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2019-09-13 Unido Global

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Replied to Pyro_Maniac_7940

Not an excuse for bad writing

[No. The host only needs to eat right now to replace what the host's brain consumed to maintain vital operations]

The Average DC Experience (COMPLETED)

The Average DC Experience (COMPLETED)

Anime & Comics · Wicked132

Replied to Deadrule_vivek

I’m talking about people in the comments not characters in the fictional world

The marriage she envisioned was something pure, born not from an arrangement but from a romantic fate of two people.

Riser Phenex isn't a villain

Riser Phenex isn't a villain

Anime & Comics · akikan40


This doesn’t make sense. Voldemort literally told Harry Potter what he did to Quinn. Harry Potter would be required to give a full statement of what happened and so they would know Voldemort caused it.

"Quinn, I'm not aware of the details of the magic you used, but I do know your eye melted due to a magic overload. From what I learned from my time in the spell damage ward at St. Mungos is that spells mostly fail due to the imbalance in the internal magic structure — your case is a classic example of that."

HP: A Magical Journey [Complete]

HP: A Magical Journey [Complete]

Book&Literature · FictionOnlyReader


None of them deserve it😭

Three people had gotten the reward in the history of Hogwarts. Tom Riddle for his alleged capture of the student (Hagrid) who had opened the Chamber of Secrets. Harry Potter and Ron Weasley for defeating Tom Riddle and the Serpent of Slytherin in the Chamber of Secrets; the information about Tom Riddle was omitted from the record.

HP: A Magical Journey [Complete]

HP: A Magical Journey [Complete]

Book&Literature · FictionOnlyReader

Replied to Shrimp_Knight

No I get that the people in the novel are upset. I’m talking about the comments

The marriage she envisioned was something pure, born not from an arrangement but from a romantic fate of two people.

Riser Phenex isn't a villain

Riser Phenex isn't a villain

Anime & Comics · akikan40

Replied to Thirdus

Are you being daft on purpose? A guns sole purpose is to shoot a bullet and kill whatever you are shooting at. A wand can be used to levitate, protect, transmute, bend, create, transfigure and other such things. So if someone is strapping a gun in public normal humans are gonna be wary and scared but if a wizard is strapping a wand in diagon alley literally no one is gonna care cuz killing is only a small purpose of the wand

Movement near the Minister distracted me from my new favorite hobby of pissing off Pure-Bloods. For a moment, I could have sworn I saw Fudge's wand float out of the pocket of his robes. It almost looked as if an invisible hand was grabbing it but it disappeared too quickly for me to tell more. Also, the House Elf I'd noticed before the game seemed to have disappeared… How odd…

The Grind (And Helping Heather Potter) [Complete]

The Grind (And Helping Heather Potter) [Complete]

Book&Literature · Daddy



"Ha!" Lia laughed, "I don't work all day long. My nights are free for me to do whatever I want. My nightlife is much more colorful than yours."

HP: A Magical Journey [Complete]

HP: A Magical Journey [Complete]

Book&Literature · FictionOnlyReader


Rereading the novel and I just remembered what happens in the lesson😭😭

"It is the seize-and-pull spell," replied Daphne. Her face was twisted in frustration and irritation. The spell had been giving her and Tracy a lot of problems. No matter how much they tried, the magic refused to operate properly.

HP: A Magical Journey [Complete]

HP: A Magical Journey [Complete]

Book&Literature · FictionOnlyReader

Replied to Delliora_Demon

When he went into the sin vault 7 balls I think of colour went into his body representing the 7 sins

"Finally, we have the Gryffindor Seeker, Harry Potter. The second, or maybe the third most famous Potter in the castle. It depends on who you ask, but all of us know that professor Potter is the number Potter in the castle," said Quinn while a pink light flashed on his nape.

HP: A Magical Journey [Complete]

HP: A Magical Journey [Complete]

Book&Literature · FictionOnlyReader

Replied to Worn_out_by

Stop reading then

"Maybe, I will go sometime later. I don't have to hurry about the vault. Yes, that sounds great. Slow and steady wins the race." He yawned and looked towards his bed, "I am exhausted. Oh~ the bed looks really comfortable. I should go to sleep."

HP: A Magical Journey [Complete]

HP: A Magical Journey [Complete]

Book&Literature · FictionOnlyReader


If you can’t get the wife might as well get the next best thing

Sophie Greengrass looped her arm around her husband's arm and asked, "Would you like to dance?"

HP: A Magical Journey [Complete]

HP: A Magical Journey [Complete]

Book&Literature · FictionOnlyReader

Replied to UnluckyBandit

Chess is more about*

"It's easy." Sona showed a charming smile, then said, "He must be able to win against me in the chess game."

Riser Phenex isn't a villain

Riser Phenex isn't a villain

Anime & Comics · akikan40

Replied to Jibberflex

Wandless magic is like a muscle. If you use a focus then that music is going to get weaker and weaker due to being underused

Quinn could still feel the wand in the holster on his side. All he wanted to do was to reach the West Manor and get away from the wand.

HP: A Magical Journey [Complete]

HP: A Magical Journey [Complete]

Book&Literature · FictionOnlyReader

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