/ Anime & Comics / Dxd: Elven Ascendance.

Dxd: Elven Ascendance. Original

Dxd: Elven Ascendance.

Anime & Comics 7 Capítulos 61.3K Modos de exibição
Autor: DarthTurtle

Classificações insuficientes

Sobre Índice


With the Inquisition's victory secured, my life was meant to be simple again, I was meant to return to my clan with my Human wife, a routine mission they said, one last one before going home...

No One 17 and Under Admitted


  1. Pythia
    Pythia Contribuído 5
  2. A_Stupid_Story
    A_Stupid_Story Contribuído 5
  3. gamabunda4873
    gamabunda4873 Contribuído 5

Status de energia semanal

Rank -- Ranking de Poder
Stone -- Pedra de Poder

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Autor DarthTurtle