/ Celebrities / Can't get you out of my mind. ( jjk × reader) COMPLETED

Can't get you out of my mind. ( jjk × reader)

Can't get you out of my mind. ( jjk × reader) COMPLETED

Celebrities 50 Capítulos 175.2K Modos de exibição

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Sobre Índice


what will happen if a play boy falls in love with a girl who do not believe in love and give no interest to boys.

will he able to make her fall in love??

General Audiences


  1. Berthilamunikapetr
    Berthilamunikapetr Contribuído 1
  2. Virge_Jars
    Virge_Jars Contribuído 1
  3. Avatar

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Rank -- Ranking de Poder
Stone -- Pedra de Poder

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  • Antecedentes do mundo

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The story was interesting , it didn't just felt like a fiction but sometimes it was so relatable in our lives. Because someone from our past broke us or betrayed us some people fails to trust anyone and this fiction implies that moving on in life would bring great changes that our life's becomes better so overall the story was great.

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I literally read this story in just one ☺️☺️I found it more n more interesting at just 1st chapter😍 while reading I feel that it's all happening in my life 😍😍so because of this I love it soo much🥰🥰💜💜

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