/ Urban / My Medical Skills Give Me Experiences

My Medical Skills Give Me Experiences

My Medical Skills Give Me Experiences

Urban -- Chs/Semana Esta é a taxa média de lançamentos realizados nos últimos 30 dias. O cronograma do tradutor é --Chs/Semana. 40 Capítulos 382.6K Modos de exibição

Autor: Riverside Fisher


4.06 (10 Avaliações)

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"201th, 202nd…"
Zhou Can, an Intern of Tu Ya Hospital, a Grade A Provincial Tertiary Hospital, would silently count every stitch he finished.
His target today was to complete 300 stitches and fight for a place in the House Officer recruitment two days later.
[Congratulations on completing your 100,000th suture and triggering the EXP system. Medical skills and surgery practice can be obtained.]
Zhou Can shook his head hard.
What the hell is this?
Something even more magical happened as he thought about it.
An interface appeared in front of him.
[Zhou Can, Intern.]
[Pathology Diagnosis, Level Two. Current EXP: 89.5/100. Outstanding House Officer-level diagnosis ability.]
A surgical legend was in the making.


  1. Bjacco
    Bjacco Contribuído 314
  2. Lars_Furuseth
    Lars_Furuseth Contribuído 314
  3. Case_and_point
    Case_and_point Contribuído 314


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    • Qualidade da Tradução
    • Estabilidade das atualizações
    • Desenvolvimento de Histórias
    • Design de Personagens
    • Antecedentes do mundo

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    First of all, the MC is kinda dumb. He arrives late to his "house officer exam" because he was saving a patient's life, and the examiner disqualifies him for being late. MC doesn't even TRY to explain because, "as a man", he needs to be "humble" and "respectful" and "dignified". He almost lost a position at a hospital over this! Also, he has an internal monologue about how "western" medicine is actually very bad. lol.

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    Definitely a copy and paste. Starts the same way and everything. I forget the name of the other story but unfortunately it's the same. I did give this a read, but after the first chapter, I kept recalling the other story.

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    Very interesting take on the common system genre stories, never seen a medical one. The ways the system is written seem to make sense except for the speed that the MC can progress from just being an intern. Otherwise I quite like the story. 4/5

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    After I finished reading the available chapters, I thought about the various aspects of the story such as characters and their interactions, the system and how it works with the MC, the events that occur, ect... I find that the story is rather bland. It is obviously written by someone who has some knowledge about the medical field, or even a lot of knowledge, but the story just does not excite me. Maybe it gets better, and I can only hope so, but it is not enough as is for me to recommend it.

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    LV 14 Badge

    Best trial read in a while. I hope this gets selected. Ignore the cover art. This is a magical realism novel.

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    I would love to read more chapters of this book.

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    nznnsnMMamamamammmskznskznsjsnsjs znsnnsjsnsksnskwnskw sns sns sb s BBBs BB s sb s BB s

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    this is among my top 2 trial read for this batch, the author really did in depth research and didn't pull things out of his but

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    can you pls let me read without paying I want to read

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    Autor Riverside Fisher