Swaning - Profile



female LV 12
2018-03-24 Unido Singapore

Emblemas 14

Moments 926


😋 My favorite pasta.

It's one of the recipes I've been learning that I haven't quite mastered yet. There's just something about grannies and their cooking that one can't easily replicate even with the same ingredients. I'm convinced that she sprinkles some of her magic in it that makes it taste spectacular. Even Mariano admitted he loved it, saying it's the best bolognese he's ever had.

Gabriella's Hellfire: An Arranged Marriage Mafia Romance

Gabriella's Hellfire: An Arranged Marriage Mafia Romance

Urban · NixxxiE


Ah...that happens... sucks when it does. 😅

Sometime later, I snap up into a sitting position. I'm exhausted, but for the life of me, I can't friggin' sleep. Reaching for my phone, I check the time. It's 11:11 in the evening. "Argh. Damn it." I've been trying to sleep for three hours now. Maybe I need a drink or something.

Gabriella's Hellfire: An Arranged Marriage Mafia Romance

Gabriella's Hellfire: An Arranged Marriage Mafia Romance

Urban · NixxxiE


How did he get the right size? 🤭

My closet is now filled with so many clothes, most of them for winter, the rest are mostly black loungewear sets. I flush at the sight of one corner of the closet that houses undergarments. Mariano didn't tell me he bought those for me. How did he even manage and when? They're all sexy lingeries, and silk and lacy undergarments. I'm embarrassed to think he got them for me. What. The. Hell.

Gabriella's Hellfire: An Arranged Marriage Mafia Romance

Gabriella's Hellfire: An Arranged Marriage Mafia Romance

Urban · NixxxiE


😳 I can feel the shock coming from Gabby at being addressed as Mrs. Morelli.

Celia's smile widens, clearly appreciative of Riri's respectful demeanor. "I'm fifty-nine years old, Mrs. Morelli."

Gabriella's Hellfire: An Arranged Marriage Mafia Romance

Gabriella's Hellfire: An Arranged Marriage Mafia Romance

Urban · NixxxiE


😂 It's an honest mistake. Too many countries and nationalities in the world to remember them all.

Riri's eyes widen in surprise and she stares at her soup. "Oh! You're a Philippine! No wonder your cooking is so delicious!"

Gabriella's Hellfire: An Arranged Marriage Mafia Romance

Gabriella's Hellfire: An Arranged Marriage Mafia Romance

Urban · NixxxiE


Haha the thing about breastfeeding though, you still got to express the milk out (because your body will just keep producing) and discard because of alcohol consumption. What a waste. 🥲

I pour us each a glass of wine and brought our plates of chicken alfredo pasta that my wife has perfected in the first few months of our marriage to the living room. We have a stock of her milk in the fridge, ready for when River needs it in the morning. So she's taking the weekend off breastfeeding and enjoying wine with me. We have the baby monitor propped on the coffee table next to our glasses and we eat our dinner with the TV on for some background noise in a low volume setting.

Gael's Naughty Angel: A Mafia Prince Romance

Gael's Naughty Angel: A Mafia Prince Romance

Urban · NixxxiE


Feels like deja vu here...two persons made a deal to be girlfriend and boyfriend for a stipulated period of time as well and what happened to them in the end. 😂

"Three months. Just three months and this play will be over. That rude, bossy woman and I will 'break up' amicably and go on our own lives just like before. No hard feelings. I'll just tell my fans that the two of us made the mutual decision to separate after realizing our incompatibility. Yes, that's the plan."

His Genius Wife is a Superstar

His Genius Wife is a Superstar

Urban · ArriaCross


Everyone's got their own preferences right? Surely you can understand that... 🤦‍♀️

Jax reassured me that she was fine when he checked in on her around lunchtime, which was a few hours ago. He did mention that she was a little pissy about the wedding dress, but he didn't say why. And I wouldn't know until I see her later. Perhaps she's one of those girls who are very picky about clothes.

Gabriella's Hellfire: An Arranged Marriage Mafia Romance

Gabriella's Hellfire: An Arranged Marriage Mafia Romance

Urban · NixxxiE

Replied to theOnlyLA

Wow. 😲

My wife laughs, but I'm not joking. Angela pregnant with my child is sexy as fûck. And I want to have more babies with her too.

Gael's Naughty Angel: A Mafia Prince Romance

Gael's Naughty Angel: A Mafia Prince Romance

Urban · NixxxiE


Oh I've forgotten about the Stone. I wish him happiness too! He seems like a nice guy!

I giggle and nod again. We were in L.A. for Gael's work last November. And Vincent Stone, who couldn't make it to our wedding, insisted we stay in his friend's luxury hotel for the duration of our visit; his treat. Gael was being difficult at first, given his dislike towards the man for momentarily going on a couple of dates with me, but he eventually gave in and took full advantage of it by ordering all the expensive meals and using the most expensive services the hotel offered. Needless to say, we fucked like bunnies on every surface available.

Gael's Naughty Angel: A Mafia Prince Romance

Gael's Naughty Angel: A Mafia Prince Romance

Urban · NixxxiE


Sometimes I wonder if the hotel rooms I stayed in were bugged. 🤣 But I will never know since I don't know how to check for them. 😅

I snap my head towards the door to the adjoining room, wondering what the hell Mariano is doing in there. As soon as he left last night, I swept the room for any bugs or cameras and made sure the doors were locked—a habit I've had since I was a child because I was taught to always check if it was closed.

Gabriella's Hellfire: An Arranged Marriage Mafia Romance

Gabriella's Hellfire: An Arranged Marriage Mafia Romance

Urban · NixxxiE


Oh my goodness I will be SO BORED I would go crazy!

The TV isn't working in my room—rather, I think it was arranged so I couldn't watch the news or any other channel for that matter. There's nothing but static. And I don't have my phone with me, so there's really nothing else to do but wait. Oh, I've tried calling New York but I should've already known he disabled my access to outside calls too. So unless the front desk offers a phone chat service to keep me company…

Gabriella's Hellfire: An Arranged Marriage Mafia Romance

Gabriella's Hellfire: An Arranged Marriage Mafia Romance

Urban · NixxxiE


Some people are just more cautious of carrying young babies, I think that's ok. I didn't dare to hold a newborn baby until I had one myself. 😅

"I already forgot how to hold a baaaaaabyyyyy! The laaaaaaaast time I held a baby this small was when you were one. And I oooooooonly held you a few times at that. Hahahaha!"

His Genius Wife is a Superstar

His Genius Wife is a Superstar

Urban · ArriaCross

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