/ School / The Girls' Dorm

The Girls' Dorm Comic The Girls' Dorm Comic

The Girls' Dorm

Concluído 50 Capítulos 1.3M Modos de exibição


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The horror story of room 441 in Nanjiang Medical Academy's girls' dorm has already become a legend. Here at this secretive medical school, there is a ghost on the moonlit lake, the sound of a butcher's knife in the cafeteria, a cadaver coming back to life... and these events are only the tip of the iceberg. There are many more supernatural things just waiting to be discovered.


  1. MisMe
    MisMe Contribuído 460
  2. Ann_Adventurer
    Ann_Adventurer Contribuído 455
  3. LillithJade_Vaughn
    LillithJade_Vaughn Contribuído 455


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