/ Anime & Comics / Naruto: Against the Otsutsuki clan

Naruto: Against the Otsutsuki clan Original

Naruto: Against the Otsutsuki clan

Anime & Comics 9 Capítulos 124.5K Modos de exibição

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Naruto, aka our mc gets reincarnated after getting 3 roulette spins from God. At the same time he also loses his memories and only has the basic IQ he had.
A/N Mc has growth progress too don't assume that he gets three wishes so he is op and is able to topple the shinobi world as a child or something like that. He also recovers his memories soon after.
Also this *isn't* a harem, one of the cheats I've added might make it sound like a harem fanfic but believe me there's a reason behind it and I've mentioned the reason in one of the chapters too.
Disclaimer:- I don't own any of the character I am just writing a fanfic. I also don't own the photo of the cover. Arigato Gozaimasu


  1. Scholar_Daoist
    Scholar_Daoist Contribuído 43
  2. Venerable_Far
    Venerable_Far Contribuído 10
  3. Ainz_Sama_1234
    Ainz_Sama_1234 Contribuído 6

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  • Antecedentes do mundo

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This is a "God gives me WISHES" story. .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ....

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