/ Movies / Decepticon One Shots

Decepticon One Shots Original

Decepticon One Shots

Movies 5 Capítulos 9.4K Modos de exibição

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As the only female Autobot, you thought you'd pick one of the Autobots in the team to be your boyfriend.

But what about dating a Decepticon? Now that's when things really get interesting.

Here you have the chance to date a Decepticon and see how things will turn out to be. You get to share your ideas/requests of which Decepticon and what you'll be doing. For example...

- Berserker X Reader: One Stormy Night

- Dreadbot X Reader: How a Thug Sleeps

I'll mainly do the live action Decepticons but I'll let you all know if I'll add new characters in the Request File Chapter.

No One 17 and Under Admitted

Status de energia semanal

Rank -- Ranking de Poder
Stone -- Pedra de Poder

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