/ Eastern / Unrivaled Under The Heaven

Unrivaled Under The Heaven Original

Unrivaled Under The Heaven

Eastern 429 Capítulos 988.1K Modos de exibição
Autor: flamezdoa

4.73 (12 Avaliações)

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After the Mccray family was attacked and wiped out by some unknown force, Jason, his mother, and sister being the sole survival the attack had to move to the fox family for shelter.

but staying in the Fox family was also a torment for Jason since he was being bullied by the kids from the fox family because he was weak compared to his peers.

Jason never gives up on improving himself since he needs to take revenge against the force that invaded their family. one day when he was training in the woods, Jason came across a magical bracelet that changes his life.....


  1. Kyle_Arai
    Kyle_Arai Contribuído 3128
  2. Muttfahqer
    Muttfahqer Contribuído 2601
  3. JaiLim
    JaiLim Contribuído 2374


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    • Qualidade da Tradução
    • Estabilidade das atualizações
    • Desenvolvimento de Histórias
    • Design de Personagens
    • Antecedentes do mundo

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    Hey shameless author here, I hope you are enjoying the story so far and I sincerely apologize if you come across any error in my writing. thanks for your understanding......

    Ver 8 Respostas

    I am actually really impressed by this story. Your style inspires me actually even though it is kinda hard hard writing in the tense you use, but you managed to nail that so points for that. There is a few grammatical errors, but only picky people would comment on that since your style and events cover all that ish up. Keep going, I love this, and you a great author! Also I am waiting for more to come!!

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    LV 12 Badge

    Great book, have had a fun time reading it so far. Hope that it gains traction soon as it so much better than soooo many novels that are getting so much attention but are poorly written/executed.

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    The setting seems interesting and it has potential but needs serious editing. There are lots of grammar mistakes and unnecessarily long sentences here and there.

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    you can support this book by voting with power stone or golden ticket, leaving a review and comment [img=recommend][img=r[img=recomme[img=recommend]

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    An interesting book, really really loved the chapters , didn't read much but the chapters that I went through so far were exciting to read. highly recommend this book keep it up .And to the readers please support this book[img=recommend]

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    First thing is that I love the name Jason, other than that the story is overall very good, I enjoyed the first few chapters. if you have sone free time I recommend this story very highly.

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    I read the first 10 chapters and can I just say that I want to adopt Hannah as my little sister. She is just the cutest thing ever. I also like Jason and the fact that he is willing to enter a tournament which could potentilally harm him just so he can provide for his mother and sister. I find that really selfless and admirable. The writing quality could use a bit of work as there are some errors here and there, but not so much that it affects the story. Overall, great writing style, pace, and characters. Keep up the good work!

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    Wishing you all a happy new year and I'm here to apologize for not uploading frequently, I've been busy but would be uploading starting today....

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    Author here, I'm sorry if I have not been able to upload frequently, I've been busy writing my exam. would be back to updating two chapters daily once I'm done with it...

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    nice.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................thx for good book

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    This is actually really interesting, i want to read more of it to know more about the story and characters. The first few chapters are really good, totally recommend for those who like these type of novels.

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    Autor flamezdoa