/ TV / Game Of Thrones - The Prince That Was Promesid

Game Of Thrones - The Prince That Was Promesid Original

Game Of Thrones - The Prince That Was Promesid

TV 16 Capítulos 582.3K Modos de exibição

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The world in chaos, death and ingratitude, a kidnapping was the trigger for the ruin of a dynasty. The wounded little dragons flee across the sea while the usurper on the iron throne reigns with greed, beer and whores.

Hunger and misery are common among the poor, old families and corrupt kingdoms rule the miserable and disposable life like chess pieces in a grand game only to sit on the cold throne at the top of the steps.

The Dragon, the Lion, the Deer, the Flower, the Fish, the Sea Monster, the Sunspear, all these families play a treacherous political game, with daggers, poison and lies.

In this world, the young dragon with the soul of another world, is born with the uncertainty of fate and the horror that the power of flames brings.

This is the story of Jaehaerys III Targaryen, of House Targaryen, King of the Andals, the Rhoynar and the First Men, Protector of the Seven Kingdoms, Third of His Name, the Father of Dragons, The Silver King, Keeper of the Golden Flame and the Light that Brings Hope.

No One 17 and Under Admitted


  1. CassianAshborn
    CassianAshborn Contribuído 26
  2. Ronin46
    Ronin46 Contribuído 13
  3. Killerofthegod443
    Killerofthegod443 Contribuído 12

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  • Qualidade da Tradução
  • Estabilidade das atualizações
  • Desenvolvimento de Histórias
  • Design de Personagens
  • Antecedentes do mundo

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too cringy, the mc feels fake, his reactions, the overused "too beautiful to exist physical appearences", all this aura thingy, shiver down spines, people getting afraid to look someone, these are all exaggerations that takes me away from the story and think wt f are you on about dude, it's just flesh and all, your trying to make it serious but his attitude can only be called as a hypocritical mindset of a kid of 8 years old mixed with a xianxia jade beauty saliva reeking idiot mashing things is something i try to avoid reading, it messes up with the world, it ruins the expectation of events,so that is also a minus for me.

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LV 2 Badge

great start but too little chapters to be reviewed,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, and was this dropped?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,..............,,,,,.....,,,,.....,,,,....,,,....,,,, , , ,

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Ахуена жду продолжения👍👍👍😁😁👍👍rfrctvttvuvgivui, Axiwbxuwbxvwxv wtgyyxbubwddbubdaxybwyxbwybxywbdyebxyqxwbxiwbxubwuxbwyxbeyyybxqinxiqbixbwuxbwxbeyxbedb3, uenuxebchuehxuebcuenxebxubwuxbe

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so far the story is very good i recommend it ............................................................................................................

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I hope the next part comes out soon because I enjoy reading this

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