/ Book&Literature / The date [twilight fanfic]

The date [twilight fanfic] Original

The date [twilight fanfic]

Book&Literature 79 Capítulos 292.6K Modos de exibição
Autor: Helena_Seryma

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This is Jacob and Renesmee fanfic. Tropes: Age gap, imprint on underage, alpha, Trauma, possession.

She is an old soul, ageless. Born from an impossible union between a human mother and a vampire father. Her mate, a werewolf.

Some girls found love in kindergarten, others in their teens. Renesmee, found her mate the moment she came to this world. The moment their eyes met, even as a baby, she knew Jacob will be hers and she will be his for life. The notion was engraved in her very soul.

But such a relationship doesn't come easy when you are born a half-vampire and half-something else. As society and social norms tear them apart. Will, what destiny tight together survive the harsh reality?

This is the story of Jacob and Renesmee as they promised to meet their faith together. The date of their reunion as fated mates.

General Audiences


  1. Helena_Seryma
    Helena_Seryma Contribuído 7
  2. Archer021
    Archer021 Contribuído 6
  3. Insane_Fantasy
    Insane_Fantasy Contribuído 5

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Stone -- Pedra de Poder

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  • Qualidade da Tradução
  • Estabilidade das atualizações
  • Desenvolvimento de Histórias
  • Design de Personagens
  • Antecedentes do mundo

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I love this series. I never thought of renesma and Jacob being romantically involved. Great background information usage, very realistic as well. Definitely an A+ story.👍

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I find it wonderful, I feel like reconnecting with the cast of Twilight. Especialy Jacob, I really loved Jacob in the book. He now has the spotlight and it makes me so happy. Keep it up, update soon.

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