping into his voice.

Kong nodded, a proud smile tugging at his lips. "Indeed," he confirmed. "To be granted permission to train on this island at your age is a testament to your potential. Even I, the most talented in the navy, wasn't granted permission until I was twenty."

As they sailed towards the island, Admiral Orion approached them, his expression serious. "I will conduct your test," he declared, his voice firm. "Let's see if you truly have what it takes."

Odin squared his shoulders, ready to face whatever challenge lay ahead. But before the test could commence, Kong addressed Odin's earlier question.

"The Three Kings," Kong explained, his tone grave. "They are the most notorious and dangerous pirates of this era. Rocks D. Xebec, Raven Blackheart, and Silver Siren. Their names strike fear into the hearts of all who hear them, and it is our duty to stand against them."

As the black mist enveloped the boat and shrouded the ocean, a sense of unease gripped Odin's heart. But Kong's reassuring words quelled his fears, and he steadied himself for whatever lay ahead.

Then, as suddenly as it had appeared, the mist dissipated, revealing the island in all its majesty. Towering cliffs rose from the sea, crowned with lush greenery and echoing with the sounds of nature.

"Here, your training begins," Kong declared, his voice resolute. With a sense of determination burning within him, Odin stepped onto the island, ready to embark on the journey that would shape him into a formidable force within the ranks of the navy.

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