Levianeus - Profile



male LV 4
2018-11-03 Unido United Nations

Emblemas 6

Moments 808


Vladimir Basarab sounds better.

The news that evening were all reporting the bloody incident that happened earlier. A young man, Vlad Basarab, was shot on the street, after causing a bloodbath, killing twenty police officers, before succumbing due to blood loss. But before he died, he managed to cut the heads of the officers and impaling the heads on the fences of the houses along the street.

The Lord Impaler

The Lord Impaler

Fantasy · Zelkolak

Replied to Tylor_Roney

Antonius D'Ricci


Praise the Sun! Well Constantine did what was right, here hopes he is remembered right.


"Mauro… Mauro!" The sturdy hands of the Latin commander successfully woke the emperor up through the use of pain being directly exerted on to his head. Constantine held the hands of Mauro, hard, not knowing where he got the strength from, and gave Mauro a weak toned but determined piece of order. "I here by give you the full right to do what ever you want to do with this army, and I vow to the Father, the Sun and the Holy Ghost that I shall not interfere with your command for any longer… Now, please, I beg you, on behalf of all Romans, bring… Bring us out of this damned place, do not waste time on me…"

1453: Revival of Byzantium

1453: Revival of Byzantium

History · SaberFate


Poor horse, I can't even imagine his pain.


Mauro's heart almost leapt out of his ribs when he saw the enemy pulling his bow string, he literally pulled out his dagger and stabbed it right on to the back of his mount just to get some extra acceleration to compensate his poor riding skills. The poor mare let out a pitiful neigh and increased her speed, maybe Mauro knows that this time shall be the last time she can gallop at such speed on a battle field and later on she shall be killed from an infection by the untended wounds, but he could not care more or less. Seeing that he is approaching the target, Mauro took out his weapon of the day. 

1453: Revival of Byzantium

1453: Revival of Byzantium

History · SaberFate


Again, this feels not as it should be. You have specified that a large number of these Ottoman Troops are greenhorns along with veterans. The latter group has just faced yet another defeat in the Battle of Elbasan, yet somehow they are scots free and ready for revenge. You seem to apply the morale boosts only on the Ottomans, as you massively nerfed the Hungarians, not to talk about the Albanians, who you've barely even mentioned.

The horns were not just there to alarm the Romans telling them what situation they are in now, but also to wake up their fellow Ottoman army of vengeance that now is the time to strike. The young adult who was there a few hours back trying to sneak upon the Roman pioneer scouts almost have fell asleep on this freezing land, and once he heard the horns his eyes suddenly opened wide knowing that this is now finally his chance to perform, he grabbed the spear by his side with out caring about his frost bite and stood up, but only to realise his mentor did not stand up with him. 

1453: Revival of Byzantium

1453: Revival of Byzantium

History · SaberFate



But of course, Hamza Pasha got a counter for this too. The Rumelian scouts who usually goes in twos would usually have their attentions attracted by a moving bush, for example, giving them the impression that there are Ottomans inside. Then the more experienced Rumelian scout would ask the less experienced Rumelian to stay put and watch his back while he moves forward to check on what is going on over there. Then the Ottomans would leap forward and attack both Rumelians when they shocked to find a man lying by his side from the sides in a group, tearing their throats before they could cry for help. 

1453: Revival of Byzantium

1453: Revival of Byzantium

History · SaberFate


With how low morale these troops should have been, i find it hard to believe that they're still so freaking professional. Also, Constantine seems to have been nerfed intentionally just to give the Ottomans a win. Are the local Greek and Bulgarian people's so unaware of Turkish forces moving throughout these plains? I think we can all tell you're setting Constantine to take a fall so that he gives the Ottomans more time to continue to give trouble even if they should have collapsed by now.

The Ottoman forces have waited for almost one whole day for their preys, laying here before the sun rises. They have been strictly disciplined and ordered to not make a screech or tiniest movement when the enemies emerge to avoiding spoiling their cover. Hamza Pasha knows that this is tough for his men, and is already expecting the numbers of people getting frozen to death or incapable of further combat to be huge, but still he believes that this is only a necessary step to take in order to achieve a needed victory, as he remembers and quotes what the Sultan Dowager told him before he sets off in the Western front at mid night. 

1453: Revival of Byzantium

1453: Revival of Byzantium

History · SaberFate


The Ottoman Manzikert.


This unplanned retreat is eventually turned in to another stampede, every Ottoman is now trying to escape for their lives with the blades of the Rumelians still behind their backs. They knows that they need not run faster then these Rumelians, but they must run faster than their pals. Thus things quickly evolved violent as they started pushing one another like what their pioneers have done last time under the walls of Thessaloniki, splattering each other's blood merely for their own selfish desire to live on.

1453: Revival of Byzantium

1453: Revival of Byzantium

History · SaberFate



Giovanni made a roar and continued slashing his blade forward with all of his might, chasing off one after another Ottoman trooper who are now filled with fear in their eyes as they tried to intercept this monster well covered by a full set of plate armour. The Ottomans tried every thing they could, they tried to form up combat teams of two people supporting each other and find weak spots to strike this maniac, but one is not sure whether if their attack is weakened by their fear, or the set of armour produced in Orban's workshop is way to high quality, or if Giovanni is blessed by God at this moment, their blades dealt no actual damage on Giovanni's body except for a few marks and dents on his gorgeously manufactures armour.

1453: Revival of Byzantium

1453: Revival of Byzantium

History · SaberFate


I do not understand, based on his actions and the surviving commentary from some of his advisors and contemporaries, Constantine appeared to have been more comfortable with military matters than with matters of state or diplomacy, though he was also a competent administrator—his reign as a Despot of the Morea in 1427 made him a relatively capable commander, repeatedly repulsing external forces throughout the 1420s, including Latins, Catalans, and Turks.

The decisive moment came when the group of Latin knights clashed with the Ottoman frontier troops, even the emperor of the Romans Constantine himself could no longer resist the anxiety within himself and stoop up right stretching his neck trying to observe the situation of the battle. There are times after times he wanted to just take back the right of command from Giovanni and lead the troops himself, but he still resisted this temptation as he knows one very simple rule; leave the work to the professionals, if he really interferes it will only become another catastrophic event. 

1453: Revival of Byzantium

1453: Revival of Byzantium

History · SaberFate


Hoho, finally Giovanni's time to shine!


"Deus Vult! Aut cum scuto aut in scuto!" The Latin troopers behind Giovanni lashed out their same old war cry, pulled out their blades, closed their helms and charged down together with their commander. The entire six thousand plus Roman forces who are already facing the Ottomans made a charge towards the foes head on with Giovanni, while there are still two thousand men behind yet to get in to position.

1453: Revival of Byzantium

1453: Revival of Byzantium

History · SaberFate

Replied to GenYase

A but yes, but no ruler has a perfect image if he goes off executing his own men over mere hearsay. The author explores the consequences of the premature execution too, so I think my viewpoint is not totally in the lost.

"He needs to answer for his crime." The rage in Antonius' mind is not yet over, he thought for a while walking in circles and then flashed out the cutlass in his buckles, handing it over to the Varangian before him. "Yuri, take this blade with you, go to Drama, drag that Captain Tom out from his luxurious estate, and execute him in front of all the people of Drama, make him an example to show that I, Antonius, shall never tolerate any form of corruption! Is it clear?"

1453: Revival of Byzantium

1453: Revival of Byzantium

History · SaberFate

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