Atiri - Profile



male LV 5

Daoist that has transcended MTL dao

2017-05-21 Unido Indonesia

Emblemas 8

Moments 6


REEAALLLLY LIKE THIS, this is the first time I see novel that use this reference, really love it unfortunately the author didn't use winnie the pooh as reference

"Xi Weiping! Greedy pig-like bastard! Why is he taking it out on me and going after my group when he lost our talent to the American bastards? Why is he targeting my group when he is not touching the Communist Youth League and other business conglomerates?"

Closed Beta That Only I Played

Closed Beta That Only I Played

Fantasy · basso77


where is the ctrl+alt+F6?

˪ Yasuo 1: Who doesn't know that? Don't condescend!

Only I Am a Necromancer

Only I Am a Necromancer

Fantasy · Jijumjang


why I think he's more and more like antimage from Dota, with his shield as S3 antimage, and blink

Este livro foi excluído.

I see the author is man of culture as well

Demons? What the heck does he mean by demons?! Have they opened the gate on mars and sprung forth beasts from the very depths of the infernal plane just to roast an ant?! What am I supposed to do?! Where's DOOM guy?!



Fantasy · RinoZ


I think lot of people like me thinking this old man must be alan

The one who opened the bookshop was an old man. Everyone called him the Old Merchant. He had been here for almost ten years now. The books in the Old Merchant's store were usually all extremely profound, especially the ones with regards to the sciences. However in the current society with all the technological advances, reading books was only considered a form of cultural appreciation.Thus, the store was always deserted. Only Wang Zheng would converse with the old man, so the two of them became friends.

Tempest of the Stellar War

Tempest of the Stellar War

War · Skull Elf

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