/ Anime & Comics / Mushoku Tensei: The Blazing Lioness of War

Mushoku Tensei: The Blazing Lioness of War Original

Mushoku Tensei: The Blazing Lioness of War

Anime & Comics 12 Capítulos 187.5K Modos de exibição
Autor: TempestNotion

Classificações insuficientes

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There once a high school girl who is a huge Eris fan. She wished to be like the character and well, you know the rest.

Also, not my artwork but this is what she looks like in the story. She will look like a female version of the character Diluc from Genshin Impact

No One 17 and Under Admitted


  1. Boreas_Silver
    Boreas_Silver Contribuído 43
  2. TempestNotion
    TempestNotion Contribuído 35
  3. DaoistOfTheAbyss
    DaoistOfTheAbyss Contribuído 10

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Writing is fine, the usual They're, Their and There mistakes, some Your, You're mistakes as well. You have to sometimes consciously fix the grammar mistakes. The story is fine, there are unnecessary parts that do not contribute to the development of the story. The character is original, some parts are a bit cringy and weird, but it is tolerable if you forget about the previous life, as the personality is more childish and logical without thinking about her last life. Updates are not frequent, but not rare. World background is a bit lacking, but it is fine.

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Like we’re the story is going, love the baby talk, it’s cute, hope that there ls some time skips so we don’t have a OP baby

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author is good at writing and female diluc is hot

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The MC luckily whilst having a natural advantage luckily hasn’t started out as your typical MC HAS RINNE-SHARINGAN type five and has a great plot so far so I hope this is continuing

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