/ Fantasy / Partially Extra

Partially Extra Original

Partially Extra

Fantasy 47 Capítulos 124.6K Modos de exibição
Autor: Roses_Heinz

Classificações insuficientes

Sobre Índice


Being reincarnated in my own novel? Yeah it's one of many, the result is the same but with a different process.

My name is Damian Cassanova

I reincarnated to the novel I wrote in my past life.

I was heavily influenced with character designs. I reference them to game bosses and characters.

And also, I'm influenced by some generic novels that I know enough how to build character.

The novel I made in my past life was a piece of art for me, it was a way to vent my life after all.

But of course I was sent to it my next life.

It was too late when I recovered my memories about my past life.

And the worst part, the family I never had was gone. Everything is.

But my hope is not lost, my cousin. One of my blood is still out there and he is one of the main characters I made in the novel.

And he was destined to die, according to the plot made by me.

and the world I made was dangerous as it could get, i'll still do whatever I can to prevent such thing

But as I went on my journey, can I still be myself?

Parental Guidance Suggested


  1. 4ncient_ElYouSeaK
    4ncient_ElYouSeaK Contribuído 39
  2. Roses_Heinz
    Roses_Heinz Contribuído 20
  3. Sfenky
    Sfenky Contribuído 9

Status de energia semanal

Rank -- Ranking de Poder
Stone -- Pedra de Poder

Você também pode gostar


  • Qualidade da Tradução
  • Estabilidade das atualizações
  • Desenvolvimento de Histórias
  • Design de Personagens
  • Antecedentes do mundo

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A really good start. The topic seems fresh and interesting to read. The writing quality is a bit bad, there are parts where the sentences dont really make sense and other parts that need more descriptions but overall its a good read. Cant wait for more chapters :d

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sad that this noevrl doesn't get enough recigni6evrn tho it's really good, only problem is the small amount of chapters but overall has potential and is somewhat different from the usual troupe

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Hey is there any romance in this novel.

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Autor Roses_Heinz