/ Celebrities / Son Of The Mafia

Son Of The Mafia Original

Son Of The Mafia

Celebrities 16 Capítulos 34.9K Modos de exibição
Autor: about_CNCO

Classificações insuficientes

Sobre Índice


25 year old Krystal desperately is trying to escape from the mob that has kidnapped her. As she is being held captive she meets Riki and he is her only hope to freedom.

Riki is the 28 year old son of a powerful Italian mobster,Stefano Marcuzzo,who has dreams of becoming a singer/songwriter but he is held trapped in the mob. When his father kidnaps a young woman she is his only light in the dark and she now relies on him to bring her back home.

book contains smut,and swearing. It is in Spanglish and Italian. might have typos and misspells

Parents Strongly Cautioned

Status de energia semanal

Rank -- Ranking de Poder
Stone -- Pedra de Poder

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Autor about_CNCO