/ TV / Game Of Thrones: A Knight's tale.18+

Game Of Thrones: A Knight's tale.18+ Original

Game Of Thrones: A Knight's tale.18+

TV 126 Capítulos 5.9M Modos de exibição

4.54 (179 Avaliações)

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The protagonist fell asleep while playing an online game( For honor). However, he awoke in a strange world(Asoiaf) with his game character’s appearance. In a state of shock, he noticed that he was equipped with nothing but his strongest weapon and armor. To make matters worse, our hero’s appearance was changed by the special avatar skin 『Warden』 when he enter this new world. The protagonist wanted to live without drawing attention.
But ultimately everything goes out of his control.

(AN)I don't own anything. English is not my native language and I'm writing this from my phone. thus lots and lots of grammatical mistakes are included in the story.

If you don't like it then just leave ,you don't need to write your comment . I'm warning the story is horrible .

Warning a lot of sex scene...be aware...

No One 17 and Under Admitted


  1. Kagetanehiruko
    Kagetanehiruko Contribuído 606
  2. Tuguy
    Tuguy Contribuído 108
  3. Infinit
    Infinit Contribuído 102

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  • Qualidade da Tradução
  • Estabilidade das atualizações
  • Desenvolvimento de Histórias
  • Design de Personagens
  • Antecedentes do mundo

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new cover image means it's coming back???

Ver 3 Respostas

The concept is good and the supporting characters are also good. But the writing quality is need for little improvement.,.......... ................ ..... . .. ,..... ............ ................ ................ ...,........... ......

Ver 5 Respostas

This is truly something new . grammar mistakes aside this story have some promise. And mc is quite unique as well. Strong but not soo op . Though coins maybe little plot but rest of story is quite fun to read. great story please keep it going.

Ver 9 Respostas

bit.ly/3LyRF1N 💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗

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I honestly expected a lot from this novel, it has a good rating (I suppose because of bots or people who give it a good rating for no reason) the idea was very interesting combining GOT and the guardian of For honor, all of that ruined by the author, the novel has no common sense, logic or realism, the grammar is beyond horrible and the author doesn't want to fix the holes in the plot or the grammar everything works out for the Mc's convenience I could keep complaining about the many things that don't make sense like money but not the worst of all is that this is not even a novel, it is the summary of a novel, there are practically no real conversations, it simply summarizes what has been said in the conversation and basically the same thing with everything, instead of writing the event in if he simply summarizes what he does and says the Mc

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LV 5 Badge

So far the story is interesting, let's hope you continue it and don't let it fall, will there be magic involved in this story? Until now, the character seems to me as strong as Captain America and you add magic that could hit a dragon. keep up the good work.

Ver 0 Respostas

a very good got FF all elements r present in it and writer was able to make the conversation btw the people and mentality of the people true to midiveal times the fighting , s ex , relationships, politics each one of these is present in it as many got FF only focus on 1or 2 aspects only in the end it is very good read

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why did you stop releasing? I want more chapters.

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Hi, the story so far has been very interesting to read, although I have some doubts about some of the MC's choices, but I'll keep watching. A plea from a lost webnovel reader: don't pair him up with someone from dorne. Keep up your good work! just post more if possible. A hug from Brazil.

Ver 2 Respostas

Such an interesting concept of GOT and a good development possibility. In the beginning it really was difficult cause of some grammar but you can see that it is becoming better and better. It is just I can't seems to get how many wifes/mistresses he will have? And would he have lands or not? If you can keep those questions in mind when writing without exposing them, so you can keep readers hooked then you can be sure to be on your way of being a good writer.

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LV 5 Badge

.................................................................................................................................. It’s a good read keep up the good work

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5 Stars! This one of my favorite stories on the website! Keep up the good work!

Ver 1 Respostas

it is an interesting read while writing quality is not good it still readable

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Westoros Westoros Westoros Westoros Westoros Westoros Westoros Westoros Westoros Westoros Westoros Westoros Westoros Westoros Westoros Westoros Westoros Westoros Westoros Westoros Westoros Westoros Westoros Westoros Westoros Westoros Westoros Westoros Westoros Westoros Westoros Westoros Westoros Westoros WestorosWestoros Westoros Westoros Westoros Westoros Westoros Westoros Westoros Westoros Westoros Westoros Westoros Westoros Westoros Westoros Westoros Westoros Westoros Westoros Westoros Westoros Westoros Westoros Westoros Westoros Westoros Westoros Westoros Westoros Westoros Westoros Westoros Westoros Westoros Westoros

Ver 9 Respostas

The concept and characters are cool but I think two main things are holding this series back, one is that the writing quality can use improvement, it isn't just grammar but also pacing, it feels like certain parts can be fleshed out more and others should be glossed over. It feels like they gloss over parts that you would want to see from a power fantasy. Two is that even though the MC has a golden finger, there is little explanation on how it works or how the character his going to leverage it to achieve his goals which are also not clear as of 25 chapters in. Overall if this is every rewritten it could be great.

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the story so far us one of the best GOF fanfic I've read in a long time and it would be better in my opinion if he settled down because at one point eventually it will become repetitive and will be boring

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Not many fanfics have a character as a hedge knight climb the ladder of society. While there are certain places that needs improvement, your development is definitely worthy of praise. Most of all, Alan Winters is a likable MC, because he's not perfect. Keep up the good work! Take your time with your chapters!

Ver 1 Respostas

👍 This is a good fic without the usual kingdom building clichés that focuses on the experience of an MC who just tries to live his own life as a Knight in GOT. This reads more like a adventure novel than a fix it kingdom building Canon centric thing that most fanfics entail. It makes for an interesting read. Just keep in mind that the author likes to change out the cover image, so don't toss the story away if you're like me and don't remember story titles but associate the story with the cover it uses. Another thing worth noting is that the author isn't afraid to write his own story and doesn't bend the knees to the whims of one vocal reader trying to impose his will for some word spun rehash of the same fanfics and clichés there of you're used to. Which definitely earns extra points for this story's originality

Ver 5 Respostas

dude heres your review ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------a good review.[img=recommend]

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