/ Comedy / I'm Being Shipped With the King of Film!

I'm Being Shipped With the King of Film! Comic I'm Being Shipped With the King of Film! Comic

I'm Being Shipped With the King of Film!

Concluído 273 Capítulos 15.2M Modos de exibição

Editora: Webnovel Comics

Sobre Índice


What?! The Spirit Management Agency assigned me a husband AGAIN?! And this one's a film mogul! Oh gosh~ I'm just a little fox who's barely come of age... What am I going to do with a thousand-year-old husband~?


  1. DaoistxK8sts
    DaoistxK8sts Contribuído 21912
  2. vampire_23_knight
    vampire_23_knight Contribuído 21348
  3. boboswirls
    boboswirls Contribuído 20392


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