/ Urban / LOST BOYS

LOST BOYS Original


Urban 66 Capítulos 55.5K Modos de exibição
Autor: niniscoffee

Classificações insuficientes

Sobre Índice


The students of Third Heaven's High School, between 15 and 22 years old, focus on their own powers and self-seeking. All of them are unique and special. There's three species; angels, fairies and mermaids.

One afternoon, Red Men attack Third Heaven. The king, losing hope, sends his son and his 6 friends to the human world. They'll have to find the heart of their enemy to destroy it.

It won't be easy.

Coming back to earth means coming back to their old lives, where everything was a mess. They were a mess. They'll have to destroy their enemies, but they'll have to deal with their own insecurities and differences at the same time.
It may or may not pull them apart.

Feelings. Past. Dark secrets. Love. Friendship. Unlove.
They'll have to live with all of these while trying to save the world, for their own sake and the ones they love.

This story contains trigger warnings:

• Suicide attempt
• Self harm
• Violence

General Audiences


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Stone -- Pedra de Poder

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