/ Celebrities / Hollywood Creed: 1st Draft

Hollywood Creed: 1st Draft Original

Hollywood Creed: 1st Draft

Celebrities 70 Capítulos 309.6K Modos de exibição

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Before [Alexander Creed: Re-life] there was this story.

I give you... 70s Alexander Creed...

An inspiration and version before Alexander Creed of [Alexander Creed: Re-Life] became what he is!

It's going to be crazy, whacky, offensive, and just plain trashy.

Welcome to Hollywood Creed: 1st Draft!


This is a work of trashy fiction before my other trashy fictions... so don't bash my trashy work too much.

Also, this is just a fictionalization of things for entertainment and just sharing for free. Hope I don't get much trouble for it and hope I don't get sued or whatever.

Parents Strongly Cautioned


  1. UniVerseLessOne
    UniVerseLessOne Contribuído 9
  2. RyzeDanverse
    RyzeDanverse Contribuído 8
  3. Naths0
    Naths0 Contribuído 6

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  • Qualidade da Tradução
  • Estabilidade das atualizações
  • Desenvolvimento de Histórias
  • Design de Personagens
  • Antecedentes do mundo

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This is the first iteration before my main trashy story became what it is. So, if anything, this is a cringed look back at what could have been. I'm just sharing to those that are interested. Obviously, this is going to be a one-star novel again. It's even trashier than the main one so how can I accept high-star reviews?

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This is the most trashy novel I’ve ever read. Author needs to delete this trash. By the way I like your novel! Best wishes!

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LV 13 Badge

Well, this is trash, but my kind of trashy novel. I really like it tho cause I wanted to read a new novel in 70s-80s settings. I'll take what I kind get, thank you!

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This novel should be read first in order to better understand the author's other novels. The age of the protagonist is something that some readers may not like, however, that does not ruin the story. 5 star [img=recommend]

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This used to be a game of thrones fic, but the author changed it to whatever this is supposed to be. I want happy to find a story if been waiting for to finish and bindge read in my library to be replaced by... This...

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