/ Sports / Booking Glory

Booking Glory Original

Booking Glory

Sports 109 Capítulos 308.8K Modos de exibição
Autor: kirupakaran

4.19 (15 Avaliações)

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#Wrestling #Sports #Business #Showbiz #Booking

"When the lights turn off, the ring becomes empty, and the fans walk away, I want to see their anger, hate, tears, joy, frustration, and vindication. In short, I want them to remember those 90 minutes they paid for."

Rob Williams has one goal in his life. To bring pro wrestling to the heights he had experienced in his previous life. Unfortunately, it is not that easy to do.

In a world where pro wrestling is considered to be a niche sport, that barely receives any recognition, Rob Williams has his job cut out for him. But, his passion and bold ideas alone won't help him much when he has to battle on all fronts.

Some called him a madman. Some see him as a delusional fool dreaming of something impossible. But, there were others who called him a genius, even a visionary. But, Rob was just a man who worked towards a single dream.

A stadium full of fans, cheering and booing as he envisioned!!!

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  1. daniel_lucas
    daniel_lucas Contribuído 2643
  2. auzzo
    auzzo Contribuído 2398
  3. axjames
    axjames Contribuído 2296


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    • Qualidade da Tradução
    • Estabilidade das atualizações
    • Desenvolvimento de Histórias
    • Design de Personagens
    • Antecedentes do mundo

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    Shameless author review :) Do read and enjoy this slice of life story. I promise that this story will bring you both joy and heartbreak. Also, let me know how you feel about the story. I am open to suggestions as well.

    Ver 2 Respostas

    I shouldn't need to pay to read at 11 chapters. 👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎

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    LV 13 Badge

    It's a Great book. Honestly, has the potential to be top 100. If only you didn't put the paywall so soon, I'm sure more people would have picked it up. I was lucky that this book was offered to me for free for 24 hours, so I made it deep enough to actually be absorbed in the story. You should've leave the first 20 chapters to be free so reader can really get a taste of how it's going to be. Not to mention, you picked a very unique genre. Anyway on to the actual review,. I give you huge props on Story Development and Character Development. Granted when it comes to wrestling, I do enjoy the actual match itself rather than the buildup, so it's fun to see it from a different perspective. Your character development in Brent, Rob and Dacey is awesome, especially in the later chapter. And what I love the most is how 'weak' Rob is. He is a proper underdog that actually rising without a cheat but sheer hard work. Unconsciously, you made interesting conflicts that normally would've been pushed aside in this type of novels. Now is there a flaw? Maybe a bit slow. But in all fairness at Rob's current position, I do understand the extreme details Also good couple btw👍

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    hey author where are you bruh its been a week i didn't see any updates are tou okay

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    I want to read your story but you just locked your story in just ten chapters, come on man that is not enough to review your story for me...

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    love to read it but not spending 21 coins to read one page

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    Wow! Reincarnation+Modern day. To be honest, this is my first time reading sports genre so I'm curious to see how the plot is going to work. Looking forward for the rest of the chapters👍🏻

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    frankly , it's a really good novel and it's obvious that the author definitely has some knowledge and an interest in wrestling. the way the mc is portrayed is very realistic and I like how everything didn't just fall into his lap. The novel is definitely one of my favorites

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    The 10 chapters are boring. The chapters are a never-ending internal monologue and a dumping ground for unnecessary information. [img=exp][img=exp][img=exp][img=exp][img=exp][img=exp]

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    One thing that I like about this novel is, Is how you deliver what the MC doing, and thinking and also how you deliver it as a narrator. every chapter is long and it's a good thing also every title of your chapters literally would make the readers curious and excited to read more of it. to be honest it is my first time reading about a transmigration novel about modern sports. it feels unique and new to me.

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    I love this story hard to find a pro wrestling story. I just hope it doesn't get dropped

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    Love this story that’s why I’m sad no one is writing anything like this, and that this has been abandoned by the author.

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    Just wondering why it took me so long to come across this book it really a rear gem.

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    What an interesting premises! the author definitely has great knowledge and interest to prowrestling to create this brilliant story and also Many Characters with remarkable personalities. great job author 👏

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    Hi, I read your synopsis it is really interesting, your book cover is interesting, and your grip on your plot is great. I hope you complete your story. Thank you.

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    Autor kirupakaran