/ Action / Dual levelling: I level up with my clones

Dual levelling: I level up with my clones Original

Dual levelling: I level up with my clones

Action 22 Capítulos 67.0K Modos de exibição
Autor: Kutley

4.72 (16 Avaliações)

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War breaks out between the human race and monsters, and Lee Seung loses everything to it at the age of sixteen — his family, home, and happiness. He had always dreamed of becoming powerful enough to stop the remaining monsters in the world. One day, he awakens the ability to create multiple versions of himself called "replications". With his clones, he grows stronger every time. But will this new power bring him the happiness he desires? The revenge he craves? Or will it further ruin his life? Let's find out!

General Audiences


  1. Kutley
    Kutley Contribuído 66
  2. Dungeon_Warrior
    Dungeon_Warrior Contribuído 16
  3. Lonnie_Barrar
    Lonnie_Barrar Contribuído 16


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    • Qualidade da Tradução
    • Estabilidade das atualizações
    • Desenvolvimento de Histórias
    • Design de Personagens
    • Antecedentes do mundo

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    I am leaving this review already because I have read one of the author's book before and it's good. And besides, I love video games

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    Read the first chapter and OMG, it's good. It's beyond my expectations man. I mean, I didn't expect cloning or something. Will follow you to the end.

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    bro you have inspired by someone I have no this but the cloan technique I love it keep it up but focus it on one thing you stories interesting but the development is league looking like exact solo leveling don't look like it because you have a upper hand like clone used it

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    The starting looked unique and the way the story progressed was not too fast and not too slow it wad perfect. The scenes were explained well. Hope to see more and continue this work. Its unique and way better.

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    Now you see, I may be a little bias because this is some power I wanted myself but I should say that the writing is applied well in gaining this awakening of their power. It is good through and through . It does stake a few chapters to get off the ground and get into exploring the ability but it is fine when the story behind it keeps it flowing. It is something I intend to keep on reading and others should join me. Because it's cloning. Did I say how much I like the concept of clones? I know there is one famous cloning thing but now this looks like it could be the next. Interesting.

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    To be honest I have no ideas it was fun or not to read cause it just 9 chapters when this review was written. But I need to read more, reading this book remind me from neighborhood book which getting anime adaptation. I love the premise of this book, expect romance in future plot. So far good work for author and fun book to read.

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    Wow, an ability of cloning. But the chapter are still little😓 Expecting more chapter author

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    This is an interesting premise to start off with, I’ll be waiting for more chapters💜💜💜💜

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    Great Idea for a book, I don't find much cloning novels in wn, so i will surely keep reading, also great execution and dialogs, excited for new chapters

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    I've only read the prologue and it's quite decent pace. Can't wait to see more of it.

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    I like this story because it has the gate and monsters elements. Also the protagonist starts from the weak and becomes powerful using his new power.

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    Hum, I will start reading . But on the first chapter let me tell you my perspective It was so straight to the point and the biggest thing is the cliffhanger. I can't wait to find out how Lee something made his first clone, the world and so on good work, bro

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    From the title we already know this is gonna be a good one. Not a solo leveling fan? you'll love it! A solo leveling fan? You will love it even more! well, at least that's the vibe i got from the first few chapters. Writing Quality? Pass. Story Development? Pass. Character Design? A pass, but it would be better if there were more descriptions. world background? seems to follow solo-leveling and MHA style - got to love it! Update Stability? this is the only rating I deducted because it is only 3 chapters a week but since everyone has irl responsibilities, I'll be lenient and give a 3. all round, this book is a great read so far!

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    The story is really good and it reminds me of auto hunting with my clones and that other manhwa I forgot what it was called. The writing quality is great and so is the world building. the rest is average.

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    Seriously, the concept of clones in a world at war? Count me in! Looking forward to diving deeper into this unique power and seeing how it shapes the protagonist's journey. Definitely recommend giving it a read! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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    I like the concept it looks very new and fresh so I'm looking forward to its development but I believe story will take another leap (in the overall quality) if it's writing style (like description) is improved.

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    Autor Kutley