/ Others / My Rejected Assassin Queen

My Rejected Assassin Queen Original

My Rejected Assassin Queen

Others 31 Capítulos 51.3K Modos de exibição

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Sobre Índice


Phoenix Pearl Rose is a shy and awkward girl. Or so people thought. She goes to an all werewolf school, everyone mistreats her when her pack isn't looking. She is from the Full Moon Pack, her father is the alpha of all alphas but no one knows it but her pack members.

When she meets her mate, everything falls. She is rejected and is also going to knows where her closest cousin Nikesh. She comes back two years, is she the same shy and awkward girl?
Or was that just a cover?
Along the way, she discovers more about her past and future.


General Audiences


  1. Frida_K_7282
    Frida_K_7282 Contribuído 1
  2. Book_enjoyer_22
    Book_enjoyer_22 Contribuído 1
  3. Nehasabharwal
    Nehasabharwal Contribuído 1

Status de energia semanal

Rank -- Ranking de Poder
Stone -- Pedra de Poder

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