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2018-01-28 Unido United States

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ch 214 Chapter 214: A Tale of Two Wives and a Surprise Visitor (r-18)

Revival of Uchiha, Starting with a Harem

Revival of Uchiha, Starting with a Harem

Anime & Comics · TitoVillar

Replied to Xellos1248

She still cheated and took advantage of him in this life.

Listening to the crowd's discussion, Noah recalled there indeed was such a rule. He had attended this 'Survivors Alliance Convention' in his past life. Knowing it is one thing, but Noah didn't take it to heart. What happened in his past life was in the past; what does it have to do with this life?

Apocalypse - Infinite Plunder

Apocalypse - Infinite Plunder

Sci-fi · bomer_allen


Overall, it is very boring, it became a chore to read with the long and drawn out internal monologues and lengthy explanations. The power scaling is a mess, the character interactions and the characters themselves are plain and uninteresting, and the pace is incredibly slow. A slow pace is not necessarily a problem if it weren't accompanied by some major pitfalls. Firstly, the development of the characters' relationships are poorly conveyed and the general dialogue format is very shallow and unpolished. Dialogues between the Mc and other characters always come off as aimless and very impersonal, always maintaining the level of casual banter or small talk one would have with an acquaintance. This is highlighted by a striking lack of detail and emphasis given to non-vocal character communications, something I attribute to the story's strange narration style, as body language and facial expressions aren't explored above a primitive application. Secondly, relationships are developed at an extremely slow pace as well. As a result, everything aside from the occasional fights feels very mundane, aimless, and passive. I personally find this very boring, I cannot stand a slow paced story with so little character development, especially when everything aside from that is the Mc doing chores, ceaseless internal monologues, and the author's constant fights with his power scaling. The power scaling is sloppy, the Mc kills an armored level 3 berserk floor boss at lvl 0 and then loses to a lvl 3 human at lvl 2. Onto the main character's character, I find it extremely disappointing. I will keep it short, but he certified that he would win the war game with 100% certainty just to get beaten by a lvl 3. If the lvl 3 hadn't forfeited without fighting for some god forsaken reason like he did, then not only Hestia, but he himself would have become a sx slave due to his unrestrained arrogance, All self inflicted as he himself provoked the situation. Nuff yap bye.


I don't like how Eugene has a sexual/romantic relationship with a female lead only to retain the just-friends dynamic. These developments feel fake with how inconsequential they are, they don't have any effect on how they behave or treat each other. All of his relationships just feel very casual and unimportant to him, including Lethe. Regardless of whether it's intentional or not, it is a waste of character development. You've developed Irina's character and her relationship with Eugene just to reach the most unsatisfying conclusion, there being no change in there at all. This has happened not just to Irina, but to every other female lead except Maria who hasn't had the screen time for it to occur. Eugene, despite his drive being one of his most pronounced assets lacks exactly that when it comes to interpersonal relations. For example when he and Lily kissed; Did he want to kiss her? We don't know. Did he kiss her when the opportunity presented itself? Yes. Despite his willingness to kiss, does he ever initiate one? No. Eugene takes every opportunity to have romantic/sexual contact with those around him when presented yet never seems to have the drive to initiate it. He takes what he gets and doesn't try for anything beyond that, this behavior greatly contradicts how his character has been described throughout the novel. Also, has this kiss with Lily changed anything at all? No, they all go along with their day like nothing. This "cool" and "nonchalant" character they are all putting on is not how normal likable people behave, they just come off as uncaring and banal. They behave like middle-school Redditors who think they are cool and mysterious for acting like they are above what others would usually care about, "Yeah we kissed, it's no big deal really". Another thing is that the bantering friends with clever comebacks every other line dynamic is extremely overused. He has this same dynamic with Nao, Lethe, Irina, and sometimes Dawn. Not only that almost every female lead (side characters too) needs to have a strong character and some extreme characteristic on the level of Eugenes in order to even be relevant, they all match his energy perfectly. The problem is that they just look like copies of one another because of that; Lethe is crazy, Maria is crazy, Nao is crazy, and Irina is crazy. If it weren't for their different backgrounds they all would be the same person, in other words, they are very unoriginal. I understand you are doing this to make it so that they don't get outdone by other characters but they are just a dime in a dozen now, an unremarkable female lead without a strong character that openly shows her care and affection and can be vulnerable around him would easily outshine all these mary sues. The last thing is don't focus on one aspect of their character so much. It feels like you took one character trait and made it their whole character, they just feel one-dimensional. Like Lily and her dirty jokes, that's all she does now. No character shows weakness, is relatable, behaves normally, or has any personality outside of their "strong" and "quirky" one. They are all Mary sues, which makes them very hard to like or care about.

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