/ Book&Literature / A Second Chance [BL, Fanfic]

A Second Chance [BL, Fanfic] Original

A Second Chance [BL, Fanfic]

Book&Literature 116 Capítulos 432.2K Modos de exibição
Autor: Lu_Shui

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This is a fanfic for 2ha by Meatbun Does Not Eat Meat (Dumb Husky and His White Cat Shizun)
I am the original author of the fanfic, by the way. It is also posted on AO3.

Chu Wanning died at the last battle at Heavenly Lake. He could not kill TaXian-Jun at the end, and was instead transmigrated into his younger self along with Mo Ran after the latter killed himself.
Chu Wanning was given a second chance to make things right. Could he or could he not change the course of events and save both his disciple and the world?

This fanfic will be written mainly from Chu Wanning's perspective.


Image is obviously not mine, taken from official 2ha manhua :)
Please support the original artist and canon author!!!



  1. Lu_Shui
    Lu_Shui Contribuído 55
  2. Clancy_Cardozo_4095
    Clancy_Cardozo_4095 Contribuído 50
  3. Layto
    Layto Contribuído 50

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  • Qualidade da Tradução
  • Estabilidade das atualizações
  • Desenvolvimento de Histórias
  • Design de Personagens
  • Antecedentes do mundo

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LV 14 Badge

Hi hi! This is the author. I believe I put all information down properly, so I believe that most of the readers are fans of 2ha. I post this fanfic simultaneously in AO3 btw, find Xiao_Zhang if you want to read the additional notes at the beginning and end of the chapters for fun sake ❤️ I love interacting with readers 🥰🥰🥰 This fic is written in order to harvest your tears and blood. I need it to water the plants in CWN's garden *cough* I mean, it is supposed to engage you emotionally. Please do not throw stones at the author 😭

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1. I got a dig bick 2. You that read wrong 3. You read that wrong too 4. You checked 5. You smiled 7. You are wandering why you are still reading this 8. You saw that mistake, right? (On 7) 10. But did you see that I skipped 6? 10. You checked 11. And saw you that I doubled 10 and skipped 9 12. I said "saw you" not you saw 13. I also skipped 2 14. You got tricked 15. Follow me for exp ;) 16. I'm just wasting your time, but if you were entertained, leave a like and happy reading! expexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexp

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LV 4 Badge

till now (chapter 62) everything is good. worth your time 100%. the writing quality is amazing: because, while I was reading I didn't pay any attention to the grammatical structure, as the story entered my mind just like a movie. characters design: hmm there are a few issues that I noticed with the second disciple that Mo Ran likes... his character is a bit blank.🙄 I couldn't get a clear impression of him yet. the only thing I can remember about him is how Mo Ran is drooling while thinking about him and saying all the good things blah blah blah other than that you get "A-Ran" "A-Ran" "A-Ran" "A- Ran" or "SHIZUN!!!"😹😹. but all in all, he's funny(in my opinion). so I think Mo Ran going to throw him away I don't know.🤨 That's all I got, thank you for reading.

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2ha my ever favourite.. I didn't know you haf a fanfic of this. If I knew I would have read this long ago.. you know how happy i am to see this? This is gonna be in my library forever.. Gotta read this without any break Than you for creating this...👍

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Directly engaging. Even though its a fanfic, the characters portrays their emotions well and the storyline is independent from where it came from. There is no such unique taste in genre but simply reader friendly yet tugs on our emotion. 🤗🤗🤗

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Autor Lu_Shui