/ LGBT+ / The Alpha's Downfall

The Alpha's Downfall Original

The Alpha's Downfall

LGBT+ 230 Capítulos 392.4K Modos de exibição

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Among the approximately two million middle school students who took the exam, only the top 100 scorers of the entrance examination are offered a scholarship in the most prestigious school in the country, Chen Academy.

One of the students who were offered a scholarship was Uriel Delavin, a seemingly narcissistic omega who grew up in the countryside and was showered with endless compliments from those around him. Breathtakingly beautiful and blessed with intellect, everybody in his hometown looks up to him and envies him.

The reigning king of the school of the elites, Theodore Greene, is an arrogant alpha who grew up pampered and spoiled by his parents. Devilishly handsome, charismatic, smart, and filthy rich, there was no doubt that he was branded as the man who was at the top of their school.

What will happen when these two people meet? With their incompatible personalities, how will their love story unfold?


"Where did it all go wrong?"

That was the question I had inside my head for so long. Perhaps, I knew the answer all along but just chose to ignore it.

You're my biggest mistake.

You're my destruction.

You're the only person who has ever led me to my downfall.

You make me so vulnerable.

Seeing how you ignore me as if we're perfect strangers finally made me realize my mistakes and opened my eyes to see the answer to my question.

'Where did it all go wrong?' I can now answer this question after pondering about it for the longest time.

It all went wrong from the very first time I met you. It all went wrong from the very first time I laid my eyes on you. It all went wrong from the very first time I spoke to you.

It all went wrong because...

... you're you.

Because you're Uriel Delavin, my favorite mistake, my most beautiful destruction, and my sweetest downfall.



NOTE: This story contains sexual content and vulgar words that may not be appropriate for some readers.

I do not own the art. The book cover's credits go to the rightful owner. (I'm sorry, I don't know who the artist is.)

I will be updating whenever I can during my free time. :)



  1. Kmphil17
    Kmphil17 Contribuído 4905
  2. TrueBLFan1977
    TrueBLFan1977 Contribuído 3050
  3. Kim_Spillett
    Kim_Spillett Contribuído 2270


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    Stone -- Pedra de Poder

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    • Qualidade da Tradução
    • Estabilidade das atualizações
    • Desenvolvimento de Histórias
    • Design de Personagens
    • Antecedentes do mundo

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    Hello, author here! I'm shamelessly giving my novel a 5 star review (;´༎ຶٹ༎ຶ`) Your votes and reviews are highly appreciated. Please support this story, thank you!

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    Just from reading the first chapters, I find the story interesting, especially the attitudes of every character. I look forward for the next chapters and the development of the story!

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    LV 12 Badge

    i just love this book 😩 I just love everything about the book like the character story n romance 👍🌈🫶 I want the next part of the book 💗🖇️i wanna really continue reading it from LOVE ME MY OMEGA to THE ALPHA'S DOWNFALL and i want to continue reading it more .......🫶💗🥺🤧

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    favorite story in this app i hope the author will release more story like this🥺

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    LV 14 Badge

    A 5 stars review bc I already know this will be a story I‘m going to be crazy about !!!! 💖💖💖 You can’t be wrong when you pick this author’s book ! I’m looking forward to see how narcissistic our little alpha became and what will happen to him !!!

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