/ Music & Bands / Fangirl | BTS

Fangirl | BTS Original

Fangirl | BTS

Music & Bands 72 Capítulos 149.8K Modos de exibição

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"Jinjja!" Hoseok exclaimed.

"Wae? Wae?" Namjoon asked looking at them.

"Jiminie says there's a fangirl in here and she is weird." Hoseok said.

"What? How did she get in? Did you informed the security? How does she look lik-" Before Namjoon could complete his sentence PD-nim's office door opened.

"Guys, let me introduce you to our new staff member." PD-nim said as he walked in with the new member.

"Her! She looked like her!" Taehyung exclaimed pointing his finger at the girl that had entered with PD-nim.


  1. Kaveri_Bhoir_3466
    Kaveri_Bhoir_3466 Contribuído 8
  2. sreejitasamanta
    sreejitasamanta Contribuído 8
  3. GA_Peachy81
    GA_Peachy81 Contribuído 6

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Rank -- Ranking de Poder
Stone -- Pedra de Poder

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want to feel everything about a serious relationship them must read this story💯🤞there is love,passion, possesiveness, jealousy,anger,etc,etc... everything 😇I'm soo in love with this story 🥰💜 dear author nim ur the best in writing 💯 i hope u will bring new story soon 💜 I'll wait here ...i hope u will notify me about new story update 😇💯 sarangheo 💜💜

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