/ Romance / Don't be too rough, master!

Don't be too rough, master! Comic Don't be too rough, master! Comic

Don't be too rough, master!

Concluído 334 Capítulos 23.9M Modos de exibição


Sobre Índice


It was so unfortunate for Lin Mobai to eavesdrop on devil Song Qingxiao’s conversation and heard his shady secret. Thus angry devil vowed to trap her all his life for sport. It never occurred to his mind that he was the one who trapped in this relationship. At last Lin Mobai made devil only addicted and occupied by her.  


  1. 1072583371
    1072583371 Contribuído 10320
  2. Not_A_Gaming_Queen
    Not_A_Gaming_Queen Contribuído 4335
  3. Tana_Bailey
    Tana_Bailey Contribuído 4269


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