/ Anime & Comics / DxD Rants

DxD Rants Original

DxD Rants

Anime & Comics 23 Capítulos 282.6K Modos de exibição

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Nothing much, just me ranting about DxD fanon and all kind of stuff like lore, setting, misconceptions, etc...

General Audiences


  1. Shub_Niggurath
    Shub_Niggurath Contribuído 80
  2. ReadingIsMyHobby
    ReadingIsMyHobby Contribuído 20
  3. Goksumr
    Goksumr Contribuído 10

Status de energia semanal

Rank -- Ranking de Poder
Stone -- Pedra de Poder

Você também pode gostar


  • Qualidade da Tradução
  • Estabilidade das atualizações
  • Desenvolvimento de Histórias
  • Design de Personagens
  • Antecedentes do mundo

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Just a few words from me a nobody, if there are people who wants to make a dxd fanfic then, read this guy rant it's so solid that it summaries many things

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Ok don't mind the Score I just had to do it. Anyway this guys rants are pretty solid from like the 2 chapters I've read. The guy's goes into detail about the things he dislikes and disagrees with. If you take the time to read them all you could most likely agree with him in some ways. But if your looking for an actual story don't read it. He says it on the Synopsis it's just him talking about stuff, good if you don't have anything do be doing and just feel like reading his rants.

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