/ Anime & Comics / Fate/Alternative

Fate/Alternative Original


Anime & Comics 17 Capítulos 306.8K Modos de exibição
Autor: SplendidPuma

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In the Fifth Holy Grail War as the Garcher. But this one is way stronger than he should have been.

-I don’t own anything.
-First three chaps are in Skyrim and then starts F/SN


  1. SplendidPuma
    SplendidPuma Contribuído 69
  2. DarkSlayer
    DarkSlayer Contribuído 25
  3. Shelooked18
    Shelooked18 Contribuído 10

Status de energia semanal

Rank -- Ranking de Poder
Stone -- Pedra de Poder

Você também pode gostar


  • Qualidade da Tradução
  • Estabilidade das atualizações
  • Desenvolvimento de Histórias
  • Design de Personagens
  • Antecedentes do mundo

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LOVE ARCHER X RIN. The story is engaging and doesn't feel rushed. The only downside is the inconsistent updates, but when they are released its high quality so it's alright. One of the best fate fanfics I've read in while, so please don't drop author sama.

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‘Sup author here. first three chapters are in skyrim and after that we get to f/sn there the mc is summoned as the garcher but this one is a proper (sort of) heroic spirit. Mc will know some stuff about the happenings in f/sn but not everything. And yeah thats it, hope you enjoy…

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I liked your previous story and i’m here to give my support for this story.

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Rin’s THICC thighs Rin’s THICC thighs Rin’s THICC thighs Rin’s THICC thighs Rin’s THICC thighs Rin’s THICC thighs Rin’s THICC thighs Rin’s THICC thighs Rin’s THICC thighs Rin’s THICC thighs Rin’s THICC thighs Rin’s THICC thighs Rin’s THICC thighs Rin’s THICC thighs Rin’s THICC thighs Rin’s THICC thighs

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Autor SplendidPuma